

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Hellfire Gang - Treasure

Yasuline's eyes widened with an incredulous mix of astonishment and excitement as she and Anna emerged from the darkness, greeted by a sight beyond their wildest imaginations—the legendary Treasure Room. Her voice filled with awe, she exclaimed, "Oh, by all the stars above! Look at this, Anna! It's... it's the Treasure Room!" Her words held an almost childlike wonder, her vibrant spirit shining through.

The chamber stretched out before them in a mesmerizing display of opulence, the air itself seemingly alive with the anticipation of their arrival. "I can't believe we're really here," Yasuline continued, her voice tinged with disbelief. She turned to share a look of sheer amazement with the White Reaper, who remained a silent yet palpable presence.

A soft, golden glow bathed the room, emanating from intricately designed sconces that adorned the walls. Yasuline's gaze darted around, taking in the breathtaking details. "Did you see those murals on the ceiling, Anna? They're like pages from an epic tale come to life," she exclaimed with an infectious enthusiasm.

Golden chests adorned with intricate carvings and glistening gemstones scattered throughout the room held treasures that seemed almost otherworldly. "And those chests! They're like something out of a dream," Yasuline marveled, her voice filled with a mix of admiration and excitement. "I wonder what secrets they hold..."

Piles of coins gleamed in the chamber's warm radiance, and Yasuline couldn't help but be captivated by their brilliance. "Look at all that gold! It's like a sea of shimmering dreams," she said, her voice carrying a dreamy quality.

As she approached the pedestals adorned with precious jewels, Yasuline's eyes sparkled with fascination. "These gems are absolutely breathtaking," she remarked, her voice softening in awe. "Just imagine the stories they could tell..."

Her adventurous spirit ignited as she took in the weapons of mythical craftsmanship. "And those weapons! They're like the stuff of legends," Yasuline declared with a touch of excitement. "I can almost hear the battles they've seen."

Her gaze shifted to the ethereal fountain, and Yasuline's curiosity grew. "And that fountain... It's like a shimmering pool of secrets," she mused aloud, her voice tinged with intrigue.

Amidst the enchanting artifacts, Yasuline's attention was drawn to the mystical elements. "That ancient tome looks like it's filled with untold knowledge," she exclaimed, her voice carrying a note of eagerness. "And that glowing crystal orb... It's like a portal to another world."

Yasuline's senses were overwhelmed by the subtle, intoxicating scent and the soft whispers that seemed to dance through the air. "This place feels alive, like every treasure has a story to share," she said, her voice carrying a sense of wonderment.

As they stood in the heart of the Treasure Room, Yasuline's voice echoed with uncontainable excitement, a testament to her insatiable curiosity and adventurous spirit. "This is beyond anything I could have imagined, Anna! It's like stepping into a realm of legends and dreams!"

Yasuline and Anna stood in awe before the dazzling array of treasures, their eyes wide with wonder. Among the opulent displays, Yasuline's keen gaze honed in on a peculiar plaque nestled amidst a collection of ornate golden artifacts. Her curiosity piqued, she delicately plucked the shimmering silver plaque from its resting place, feeling the smooth metal beneath her fingertips. The engravings etched into its surface seemed to come to life, emitting a faint ethereal glow that captivated her senses.

With genuine excitement, Yasuline turned to her companions, her grip on the plaque firm and purposeful. "Look, Anna, White Reaper!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of enthusiasm and discovery. "There's something special about this plaque."

As she read the words inscribed upon the plaque, Yasuline's smile grew wider, her heart warming to the message it conveyed. Her voice carried a sense of reverence and joy as she shared the plaque's message with her companions. "It says, 'Congratulations, brave adventurers.' We've proven ourselves worthy to be here!"

The atmosphere was electric with a sense of accomplishment as Yasuline's words hung in the air. The trio exchanged glances of mutual appreciation and pride, their shared journey bringing them to this pivotal moment. Yasuline couldn't contain her excitement any longer, and she couldn't help but break away from the group, her youthful spirit taking over. She started to skip around the chamber, her energy infectious as she twirled with a carefree exuberance.

Eager to explore the treasures that awaited them, Yasuline and Anna turned their attention to the legendary artifacts surrounding them. Their fingers brushed against the intricately crafted items, each one holding a story of its own. Yasuline's gaze was drawn to a gleaming sword, its hilt adorned with rare gemstones that shimmered in the chamber's golden light. Her voice was filled with admiration as she marveled at the blade's craftsmanship. "Just look at this sword, Anna! It's like a work of art, and I can almost feel its history."

Beside her, Anna's analytical mind was captivated by a slender staff crowned with a radiant crystal. Her fingers traced the contours of the staff, and a sense of connection pulsed through her veins. Her voice held a touch of awe as she shared her thoughts. "This staff... It's as if it's resonating with my very essence, like an extension of my magic."

