
Shadow slave: A Shadows Friend

Rin Lunar, once a girl trying to survive on the slums. Now, she was chosen by the Spell and as such, she has to fend off against terrible abomination... even fellow Awakened. Her salvation lies in her divine power... And most importantly, her truly trusted friend, Sunny. "What's the worst that could happen?" "I died the last time you said that!" "Don't be such a cry baby and you know, dying is too plebeian." ---- Author: Bazinga Proof-reader and editor: Karma-Sensei-Dono*

Dashkins74 · Book&Literature
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59 Chs

(ch34) I hate water levels

Rin awoke, sensing the subtle sway of the surface beneath her as she stirred from slumber.

As she glanced around, all she could see were the peaceful figures of Cassie and Nephis, both lost in slumber. With a soft sigh, her gaze finally settled on Sunny, who was skillfully navigating the sea with his scythe oar.

As she settled beside him, he subtly shifted, recognizing her company. In that moment, she found herself immersed in a journey through the memories she had forfeited to that cursed tree.

Ultimately, she arrived at a recollection where she had attempted to exert control and inflict harm upon Sunny.

She looked at him and was about to apologise when


*I don't blame you, the tree really did a number on us. I may have some issues from how that went down, but you're still my friend. Though, we can't hang out around large plants anymore.*

*Agreed, no more trees*

She chucked and they were silent for a while before Sunny spoke again

*Anyway... Can I ask you something?*

*Yeah go on*

He gazed at her with a solemn expression,

*Do you... hate me?*

*What no of course i don't, Idiot….i'm a little angry you left me to get my memories stolen by the tree, but that's about it *

*Yeah, about that... sorry. I didn't really know what to do and I didn't want to lose my memories either. I can't exactly beat a tree, ya know?*

She glanced towards Sunny as he took his place at the helm, steering their vessel into the vast expanse of the western horizon. With no guiding moonlight or stars to illuminate their path, navigating became a daunting task.

The sky above was a void of darkness, mirrored by the deep, obsidian sea below. Encased in the thin shell of steel, they sailed onward, enveloped by the eerie tranquility of the night.

Beneath them, an abyss of unfathomable terrors lurked in the cursed depths. Rin couldn't shake the feeling of immense movements nearby, drawn by the sound of their passage.

Helpless, she could only quiver in silence, hoping against hope that the monstrous creatures would veer off. Thus far, fortune favored them, perhaps because they were too insignificant to satisfy the insatiable hunger of those ancient behemoths.

*How long was I out for?*

*About an hour ago, hey um are you okay, i also got the notification about the betrayal, the spell Really did a number on you huh?*

She looks at the water again and spoke

*Worst pain i ever felt*

He looks over at her shocked

*It was that bad?*

*It was…that bad....oh and sorry about the whole situation again*

*No, it's fine, it's not like you willingly did it after all. Are you really okay though?*

*Im fine*

He squinted his eyes at her, a faint smile on his face

*I can sense that you're lying with my amazing soul-powers*

She giggles before speaking

*Shut up*

She inhales deeply, resting her head gently against his shoulder, finding solace in his comforting presence.

She sensed the comforting embrace of an arm enveloping her.

*Now that is comfy*

She glanced up at him with a playful sparkle in her eyes, teasing him with her gaze.

*opportunistic bastard*

He gently touslesd her hair and rested his head against hers.

*Hey that's me*


They remained in the exact same position, unmoving and unchanged.

She heard him:

*Hey that ability that you used on me, that was a divine ability wasn't it*

*I…wait…how did you know?*

*Oh please, cool eyes with mind controlling powers, that's Definitely divine level power*

She let out an exasperated sigh before speaking with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

*Yeah okay, and the shadow control isn't a divine power either*

*Yeah Okay fine you got me….three divine aspect users all together what a coincidence*

They dedicated numerous hours engaging in conversation with each other, delving into deep discussions and exchanging thoughts and ideas.

