

Princess Yasuline has always yearned for adventure but has never left the confines of her castle. That changes when she meets the infamous assassin, the White Reaper, and they become friends. Their timing is perfect as Yasuline can prove herself of becoming an adventurer and explore the world as did her father.

ReSoul · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The White Reaper - Damsel

Yasuline awoke with a start, her vibrant energy pulsing through her as she instinctively attempted to escape the clutches of her bed. In her haste, however, she stumbled, her agile grace momentarily betrayed by forgetfulness.

The impact with the cold floor jarred her senses, the sudden fall jolting her out of her initial shock. Gasping for breath, Yasuline found herself sprawled on the floor, her racing heart now matched by the racing thoughts in her mind. "Well, who thought it was a good idea to let the princess sleep on the floor? At least the floor's impeccably clean," she quipped, her voice a blend of bemusement and self-deprecation.

As her racing mind settled, Yasuline's gaze swept over her surroundings, her inquisitive nature coming to the forefront. Moonlight filtered through the window to her balcony, casting an eerie glow upon once-familiar furniture that now appeared hauntingly unfamiliar in the dim light. A chill ran down her spine, the atmosphere tinged with an unexpected sense of foreboding.

"How did I end up back in my room? Wasn't I supposed to be out there for the ceremony?" Yasuline mused, her brow furrowing in confusion. Attempting to unravel the mystery, she mentally retraced her steps, only to hit a wall – a hazy void where her memories should have been. "Absolutely no clue. Maybe someone else has the answer."

With determination in her stride, Yasuline approached the door, a cascade of frustration barely contained beneath her surface. Her hand grasped the handle, and she tugged with force, only to be met with stubborn resistance. "Huh? Seriously?" Yasuline's frustration bubbled forth, her voice an exasperated exclamation.

Undeterred, she made multiple attempts, employing both strength and exasperation to coax the door into submission. Yet, the door remained unyielding, mocking her efforts with its unbroken stillness. "Locks? Really? When did this door become so secretive?" Yasuline's annoyance was palpable, her words punctuated by a hint of irritation.

Reality hit her like a wave – she was trapped within her own room, a realization that only added to her discomfort. The room, once a haven, seemed to close in around her, casting an ominous shadow over her surroundings. In a desperate bid for aid, Yasuline knocked on the door, each rap a plea for assistance.

"Hey! I seem to have locked myself in here! Anyone? Maybe bring an axe?" Yasuline's voice carried a mix of urgency and exasperation, her call echoing through the air in hopes of reaching someone beyond the door. Yet, the silence that followed was deafening, the lack of response a testament to her isolation.

Undeterred, Yasuline repeated her attempts, her voice punctuating the silence as she sought a glimmer of acknowledgment. Still, her efforts were met with silence, the void beyond the door remaining stubbornly unyielding.

"The locked door and now the silent treatment? This is getting stranger by the moment," Yasuline muttered to herself, her tone a blend of curiosity and frustration. Amidst the dim light of the room, the princess stood poised before the enigmatic door, her mind racing with possibilities and her determination unwavering. In the midst of uncertainty, Yasuline's spirit burned bright, her determination unyielding as she grappled with the enigma that surrounded her.

"This is, like, totally AWESOME!" Her voice soared to new heights, surpassing even her initial call for assistance in volume and excitement.

"Something's definitely up, and here I am, locked in my room. A mystery's brewing, and it's calling me to action!" A broad grin spread across her face, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. Her fists clenched at her sides, a surge of excitement coursing through her veins, the fine line between thrill and a touch of nervousness blurring.

No matter the circumstances, Yasuline recognized the need for action. Returning to her bed, she reached beneath it with practiced precision. In the darkness, her hand found its mark, retrieving her secret weapon with unwavering confidence.


And there it was – a sword, nestled within its scabbard. A gift bestowed upon her by one of the kingdom's skilled weapon masters, offered in the wake of introducing her to the concept of self-defense. This blade was to be her companion as she honed her skills. Her father's words echoed in her mind – always have a weapon at your side in situations like these.

Following her practiced routine, she secured the sword's scabbard with a flourish, the belt snug against her dress. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, the once bothersome dress now an afterthought. As for the heels... well, they met a corner of the room in a hasty departure.

"Alright, time to make my grand escape," she declared proudly, her hand resting confidently on the sword's hilt, as if showcasing her newfound resolve to an imaginary audience.

A pause ensued, her mind churning with possibilities as she weighed her options. Pacing back and forth, Yasuline eventually made her way to the balcony, intent on inviting the cool night air to join her. With a flick of her wrist, the glass door swung open, the darkness beyond now illuminated by moonlight. A sigh of relief escaped her lips, the anxiety that had been lurking subsiding in the presence of the open outdoors.

"Hmm, locked in a room, huh? Time for an escape plan," she mused aloud, casting her gaze left and right from her vantage point.

Yasuline's quarters perched on the castle's third floor, making a daring leap to the ground floor a perilous option – an unequivocal "Bad End" scenario. Instead, she considered the nearby windows, a risky yet less hazardous path. Whether those windows would yield to her touch remained an unknown variable, a potential setback she was willing to face. Her balcony was a tempting haven, and she knew that once she ventured toward the windows, retracing her steps might prove challenging.