The chamber was alive with their excitement, their spirits soaring as they immersed themselves in the treasure trove. Each artifact seemed to whisper its tale to them, and the possibilities that lay ahead were as boundless as their determination. Yasuline's playful skipping and Anna's studious examination painted a vivid picture of their shared excitement, their individual personalities complementing each other perfectly in this moment of discovery.

Together, they explored further, unearthing more treasures and relics from distant realms. A golden amulet said to grant the wearer protection from dark forces, a shimmering cloak that bestowed invisibility upon its wearer, and a mystical potion vial filled with a swirling, iridescent elixir promising strength and rejuvenation.

With each discovery, their excitement grew, their spirits ignited by the potential of these legendary items. They could sense the weight of history and the untapped power contained within the chamber, a testament to the countless heroes who had come before them. As Yasuline and Anna continued their exploration, they couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence and gratitude. The treasures they discovered held not only immense value but also stories of ancient times and the heroes who had shaped their world. They knew that these artifacts were not mere trinkets but gateways to adventures yet to unfold, tools that would aid them in their quest for greater challenges and triumphs. Lost in the splendor of the treasure room, the two adventurers marveled at the legendary items of mystical origins, knowing that their lives would be forever changed by the treasures they held. The journey ahead beckoned, filled with excitement, danger, and the promise of becoming legends themselves.

As Yasuline and Anna continued their exploration of the treasure room, their eyes were drawn to a mesmerizing display that seemed to radiate a unique aura. Encased within a glass case and cradled on a plush velvet cushion lay a blade that captured their attention like a magnet. This blade, distinct from any other, emitted a brilliant blue glow, its surface adorned with intricate and ancient runes that seemed to come alive with an inner luminescence.

Alchemist Class Skill: Appraisal, has been activated.

Description: The user's eyes will get a glimpse into the world that the divine beasts see. Allowing them to see the quality and properties an item has. As well as the capabilities it carries.

Anna's voice carried a thoughtful tone as she observed the blade from a distance, "It has the essence of a runeblade, but..." Her words trailed off, a hint of intrigue in her voice as she examined the weapon. "It is called, the runeblade prototype. Strange name, but it does seem like a strange blade. It lacks polish."

Yasuline, unable to resist the allure, approached the glass case with a blend of fascination and reverence. The blade's energy resonated with her, reaching out as if beckoning for her touch. With a delicate yet determined movement, she extended her hand and wrapped her fingers around the hilt, feeling an immediate and profound connection between herself and the weapon.

As the Runeblade Prototype left its pedestal, a surge of mystical power surged through Yasuline's being. The ancient runes etched onto the blade shimmered with newfound intensity, recognizing her as the chosen bearer. The dormant abilities within the blade stirred to life in response to her touch, awakening a wellspring of potential that had remained untapped until now.

"Woah, I can feel some kind of weird energy coming from it!"

With each passing moment, Yasuline could sense the mystical energies intertwining with her very essence, empowering her with a renewed sense of purpose. The Runeblade Prototype became an extension of her spirit, granting her enhanced combat prowess and granting her access to its dormant powers. As she wielded the blade, the air seemed to come alive around her, responding to her will and imbuing her strikes with elemental might.

The blade's whispers seemed to echo in Yasuline's mind, offering glimpses of ancient wisdom and long-forgotten knowledge. The Runeblade Prototype wasn't just a weapon; it was a conduit for ancient forces, a conduit for her destiny as a warrior of exceptional prowess.

With the Runeblade Prototype firmly in her grasp, Yasuline's resolve was unshakable. Her every movement was infused with the blade's energy, making her strikes precise and powerful. She could command wind and fire, shaping the elements to her advantage, and her attacks resonated with a newfound ferocity. Yasuline knew that she was now the chosen guardian of the Runeblade Prototype, tasked with embracing its legacy and rising to the challenges that awaited.

"I'm guessing you don't know about them?"

Oh I do! Runeblades are special weapons made for drago warriors. It allows them to use special weapon magic. Normally, you need a magic core tool to use magic, but for them, they morphed those cores into a blade weapon so they can do melee and magic at the same time."

"Woah, you actually know something?"

"Hey! I take my education very seriously!"

"...your dad told you that in his stories, didn't he?"

"No comment!"

Joined by her companions, Yasuline felt an invigorated sense of purpose. With the Runeblade Prototype at her side, she was more than equipped for the trials ahead. The chamber's treasures faded into insignificance compared to the weapon's significance. Determination ignited within her, and she knew that she was ready to face any obstacle, her path illuminated by the radiant power of the Runeblade Prototype.

As Yasuline and the others continued their exploration of the treasure room, their eyes fell upon a collection of ancient scrolls tucked away in a corner. The scrolls, adorned with mystical symbols and sealed with intricate wax seals, emanated a faint aura of magic.

Curiosity piqued, Yasuline carefully picked up one of the scrolls, feeling a subtle tingle of energy as her fingertips brushed against the aged parchment. She realized that these were no ordinary scrolls—they were teleportation scrolls, capable of whisking them away to a specific destination.