As the carapace boat skimmed over the dark water, it steadily approached the western horizon.

Rin saw that night was relinquishing its hold, making way for the dawn of a new day, stirring a glimmer of hope within her.

Yet, just as optimism began to bloom, fate dealt its cruel hand, signalling the end of their good fortune.


The disaster struck like a bolt from the blue, plunging them into a whirlwind of confusion. Rin hadn't sensed any warning signs as the boat cruised along peacefully. Suddenly, danger materialized out of nowhere, catching her completely off guard.

One moment, the tranquil waters stretched before them, serene and crystal clear. In the blink of an eye, chaos erupted, with sinister tentacles emerging from the depths, ensnaring the boat in their grip.

They scrambled to their feet, but before they could react, a violent force sent the vessel careening to the side. As Rin tumbled, the sound of metal twisting and tearing echoed around her, followed by the unwelcome taste of saltwater filling her mouth.

Struggling upright, Rin glimpsed Nephis bravely confronting the encroaching tentacles at the bow. But in the darkness, she failed to perceive another lurking danger. Another tentacle stealthily ensnared Nephis, dragging her beneath the waves in a blink, leaving only her glimmering sword embedded in the monstrous flesh.

With a sickening crunch, the boat's hull was crushed, flinging Sunny and Rin into the icy embrace of the abyssal depths.

Her mind scattered, unable to concentrate, she first noticed the icy chill seeping into her thoughts. Then, a sensation, almost like a serpent coiling around her leg, gripped her, followed swiftly by the overwhelming pull of water as she was pulled further beneath its surface.


As she slowly opened her eyes beneath the water's surface, a wave of horror washed over her. There was nothing but black surrounding her, and eerie tentacles snaked and twisted in the murky depths.

As she glanced upward, a surge of panic threatened to overwhelm her senses. Debris, a cruel collage of twisted metal and shattered bone, bobbed eerily atop the inky waves, the grim remnants of their once-sturdy vessel.

She instinctively pulled back, feeling the tightness in her chest as her breath became labored.

And then, she noticed something—a figure, Cassie, right beside her, being pulled down as well, struggling just as she was.

She summoned her katana, she needed to help


Rin could feel her lungs beginning to ache, a burning sensation spreading within. The pull of the water grew stronger, tugging her further into its depths with each passing moment.

As the darkness of the deep water threatened to obscure her vision, she took a different approach.

She consciously steadied herself, realising the importance of maintaining composure. With a deliberate effort to centre her thoughts, she tapped into her senses, allowing them to guide her. The subtle waves of essence surrounding her intensified, expanding in scope and frequency, aided by the water's conductivity, enhancing their effectiveness.

She sensed their presence: two distinct figures and a colossal one beneath her. Sunny who was swimming towards her and, Cassie who was pulled towards her

As the colossal figure loomed before her, its immense presence instilled a sense of terror.

She felt an overwhelming urge to flee, desperate to put as much distance as she could between herself and the looming behemoth.

Rin struggled against the tentacle wrapped around her leg, desperate to create enough space to reach out for Cassie. She strained against the slimy coil, hoping to free herself and grab hold of her friend.

She almost slipped by Rin, but at the last moment, she reached out and firmly caught hold of her wrist.



As she wielded her katana, its sleek blade sliced through the water with deliberate grace, aiming to sever the menacing tentacle. With a swift stroke, it pierced through the fleshy appendage, unleashing a torrent of dark, viscous blood into the surrounding depths.

Blood gushed forth in a relentless stream as Rin wielded her katana, delivering a final decisive strike that severed the menacing tentacle.

With a sigh of relief, she shifted her gaze towards Cassie, concerned for her well-being. A furrow formed on Rin's brow as she observed Cassie's feeble state, barely clinging to consciousness.

