

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The White Reaper - Enigma

Have you ever heard whispers of The White Reaper? This name, like a shadow cast upon the world of Atlas, sends shivers down spines far and wide. The tale began its sinister crescendo when his lethal artistry was unveiled, a macabre dance that began with the untimely demise of the Lycan Queen during her sacred rite. Since that nefarious debut, The White Reaper has woven a tapestry of dread, his lethal embrace enshrouding leaders of all stature, defying any logic or rationale. His spectral hand picks victims from all walks of life, his kill list a haunting testament to chaos incarnate. A chilling enigma, he haunts the collective psyche, his deadly blade poised to cleave through any veil of security. A cautionary whisper in the night that even her own father deemed worthy of heed.

There exists, amongst children, a chilling legend steeped in the dark tapestry of his reputation—a monster that observes their every move, lurking until their missteps serve as his grim invitation. Yet, whether Yasuline still entertains this eerie folklore remains concealed beneath her casual demeanor, an answer eluding easy discovery.

The White Reaper is more than an executioner; he stands as a spectral omen. Those unlucky souls who glimpse his ghastly visage often find themselves plunged into the abyss of unspeakable horrors. The tally of grim tales matches the tally of lives extinguished by his hand, an equilibrium of doom and despair.

His wake is one of destruction, his ledger marked by the crimson ledger of life extinguished. Yet, Yasuline now finds herself grappling with the surreal realization that her very existence has been spared by his enigmatic hand. But it wasn't just that…

The air hung heavy with a silent pause, an echo of Yasuline's stunned disbelief. It was as though an unspoken understanding passed between them, signaling his departure was imminent. Leaping onto the rooftop with an effortless grace, he melted into the shadows, his pristine white coat blending seamlessly with the obscurity that enveloped him.

As he vanished, the aftershocks of their encounter slowly ebbed, releasing Yasuline from their grip, allowing her to draw a shaky breath. Yet, her thoughts remained entangled in the web of bewilderment.

The White Reaper? Why? Why would he save me?

Her declaration aloud triggered a cascade of memories, transporting her back to the brink of unconsciousness, a brutal tableau of violence where her assailant had metamorphosed into the embodiment of death itself—The White Reaper.

A chill slithered down her spine as she regarded her hand, once in contact with a real-life serial killer—an encounter she should never have shared. The paradox gnawed at her mind—a target, entwined with her would-be assassin. "It's all so maddeningly perplexing," she muttered, the words slipping from her lips as she gazed up at the rooftop, a renewed determination igniting within her.

Regaining her perch on the railing, Yasuline embarked once again, her ascent marked by a newfound caution. This time, her observant eye caught a subtle irregularity in the railing's structure—an unevenness that, once navigated, eased her path onto the rooftop.

A surge of pride washed over her, brief yet exhilarating. From her vantage point, a realm of possibilities unfurled, a tapestry of pathways leading back into the castle. But her intent had shifted; she sought not just entry, but the enigmatic trail of The White Reaper. Tales echoed through the Adventure Guilds, each quest, each bounty further amplifying the world's yearning for his demise.

The magnitude of the challenge weighed on her as she pondered the many contenders pursuing the infamous assassin. How could she hope to distinguish herself amongst the throng? As her thoughts meandered, a faint azure glow beckoned, teasing her peripheral vision. Her gaze swiveled, seeking the elusive source—a towering castle pillar that emanated an ephemeral radiance, vanishing as swiftly as it had appeared.

Her heart quickened; it felt like a sign, a covert signal meant for her alone. Familiarity guided her choice—the tower, a structure etched into her memory. Sure-footedness defined her ascent, each stone methodically chosen, each step deliberate. Her hands sought purchase, her feet found secure footholds—a dance of balance and precision.

Breathless yet determined, she neared the pinnacle of the tower, a vantage point that promised answers. With a final surge of effort, Yasuline triumphed, the rooftop now beneath her feet, the world her canvas as she peered into the abyss, ready to unravel the secrets veiled by the shroud of night.

The wind, more boisterous up here, tugged at Yasuline's being, a stark reminder of her elevated vantage point. The loftiness had intensified its force, a fact she'd experienced during youthful escapades into the heights. She halted momentarily, a play of thoughts and emotions swirling within. Her gaze fell upon the enigmatic figure, once a fleeting glimpse, now a captivating tableau. He stood before her like a living portrait, his attention seemingly elsewhere—captivated by the sprawling expanse of the illuminated capital that stretched before them.

The city's lights painted a mesmerizing mosaic below, a sea of luminescence that pulsed and danced. Some lights moved at a leisurely pace, tracing delicate patterns akin to fireflies in a night sky. Others adhered to a more structured cadence, forming orderly grids that hinted at the organized rhythm of life unfolding beneath the cloak of darkness.

Yasuline found herself locked in a contemplative trance, an unspoken connection tethering her to this enigmatic figure. The same man who had intervened in the maelstrom of chaos, whose appearance defied the shadows and lingered now in the moonlit solitude. It was as though destiny had drawn them together, poised at the crossroads of uncertainty and intrigue.

Was he watching over the city? Guarding against unseen threats or contemplating the intricate tapestry of existence that unraveled below? Yasuline's mind swirled with questions, her curiosity ignited by the very presence of this mysterious sentinel. She studied his silhouette, every contour etched against the backdrop of night, an enigma shrouded in the mystique of moonlight and wind-whispered secrets.

