
Shadows of Deception 1

Listen to me, if you’re-“ “Shut up.” I was taken aback by his sudden choice of word. “Let’s get something straight miss Grey, I do not appreciate people talking to me, and I loathe it more when people talk back at me. Truthfully, you are crossing your limit and patience with me. So from now on, you’ll do exactly what I say and as I say. You understand me?” ………………………………………………….. Mystery. Romance. Deceit. Finding evidences of her dead brother’s whereabouts, Becky Grey believes that he is still alive. In pursuit to find her brother and restore her family’s remaining happiness, she encounters the infamous and Godforsakenly alluring Russian bastard Sinister Alexander Salvaltore and gets ensnared in his plan of capturing her brother. In order to attain his goal, he offers her a deal. However, the deeper she dives into the tangles of Sinister’s merciless world, she finds herself in a hauntingly farmiliar past. A past that she has been erased from- A past that she cannot escape. Unsettling secrets loom the air of her maddening relationship with Sinister. The question is, will she run from him? Or to him?

Penrose_love · Urban
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71 Chs

family conflicts…

"Oh, I see." I replied, "I still don't know, Maria. I don't belong with these people."

"I specifically asked about you, he said he wishes no one to starve in this house. You're a guest, and you'll be treated like one. I think it's best if you go, I might even be in trouble if you don't attend."

"Then I'll go for your sake." I sighed.

She smiled thankfully, "You're a very sweet woman, Miss Grey, I truly hope God blesses and gives you what you deserve. Everyone's been seated downstairs, you should probably go as well."

I nodded and she walked away. At first, I was a bit hesitant to go there, but I sucked it up. I mean, it was just a normal dinner, what could go wrong?

I stood at the door of the dining room where I saw Sinister's grandfather seated at the head of the table speaking to Alberto at the side. Mikhail was taking his seat while giving instructions to a worker while Nadia sat at the other head. Nikolai walked in from the other entrance, taking a seat on the other side of Nadia.

"Taking Sin's place, Nadia?" He smiled, "What? Are you mad at him?"

She rolled her eyes, "This is the new world Nik, women are equal to men. We don't have to be discriminated by where we sit at a table."

For once, I entirely agreed with her.

As I walked in, Rosalie walked in from the other entrance. Her expression seemed brutal towards me yet shifted towards Nadia. They both locked eyes almost in a challenge and it was almost murderous.

Well, that was something.

Rosalie then walked around the table to greet Alberto when Nik suddenly called me with a smile,

"Becky, come sit with us."

I was about to when I noticed Maria struggling with the plates and glasses as she came out of the kitchen. Instead, I went up to her and offered to help yet she refused me. Still, I took the glasses from her. I couldn't just sit there and watch the poor girl struggle. As I walked, Rosalie walked towards me and at that moment she stuck her foot out.

The glasses fell shattering on the ground as I tried to steady myself up on one of the chairs.

"You tripped me!" I raged angrily. I honestly had it with this girl.

At this time, all eyes were on us.

"I did not. It's you who walked as if you two left feet."

"Well, at least I don't walk as if I have a rod up my ass." I snapped back.

"You little piece shit." Rosalie's voice echoed.

"Enough!" Mikhail interjected, "Miss Grey, you are forgetting your place here. Don't test my patience."

"It isn't her fault, Mikhail." Alberto defended.

"Would someone just clean the mess-up?" Nik frowned, "Maria, clean it."

"Yes, sir." She quickly agreed.

"Don't." Mikhail stopped her, "Miss Grey will clean it."

Rosalie looked at me smugly as he said that.

I did not want to clean that up. It was my fault. He had no right to order me like that.

Quite frankly, I wanted to stick this butter knife on the table into his head. I stood there unresponsive to his order. I was not their slave. I was not wrong. Give it a minute again, and I will walk away. My eyes went to the table and looked at the old man. His gaze made me shiver at the intensity. I didn't expect him to speak, but he did.

"Did you not hear what you were told to do, girl?" He voiced in that thick brash accent.

