

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Trials of the Adventure King - Spirit

The trio, now drenched but invigorated by their successful navigation of the previous chamber, approaches the entrance to the next challenge. As they step through the doorway, a sense of anticipation fills the air. However, they are greeted by an extraordinary sight that leaves them momentarily speechless.

Before them stands an imposing wall of pure darkness, stretching from floor to ceiling and spanning the entire width of the chamber. It is as if a curtain of obsidian has been draped across their path, veiling whatever lies beyond. The darkness pulsates with an otherworldly energy, emitting an aura that is both mystifying and foreboding. No light penetrates its opaque surface, creating an impenetrable barrier that conceals the chamber's secrets.

"Woah, what is that?" Yasuline asks as she steps forward and nearly reaches out to touch it before Anna grabs her arm and yanks her back.

"Don't touch that. It's a Curtain of Darkness."

[Description: Categorized as a Dark Skill, the name befits the use and primary use of the skill as it can be used as a form of curtain to hide a certain spot and cannot be bypassed by normal or abnormal means.]

"What does that mean?"

"It usually means it's a trap. Anyone who uses them either are hiding a trap or using it to hide what they are doing. If it's here, then that means it is definitely a trap. It's just common sense to not bother with it or else your life."


The darkness itself seems alive, undulating and swirling in a mesmerizing dance. It ebbs and flows with an eerie rhythm, as if it possesses a consciousness of its own. The inky blackness appears to defy the laws of nature, a physical manifestation of pure magic. It is a tangible representation of the unknown, a challenge that demands to be overcome.

The chamber surrounding the wall of darkness complements its enigmatic nature. The space is vast yet suffused with an oppressive stillness. The walls, adorned with intricate carvings depicting mystical symbols and ancient runes, seem to whisper long-forgotten secrets. Soft ambient light, emanating from hidden sources, bathes the chamber in a gentle glow, casting elongated shadows that flicker and dance across the floor.

The floor itself is a mosaic of intricate patterns, reflecting a kaleidoscope of colors that mirror the magic pulsating within the room. The air carries a hint of enchantment, tinged with a faint scent of incense and mystery. The chamber feels like a portal to another realm, a place where the boundaries of reality blur and the extraordinary becomes possible.

The last plaque was plastered on the floor just before the wall of darkness that slivered like the water's surface. Yasuline and Anna read it aloud together.

"Behind the shroud of darkness deep, Lies a chamber where shadows creep. The realm of fear, where doubts arise, A test of will, to ignore death's cries.

The unknown whispers, a chilling sound, As mortality's veil draws ever around. But press forth, ye brave and resolute, Let not fear consume, nor doubt pollute.

In this daunting place, where courage is key, Embrace thy spirit, let thy will run free. Ignore death's call, its voice but a bluff, For true strength lies in the will to rebuff.

Though darkness looms, thy flame burn bright, Push through the shadows, reclaim thy light. In this trial of willpower, defy death's plea, And emerge triumphant, unbound and free.

Let the fear subside, let courage arise, As you triumph over death's guise. For within thee lies the strength to withstand, And conquer the unknown, guided by thy hand."

"Feels like this last one seems for us to face something scary." Anna deciphered when she noticed that Yasuline seemed to be struggling on understanding the wording of it all.

Yasuline stood before the wall of darkness, her sword held aloft, ready to strike at any moment. She carefully inspected its surface, hovering her fingers along its invisible barrier. No matter how keenly she observed, there was no discernible opening or weakness to exploit. The darkness seemed impenetrable, shrouding its secrets from their eager eyes. Yasuline would get into a stance and then pierces the darkness with her blade. She anticipated to strike a solid wall, but she nearly stumbled forward if not for the White Reaper who grabbed her in time to pull her back.

Yasuline shrugged, "Welp, I've tried everything, Anna. I can't find a way through this wall. It's like it's mocking us."

Anna simply shakes her head and heads to the second chamber. Casting her gaze across the chamber's expanse, searching for any signs or remnants that could hold the key to unveiling the enigma before them. She studied the scattered remnants of the shattered icons, hoping to find a clue or hidden mechanism. Every inch of the room was scrutinized, yet no solution presented itself.

Anna returns to the group. "I've searched that room from top to bottom, Yasuline. There's nothing here that could give us a clue."

Their frustration grew palpable as their searches and investigations proved no results, leaving them no closer to unraveling the mystery. Yasuline circled the perimeter of the chamber, examining every nook and cranny for any hint of a hidden mechanism or trigger. Anna retraced her steps in the first room, her eyes darting from corner to corner, desperately seeking a glimmer of insight. Once she turned back to the group again, Yasuline speaks up.

"I can't believe we're stuck like this. I thought we were prepared for anything."

"I know, Yasuline. It's frustrating. Feels like a dead end."

"Maybe it wants us to just go through the darkness?"