Excitement filled the air as the group realized the significance of their discovery. Yasuline turned to Anna and exclaimed, her eyes shining with anticipation, "Anna, look! These are teleportation scrolls! We can use them to return to the surface!"

Anna's face lit up with a mix of surprise and delight. "No way! This is incredible!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with awe. "We won't have to navigate through the labyrinth again. Our way back is clear!"

Yasuline nodded, a wide smile spreading across her face. "Oh… right! With these scrolls, it will make our journey so much easier. We can go back and share our incredible adventure with everyone."

The White Reaper, standing nearby, observed the scene with his usual stoic expression, but a glimmer of satisfaction danced in his eyes. He knew that their successful discovery of the teleportation scrolls was a turning point in their quest.

The celebration abruptly ends when Anna's expression turns more serious and melancholy. With a sad smile, she proposes, "Maybe I should go first."


"I mean, I should use the scroll and head back up to the surface. You two still need to find those adventurers, right? I'll just be in the way. I can't even convince myself to go back out there."

"Huh? But we are a team!"

"Y-yeah, but, when I think about going back into the labyrinth, it makes me quiver. I don't have the stomach to face that kind of danger again, not on purpose."

Yasuline's brows furrowed as she turned to Anna, her voice filled with concern. "Anna, are you sure about this? Using the teleportation scroll to escape the labyrinth ahead of us?"

Anna looked back at Yasuline with determination in her eyes. "I've been thinking about it for a while, Yasuline. This place is getting more dangerous the more we trek further, and I don't want to hold you and the White Reaper back. Besides, I've already achieved what I set out to do—to find a way back to the surface."

Yasuline's expression softened, her voice tinged with sadness. "But we've been through so much together. I don't want to leave you behind."

Anna placed a hand on Yasuline's shoulder, a reassuring smile on her face. "Yasuline, you've really strong, ya know. You're strong, resourceful, and capable. I know you and the White Reaper can handle whatever lies ahead. Plus, you've got the Runeblade now."

Yasuline's grip tightened on her new weapon, a mix of determination and uncertainty in her eyes. "But what if we never see each other again?"

Anna's smile turned bittersweet, her voice filled with affection. "Relax! As long as you're here in Lux, we'll see each other. I can even come visit you in the castle! I have my connections to make it happen."

Yasuline nodded, she could feel her eyes were beginning to get misty, but she fought back those sensations. "Okay Anna, if this is what you want, I don't want to stop you."

Anna pulled Yasuline into a heartfelt embrace. "Take care of yourself, Yasuline. Keep pushing forward and never give up. I'll be waiting for you on the surface." Yasuline nodded, a mixture of gratitude and sadness in her voice. "You got it, Anna. Stay safe."

Anna stood at the center of the labyrinth chamber, clutching the teleportation scroll tightly in her hand. Her heart was heavy with a mix of sadness and relief. She had gathered a collection of treasures, each one a testament to the trials they had overcome together. The weight of the items seemed insignificant compared to the bonds she had formed with Yasuline and the White Reaper.

Taking a deep breath, Anna focused her energy on activating the scroll. Ancient runes glowed with a soft, ethereal light, enveloping her in a cocoon of shimmering energy. The air crackled with anticipation as the magic surged through her.

In an instant, the labyrinth around her began to fade away, replaced by a blinding flash of light. The world seemed to spin and twist, as if reality itself were reshaping around her. Time seemed to stand still as Anna was transported through space and distance.

As the light subsided, Anna found herself standing in a familiar place—the surface world. The air was cool against her skin, and she could feel the gentle breeze caressing her face. The weight of the treasures she had collected still rested in her arms, a reminder of the journey she had undertaken.

Looking around, she realized she had returned to the entrance of the labyrinth, the very place they had entered from. The teleportation scroll had fulfilled its purpose, safely transporting her back to the surface. With a mix of gratitude and melancholy, Anna glanced back at the entrance, her thoughts drifting to Yasuline and the White Reaper who remained within the depths of the labyrinth. She knew they would face their own trials and challenges, but she had faith in their strength and resilience.

As she took a step forward, she whispered a silent farewell to the labyrinth, to the treasures she had gathered, and to the friends she had left behind. The weight of her decision lingered in her heart, but she knew it was the right choice. With newfound determination, Anna turned away from the labyrinth and began her journey back to civilization, carrying with her the memories of their adventure and a hope for their eventual reunion.

As Anna stepped back, she held up the teleportation scroll. "Remember, this is our way back to each other. When the time is right, we'll reunite."

With one final glance, Anna activated the scroll and disappeared in a flash of light, leaving Yasuline standing alone in the labyrinth.

Once Anna was gone from her sight, Yasuline took a deep breath, wiping away her tears. "Alright, I have made a new friend and got to say goodbye to them for the first time. This adventure of mine keeps on giving and giving. But it's not over yet, we still have lots of things to do down here. Let's head off!"

With renewed determination, Yasuline turned to the White Reaper, ready to face the challenges that awaited them, knowing that Anna's spirit would guide them from afar.