There was something about the way he said that. It scared me. It was a warning- a threat. I was forgetting that I was in a house filled with dangerous people. What if I don't do what they want and they hurt my family? Sinister was one story, but these others were another.

With a soft breath, I looked at the shattered glasses on the ground.

I was about to clean it up when someone suddenly held both sides of my arms and raised me. His teeth were clenched yet covered by the thin line in which his lips formed. The blue in his eyes seemed consuming yet deep like the ocean filled with murderous sharks.

"At no point will she go on her knees for anyone." Sinister's voice iced as he kept his hands on me.

I was having this odd sensation within me. His touch inflicted the sudden pain and longing he caused. I didn't like it. I didn't like that I liked his touch. It was wrong. I shrugged away from him, and he turned to Mikhail.

"She's also a guest here, and I expect you to be hospitable. If you had wanted someone to clean this up besides Maria then you should have gotten your ass off the chair and do it yourself."

"Sinister!" The old man scolded.

"Don't expect me to apologize to him Ded because I'm not sorry."

Rosalie took the seat next to Nikolai and saved a space next to her for Sinister.

"Clean this up Maria," He instructed and looked toward me. "Take a seat."

"I'm not hungry," I mumbled not looking him in the eyes. This was all embarrassing now. I didn't like any of this.

"Sit down, Becky!" He scolded softly.

I didn't want to listen to him, but something told me to do it. With that, I took the seat next to Nadia. Opposite Nik.

"Well, now that that's sorted out, I'm starving." Nikolai laughed.

Nadia rolled her eyes at that, "Is there ever a time when you're not?"

Sinister suddenly pulled the chair next to me and sat.

"Sinister," Rosalie breathlessly stated, "Why are you sitting there?"

"Does it matter where I sit?" He asked almost annoyed as he drank a glass of water.

"Yes, we're going to be married soon. At least show me some love and sit close to me."


My fist suddenly wanted to French kiss her pretty face.

"Perhaps I'm just sitting here to stare at how lovely you are." Sinister smiled, "I can't see you fully at the side, can I?"

"You're right." She shrugged.

I ate in awkward silence as Maria and another worker placed our food on the table.

"Delicious isn't it, Beck?" Nik smiled.

"Yes, it is," I replied softly.

"What was that darling?" Rosalie obnoxiously interjected, "Don't chew your words, learn to speak like an adult."

Before I could say anything to her, Nadia suddenly and surprisingly spoke, "Becky was not speaking to you, Rosalie. Learn to mind your business. Alright, darling?"

I almost choked out.

Did she just defend me?

Holy macaroni!

The conversation took another turn as Alberto asked Rosalie about her trip to Italy and in all honestly, it was a bit annoying listening to her speak. I suddenly turned a bit like Nadia and did a few 'eye rolls' and fake smiles.

Alberto then exchanged his experiences with going to Japan recently and meeting a few businessmen. This was so exciting.

Now I see why they don't eat together often.

At that sudden moment, I felt Sinister's hand on mine under the table. Shock shivered through me at the contact he was making. His cold rough yet elegant hand caressed my soft fragile one. I tried to pull away in panic, but he tightened his hold on mine.

I like it. I liked the way his skin felt on mine. It was electrifying, it was filling, it was wrong.

What he was doing was beyond wrong.

"Excuse me," I stated and tugged my hand away from him in a force going towards the kitchen.

I didn't know what I was going to do in the kitchen, so I awkwardly made my way to the bathroom. Trying to calm myself seemed like the most arduous thing to do. What was Sinister's deal anyway? God, help me. I can't handle any more of these situations. Spending a few minutes in there again, I took a deep breath and came out only to find Maria and Rosalie in the kitchen.

Rosalie held a smug smile on her face and looked at Maria with such scorn.

"Miss, I was just-"

"Whoops." Rosalie said as she held her plate out and threw the contents of her plate on the ground, "You missed a spot."

What the hell?

For some reason, I was mad. My anger was behind furious. It was level crazy right now.

That was no way to treat another person.

Taking the tray of condiments up, I walked towards them at an angry speed, and as soon as Rosalie turned around.

"Whoops." I smiled, and the condiments soiled her clothing.