It had been some time since Yasuline had undertaken her unique brand of room-to-room infiltration via the windows. These openings led to the quarters of guards and maids, each window a portal to another world within the castle walls. Leaning over the balcony railing, Yasuline surveyed the terrain ahead, her gaze shifting from one window to the next, each a potential avenue of escape.

And then, a rustling sound above her head caught her attention. "Huh!?" Yasuline blurted out, her head snapping upwards in an attempt to discern the source of the disturbance. However, whatever had caused the rustling moved too swiftly, leaving only a vague, shadowy blur in its wake.

"Hey, who do you think you are?" she called out to the mysterious presence, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and a touch of defiance. For some inexplicable reason, she half-expected a response, despite the absurdity of the situation. When silence greeted her inquiry, Yasuline huffed in mild annoyance, swiftly resolving that she would chase after whatever it was.

"Well, if you're not gonna talk, I'll just have to figure it out myself," she threatened playfully, her determination evident as she began to clamber onto the balcony railing. Designed to be sturdy and secure, the railing was meant to prevent accidents, yet Yasuline's eagerness to climb anything often pushed even the sturdiest of structures to their limits. Ignoring the cracked top railing – a detail she typically avoided due to its potential for disciplinary consequences – Yasuline's current focus left no room for caution.

Balancing on her toes, Yasuline reached for the edge of the roof above her, her fingers stretching to make contact. However, fate had other plans. The railing she precariously perched upon gave way with an ominous snap, a separate piece fracturing and breaking free before clattering to the ground below. The sudden shift in her footing sent her world spinning, and Yasuline desperately flailed her arms in a futile attempt to grab hold of something – anything – to save herself.

The wind howled around her, intensifying her struggle as her balance deteriorated. The dangerous precipice beckoned, her body leaning precariously in its direction. Despite her valiant efforts, Yasuline found herself unable to counter the force dragging her towards the perilous edge. Faced with an unthinkable choice, she steeled herself for the pain that would come – a small price to pay for avoiding the ultimate end.

And then, in the midst of this dire moment, the elusive object reappeared, its passing triggering an involuntary startle response from Yasuline. This sudden jolt proved to be the tipping point, further complicating an already perilous situation.

A sensation of weightlessness enveloped Yasuline, time seeming to stretch as the world spun around her. Sky and ground swapped places, and she could no longer feel the solid support of the balcony beneath her feet. "Ah," she uttered, her voice barely more than a whisper. Remarkably, her fear did not erupt into screams, likely because the surreal nature of the situation had yet to fully register. It was as if her mind refused to accept the impending danger, clinging to the belief that this couldn't possibly be her fate. Not with all the dreams she held for her future. If this was to be her end, she resolved it would be as dramatic as the tales of legendary adventurers whose exploits echoed through the ages. The mere thought of being remembered as a princess who perished from a balcony fall, however, left her both flustered and mortified. She squeezed her eyes shut, attempting to redirect her focus as the rush of air against her body intensified her descent.

But then, a surge of determination surged within her, banishing the thought of a pathetic demise. Yasuline's gaze sharpened as she scanned her surroundings for anything that could aid her survival. Her eyes fell upon an enigmatic sight—a hand reaching out from between the pillars of the railing. The darkness cloaked the identity of the rescuer, but such details seemed unimportant in that critical moment. She stretched her own hand towards the outstretched one, their fingers interlocking in a desperate bid for salvation.

Suddenly, time snapped back to its normal pace, and Yasuline experienced a sharp jolt as her downward momentum was abruptly halted. A twinge of pain flared in her shoulder from the abrupt stop, but it was a small price to pay for her life. Her gaze darted downwards, the shadows below concealing the abyss that had threatened to claim her. A glimmer amidst the darkness caught her attention, and she dismissed it as debris from the fallen railing.

Her focus shifted as her rescuer's grip tightened, their combined effort aiding her ascent. With a determined pull, Yasuline hoisted herself over the balcony railing and onto solid ground. Her body felt heavy, drained of adrenaline, and a sense of dread clung to her like a vice. For a time, she remained sprawled on the balcony floor, her gaze fixed on the surface as if afraid that shifting her attention would plunge her into the abyss once more.

Gradually, her resolve returned, and her eyes roamed the floor in search of distraction. Her gaze landed on her still-entwined hand, the subtle trembling revealing her lingering anxiety. The comforting touch against the back of her hand soothed her, each stroke a balm to her frayed nerves. As the gesture continued, Yasuline felt her body succumb to its calming influence. She closed her eyes, her focus shifting to her breath, a technique imparted by her trainers. Inhaling deeply through her nostrils, she exhaled through her mouth, each breath renewing her strength.

"I'm feeling much better now. Thanks for coming to my rescue!" Yasuline's voice rang out with genuine glee, her hand disengaging from the reassuring hold. She sprang to her feet with a soft thud, her energy seemingly restored. However, her elation was short-lived as she was struck by a sudden shock. Standing before her, the person who had saved her, was none other than the enigmatic White Reaper himself.