
Shadow slave: A Shadows Friend

Rin Lunar, once a girl trying to survive on the slums. Now, she was chosen by the Spell and as such, she has to fend off against terrible abomination... even fellow Awakened. Her salvation lies in her divine power... And most importantly, her truly trusted friend, Sunny. "What's the worst that could happen?" "I died the last time you said that!" "Don't be such a cry baby and you know, dying is too plebeian." ---- Author: Bazinga Proof-reader and editor: Karma-Sensei-Dono*

Dashkins74 · Book&Literature
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59 Chs

(ch33) first betrayal?

*Sunny dont let me forget please, i feel my memories slipping, i feel like we've been here for months and i can't keep doing this, keep reminding me*

She appeared weary, struggling to prevent her memories from slipping away, which proved to be an exhausting endeavour.

*I will Rin*

*Hey i didn't ask you this before, but what happened to you in that nest*

He looks at her as they were getting ready to leave

*I kinda, stabbed the egg with a sword and got a new attribute from it*

*THATS IT, you got an attribute that caused unimaginable pain, pain so bad i thought you were getting absolutely demolished by some monster, when you begged for my help i thought you were dying*

He scratched the back of his head

*I'm not exactly sure why I reached out for your help on a whim, but I appreciate you being there during tough time when I feel like I'm about to die*

She smiles at him

*Of course im a Shadows friend, always here to help*

He gazes at her, his lips curved in that familiar smile that never fails to light up his face.

*Same here Rin*

It was early morning when they descended from the Soul Tree. However, they didn't bring any fruit with them.

They walked over to sleeping Cassie, Sunny took her by the shoulders and gently shook her awake.

The irony of how this situation mirrored the one where Cassie had told Sunny to remember the number five was not lost on her, she still remembers that memory Sunny gave her.

The blind girl slowly came to her senses and turned to face Sunny with a sleepy, confused expression.

"Sunny? Why are you up so early?"

He hesitated, then said with a friendly smile, trying very hard to act as though everything was alright.

"Actually, I didn't sleep at all this night."

*Yeah neither did i, some asshole was screaming in my head*

Cassie's expression twisted into a frown as she glanced around, relieved that her gaze didn't fall upon the pitiful sight of Sunny, with his face smeared in dried blood. Thankfully, Rin was also spared from her scrutiny, her body drenched in sweat from head to toe.

"Really? Why?"

Sunny spoke:

"I decided to climb the Soul Tree and search for some fruits. But that's not very important. Hey… your Aspect Ability allows you to see other people's Attributes, right?"

She nodded, still confused.

"Yes. You know this. Why?"

Sunny hesitated for a moment, then spoke with a relaxed and carefree tone:

"Can you take a look at mine?"

*Rin are you still remembering?*

*I am….kinda its taking everything Sunny to remember*

*Okay keep focusing, you're doing a good job Rin, we'll get out of here*

*Hey um what is your plan with Cassie?*

*Sorry Rin, i can't have you straining yourself, trying to remember more*

*Fine…I trust you*

Sunny turned to look at Cassie again

"Can you take a look at mine?"

Cassie was visibly confused by this question.

"Can't you do it yourself?"

Sunny smiled.

"I can, but I think you'll be surprised when you see them."

The blind girl hesitated, then shrugged.

"Alright. But if it turns out that you woke me up for nothing, I'll be pretty upset. That was not very nice of you…"

She turned to face him and froze for a moment, as though staring into his eyes.

"Friend of the light, Fated, Child of Shadows, Spark of Divinity… wait, wasn't it "mark" of divinity? Huh, I must have remembered wrong."

'Friend of the light, wait…. Is that me?'

"Uh. My memory has not been too good lately. Too much rest, I guess. Where was I? Oh, yes. Blood Weave… huh? Where did this come from?"

Sunny chuckle.

"This thing? From an egg. Anyway, is there something else?"

Cassie blinked a couple of times.

"An… egg? Well, if you say so…"

Normally, noticing a new Attribute would be quite attention-grabbing, but Cassie's current state significantly shortened her focus and clouded her mental capacity. She briefly frowned, only to quickly forget about the discrepancy.

With an absentminded smile, Cassie said:

"My mom makes the best eggs… uh… what were we talking about? Right, your Attributes. The last one is Enthralled. Wait… where did this…"

'oh, i know what hes doing, hes making her read it out, because he can't remember the description'

Sunny hurriedly asked:

"The description! What does the description say?"

A hint of tension crept into his voice, catching Cassie off guard. Rather than pressing further, she chose to acknowledge the change in tone without repeating her question.