Directing her attention downward, Rin noticed Sunny diligently hacking away at the tentacle ensnaring Rin's leg, his determination evident in every stroke of his blade.


he was still hacking away


He lifted his gaze, his face etched with worry and fear evident in his eyes.

With trembling hands, he desperately attempted to pry the tentacle off her, but it stubbornly refused to release its grip.



She sensed his sorrow keenly, attuned to his emotions through her heightened senses. He fought desperately to free her from the tentacles ensnaring her, his rage echoing through the depths as he screamed in frustration beneath the waves.

With tender hands, she gently cupped his face before guiding Cassie closer, the water's gentle force propelling Cassie towards Sunny.

*Sunny please take her and go….. Go Please*

He glanced at Rin, his inner turmoil evident, yet deep down, he acknowledged the validity of her perspective.


As they vanished from sight, Rin found herself suddenly alone.

Panic surged as she felt her senses beginning to blur, the suffocating grip of water robbing her lungs of precious air. With a desperate gaze downward, she realized her immediate task: to free herself from the tentacle ensnaring her ankle. Survival became her sole focus.

As she looked around, she noticed the ominous sight of dark blood staining the area where Sunny was tirelessly slicing through the tentacles that ensnared her.

Without hesitation, she joined in where he had already begun, determined to free herself from the grasp of the menacing appendages.



She had an urgent need to reach the surface as quickly as she could.

Or well, she would die

The agony seared through her chest, leaving her gasping for air, as if all the oxygen had been stolen from her lungs.

Each moment stretched out in unbearable torment, her body weakening, craving desperately for even a single breath of fresh air. If her vision hadn't faded into an enveloping darkness, she would have seen how far she had descended from the surface.

With her katana in hand, she slashed through the thick, suffocating liquid surrounding her, each stroke releasing more of the viscous substance.

Finally, with a fierce determination, she severed the tentacles ensnaring her, feeling a surge of relief as she pushed herself upward, longing for the surface.

Her body was failing her, and her mind struggled to stay focused amidst the overwhelming struggle for survival.

In an instant, the water surrounding them underwent a dramatic transformation, morphing into a dazzling white hue.

A brilliant glow enveloped the vast expanse of the cursed sea, erasing all traces of darkness. The burst of light was so intense that it penetrated Rin's closed eyelids, causing her eyes to ache.

It felt as if a miniature sun had erupted from the depths below, turning the once endless black abyss into a pristine white canvas. Swirling currents of luminous water surged chaotically, disrupting the tranquil scene.

Gasping for air, Rin struggled against the suffocating embrace of the water, maneuvering past the squirming tentacles. With the radiant white sun blazing beneath them, she could discern their shapes with clarity. Summoning every ounce of strength, she propelled herself upward, driven by sheer determination.

As she glided through the water, a sudden realisation struck her—she wasn't moving her brain was sending signals but….

her arms seemed frozen, her legs unresponsive. The weight of mortality loomed, her body convulsing in a desperate struggle against its own betrayal.

*Sunny…im scared*


She sensed someone's hand grabbing her, but before she could react, she blacked out.






*Rin please*






She awoke with beads of sweat glistening on her skin, the warmth clinging to her body as she rose from the comfort of her bed.

As she stepped onto the balcony from the soft, fuzzy carpet of her room, she felt the warmth of the morning sun greet her feet,

She gently pushed the glass door open, feeling the cool breeze on her skin as she stepped outside. Raising her gaze, she took in the sight above her.

Rin savoured the gentle embrace of the sun's warmth, soaking in its comforting rays. As she glanced toward another captivating sight, her gaze fell upon another majestic beauty

The Earth itself.

She descended the stairs, drawn by the sounds of clinking dishes and running water emanating from the kitchen.

As Rin's eyes met hers, a surge of excitement swept through her. It was her mother, a moment so filled with palpable joy that Rin could hardly contain herself.

She dashed over to her mom, wrapping her arms around her mother's leg, finding comfort in its familiarity as it matched her own height.




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