The being donning the pristine white coat stood before her, appearing quite youthful and potentially around the same age as Caliber himself who was in his mid-twenties. However, she couldn't definitively confirm his age since his hood masked a good portion of his face. His skin tone, darker than the others she had encountered at the castle, contrasted beautifully with his hair, which she could only partially see. It was a brilliant shade of white, matching his coat, which served as his most identifiable feature. The coat flowed behind him like the flags atop each turret of the castle, and upon closer inspection, she noticed blue flames adorning the coattails with a faint, almost mesmerizing glow. The design was so intricately sewn that the flames appeared to be dancing and flickering, almost akin to real flames. However, she couldn't help but wonder if the faint glow was playing a trick on her eyes.

Caught in a moment of uncertainty, Yasuline found herself at a crossroads, her thoughts churning like a whirlwind. The reappearance of the White Reaper had left her pondering her course of action. 'Do I attack him? Or should I strike up a conversation?' The internal debate raged on—on one hand, launching an assault seemed rather impolite, yet she yearned to test his intentions, to gauge if he posed any threat. Not that she had any intentions of harming him, but a little trial couldn't hurt. On the other hand, engaging in dialogue could open doors to diplomacy—a skill her parents often emphasized as vital for any ruler.

The silence between them lingered, stretching into an uncomfortable span that Yasuline wasn't accustomed to. Her interactions with others had always been candid and effortless, whether addressing fellow champions, visiting royalty, or even her own kin. This unease was an unfamiliar territory, reserved solely for this enigmatic figure.

A shift broke the stillness, a subtle turn of his head directed her way—an action laden with meaning that sent a shiver down her spine. Instinctively, her hand brushed against the hilt of her sword, a subconscious reassurance she clung to. His lack of reaction to her gesture intrigued her, his blue eyes withholding any discernible emotion.

Intriguingly, his hand emerged from beneath his coat, cradling an object that held her curiosity captive. Peering down, she was greeted by an unfamiliar item resting in his palm. It bore a resemblance to the exquisite treats her castle chefs often crafted for her, albeit in a more unassuming form. The wind played tricks with her sense of smell, thwarting her attempts to identify the confection's essence.

The White Reaper's unwavering patience allowed her to deliberate cautiously, her gaze fixed upon the dark-brown substance. She inspected it intently, relying on her senses to unravel its secrets—she sniffed, touched, and finally, yielded to the urge to taste. The moment the bittersweet flavor touched her tongue, recognition bloomed—it was a form of chocolate, distinct from the opulent varieties of the castle, yet inviting in its own right. A subtle growl from her stomach betrayed her newfound craving, urging her to indulge.

A playful thought slipped from her lips, her casual demeanor surfacing even in this surreal encounter. "Well, this is sweeter than the ones back at the castle. No offense to the chefs." A wry grin accompanied her apology, a nod to her unique palette and her readiness to seize the unexpected amidst the chilling presence of the White Reaper.

The White Reaper withdrew a more generous portion of chocolate, an offering that Yasuline eagerly accepted. The delectable treat served as an unspoken bridge between them, easing the tension that clung to the air. With each bite, her demeanor shifted, becoming increasingly carefree and childlike—a stark contrast to the chilling legend before her.

"Mmm, can't distrust someone who saves me and feeds me yummy sweets, huh?" She chortled, her words echoing half to herself and half to him.

His half-shrug in response only further fueled her growing ease. More quiet moments passed, not born out of intimidation, but rather Yasuline's search for the right words to say.

"So... do you normally carry around chocolate with you?" Her innocent curiosity flowed effortlessly, seeking to unveil a sliver of the enigma before her. His response was succinct—a mere shake of his head, perpetuating the silence that surrounded them. Yet, this tranquility held no discomfort, rather a shared appreciation for the world unfolding beyond.

With his gaze fixed ahead, Yasuline followed suit, the rooftops of her beloved city spanning before her, an expanse of familiarity and wonder entwined. The urban tapestry that had always embraced her now imbued her heart with the same awe she had felt upon its first revelation.

The White Reaper slowly seated himself, a gesture Yasuline mimicked with enthusiasm. As if her initial question had unlocked a reservoir of inquisition, she embarked on a series of playful queries. His responses varied—a nod, a shake, a cryptic gesture—as he grappled to meet her curiosity with suitable answers.

"Here to kill someone?" No.

"Here to steal something from the castle?" No.

"Here to see your secret lover?" No.

"Here for our delicious food?" Maybe.

Laughter bubbled forth as their exchange continued, interrupted only when he extended yet another chocolate bar. In this trade of questions and sweets, a peculiar companionship emerged.

"You know, it's still pretty surreal," Yasuline mused, her gaze fixed on the cityscape. "To think I would just be sitting up here with the world-famous White Reaper. Who saved me no less."

A line of questioning soon emerged, unfiltered and candid. Yasuline peered at him, her gaze sidelong, as she explored the boundaries of their conversation. "I mean, you are an actual assassin, right?" A nod confirmed her assumption. "And you've killed a lot of people, right?" Another nod—an affirmation echoing a haunting reality.

"But then you saved me. Why?" The atmosphere seemed to thicken as uncertainty clouded his features. A glance from him conveyed his struggle to articulate a response, a language barrier they grappled with.

As she pressed for answers, a sudden intrusion fractured the stillness—an unfamiliar sound sliced through the air. Yasuline pivoted, scanning her surroundings, yet finding nothing to account for the disturbance. She turned to the White Reaper, ready to inquire, but he had vanished.

"Wait, where did you go?" Her voice rang out into the void, seeking answers that were no longer within reach. The noise resurfaced, its source eluding her senses. Determined, she descended the tower, her footsteps echoing her resolve. In a secluded corner of the rooftop, the cackle of hooded figures awaited her—a new chapter to unravel in this enigmatic tale.