The White Reaper, his presence looming quietly in the background, observed their efforts with an inscrutable expression. His piercing gaze seemed to penetrate the darkness itself, as if he held a hidden knowledge that eluded them. But his silence only added to their mounting frustration.

Yasuline asks, "What are we missing? There must be something we're not seeing."

"I've been thinking the same thing. Maybe there's more to these trials than meets the eye. We should approach them with a different mindset."

They exchanged glances, their determination mingled with a sense of trepidation. The chambers seemed to mock their efforts, the darkness tauntingly concealing its secrets. It was as if the very essence of these trials demanded more than mere observation and deduction.

"We've come too far to simply give up. Not when I'm this close to earning that title."

"Agreed. These trials won't break us. I've deal with worse on the streets and I want that treasure."

Despite the encouragement, they tried again to search for a key point that would allow them to press further. But came up empty.

With heavy hearts, they reluctantly abandoned their search, temporarily conceding to the enigmatic nature of the chambers. The White Reaper, sensing their growing weariness, motioned for them to regroup and rest. They retreated to the third room, their minds filled with unanswered questions and a lingering sense of anticipation.

In this temporary respite, they contemplated the trials that lay before them. The chambers, with their imposing darkness and inscrutable designs, presented a challenge that required more than mere observation. It called for courage, creativity, and a touch of the extraordinary. Their journey was far from over, and they knew they must gather their strength and delve deeper into the unknown to uncover the secrets these trials held.

They rested, the chambers remained silent, its' secrets concealed within the depths of darkness. As they relaxed, Yasuline turned her attention to the plaque that sat near them and read it once more. Going much slower than before and taking in every word of it.

"From the way it talks, it sounds like we should just ignore it and keep going."

"That goes against the very basis of exploring. Take precautions and avoid taking risks or your life is forfeit."

"Yeah but, isn't that a bit redundant? Trying to explore the unknown but also doing it carefully and not take risks?"

Anna hesitated for a moment before replying, "I suppose. But you can't just abandon your own self for the sake of doing something no one else has done," She rises up to her feet and heads back through the chambers once more, "I'm going to take another look."

"Ugh, this is making my head hurt," Yasuline pulls her sword out and lightly caresses the smooth and cool blade as she thinks to herself, "Wonder what my dad would have done."

Her attention shifts to the White Reaper who has simply been resting against the wall, "What do you think. Does the Adventure King want us to just jump on through?"

He nods.

"You think so too, huh?"

Yasuline's mind raced as she considered the White Reaper's silent affirmation. The enigmatic figure seemed to possess a deep understanding of the trials they faced. Could he truly sense that jumping through the curtain of darkness was the intended path?

Yasuline: "Anna, think about it. The Adventure King's words, the trials we've faced so far—they all point towards embracing the unknown. We can't let fear hold us back."

Anna turned to face Yasuline, her expression a mix of concern and apprehension.

Anna speaks from the other chamber as she hurries on back, "But Yasuline, there's a fine line between bravery and recklessness! We need to be cautious. We can't just throw ourselves into the abyss without knowing what awaits us."

Yasuline's eyes glimmered with determination as she pointed towards the wall of darkness, "But what if that's the point? What if the true test is to trust in our instincts and take that leap of faith? The Adventure King challenges us to go beyond our comfort zones, to push the boundaries of what we thought was possible."

Anna groans, her eyes reflecting the weight of their predicament, "I understand your perspective, Yasuline, but what if we're wrong? What if it's not the intended path and we end up risking our lives for nothing?"

Yasuline's grip tightened around her sword as she fought against her doubts, "Anna, we've come too far to turn back now. I can't shake the feeling that there's something incredible waiting for us on the other side. We can't let fear dictate our choices."

Anna's gaze shifted between Yasuline and the darkness before them. The weight of the decision pressed upon her shoulders, torn between caution and the desire for adventure.

Anna continues to stays silent for a moment. Their eyes locked on one another. She eventually didn't have the strength to continue the staring contest and lets out a sigh as she admits defeat, "Fine, if we're going to take this leap, let's do it together. We'll face whatever awaits us as a team."

Yasuline's face lit up with a mix of excitement and determination.

Yasuline smiles sincerely, "Thank you, Anna. We won't regret this. I promise."

With their resolve solidified, Yasuline and Anna stood side by side, ready to embrace the uncertainty that awaited them. They turned towards the darkness, their hearts pounding with anticipation, and took a deep breath. The words of the Adventure King echoed in their minds, urging them forward.

Yasu repeats the last verse of the plaque, "Let the fear subside, let courage arise, As you triumph over death's guise. For within thee lies the strength to withstand, And conquer the unknown, guided by thy hand."

Hand in hand, they leaped together, braving the unknown as their bodies vanished into the shroud of darkness. The White Reaper followed them through with no hesitation nor resistance to the idea, as if he was awaiting them to take the first step. The chamber stood silent once more as the curtain of mystery enveloped them in its ethereal embrace.