"You've been mesmerized by the ancient fiend, Soul Devouring Tree, and are being turned into its thrall. Once the process is complete, there will be no escape."

'oh sh#t'

Cassie's words sent shivers down her spine, causing her to forget entirely what transpired at the nest. It felt like the tree was sapping away her memories, leaving her in a state of panic.

*Sunny…i…i..forgot what we did in the nest... Im forgetting*

*Rin i'm sorry but i need to focus right now, if i forget this we are all doomed, trust me just stay here and protect Cassie*

Looking at Cassie, Sunny slowly exhaled and said.

"Thank you."

The blind girl smiled and raised her eyebrows.

"For what?"

She had already forgotten all about their conversation.

Sunny managed to break free from the Soul Devourer's spell, but Cassie wasn't so lucky. Her memory, thoughts, and reasoning remained clouded, deteriorating further as Sunny spoke. Rin was also beginning to succumb to its influence, not far behind Cassie.

A pained smile appeared on Sunny's face. Struggling to keep his tone light and cheerful, he said:

"For helping me out just now. Sorry about waking you up so early… go back to sleep. I'll take it from here…. Rin you too."

Rin and Cassie paused briefly, then got caught up in their own distractions, completely forgetting Sunny's presence. They yawned, settled down, and tucked themselves in, drifting back into sleep, unaware of the looming reality that their time was limited.

Sunny observed them for a moment, a somber expression clouding his features. Eventually, he silently retreated, his mind weighed down by contemplation:

*Over my dead body…..Im sorry Rin but i have to go get help from Neph*


Rin drifted off into slumber, lost in the embrace of sleep. She wasn't quite sure how much time had passed when she felt the gentle nudges from Sunny, urging her to wake. His efforts were not only directed at her but also towards rousing Cassie from her own deep sleep.

Sunny led Cassie and Rin over to where the Carapace Demon lay, its once formidable frame now lifeless. Nephis was already deep in the process of removing the armor plates from its back, her silver sword slicing through the corroded metal with surprising ease.

Carefully settling Cassie and Rin in a visible spot for Nephis to keep an eye on them, Sunny ascended the carcass to inspect Changing Star's handiwork.

Nephis cast a questioning glance at Sunny, her expression marked by a slight frown.

"Aren't you going to help? This was your idea, after all."

Rin could hear Sunny speak

"Maybe later. You seem to be enjoying yourself, anyway. Some people might say that it's a fun little project to chase the boredom away, right?"

Neph blinked a couple of times, then said:

"I guess."

Rin spoke too not really understanding what Neph was building

"Neph what are you building*

"Well Sunny wanted a boat i'm not really sure why"

Sunny After while spoke again

"Actually, I have another project in mind."

Nephis raised an eyebrow.

"Oh really?"

Sunny gripped his sword tightly as he moved closer to the opening in the lifeless creature's armor, ready to strike.

"Yeah. I want to make a candle."

As he uttered those words, he commenced with the task, meticulously slicing through the layers, distinguishing the excess fat from the dense muscle beneath.

Neph blinked several times, then shifted his gaze towards Cassie, awaiting her response.

"Hey, Cas. Has Sunny lost his mind?"

The blind girl perked up at the sound of her name.

"Huh? Uh… I'm not sure. I think he's just bored."

Rin found herself lost in her thoughts, grappling to piece things together. Her head throbbed with the weight of uncertainty, as if her memories were mere fragments of a dream or falsehoods.



*What was I doing before this?*

*Nothing Rin just stay there, i know you are still probably trying to hold on, but its fine, i promise, I'll end this*

She giggled as she looked at him

*Don't promise me anything.. Silly…you know I hate that… i don't.. really know why though*

With a hefty portion of the demon's blubber cradled in Sunny's grasp, he leapt from the creature's remains, touching down softly onto a carpet of fallen leaves below.

Crafting a makeshift candle from animal fat proved surprisingly simple for Sunny. All he required was fire, water, and a bit of patience. Even the wick could be fashioned from strands of seaweed.

With determination fueling his steps, Sunny hastened back towards their camp.

As he returned, the sun cast its warm glow high overhead, signaling the passing of time.

*We need to Escape the clutches of the Soul Devourer.*

*What did you say Sunny?*

*I…um…nothing dont worry about it*

Finally, with the evening approaching, the boat was ready.

The figure resembled a ghastly apparition, as if it had been ravaged by some deranged scientist's scalpel, left to lie on the island's shore in dismembered disarray, abandoned mid-experiment. Nephis's gaze held a mixture of worry and sympathy as she observed the unsettling sight before her.

"Sunny… are you alright?"

Giving her a crooked smile, he shrugged.

"I'm fine. Comparatively."

The ship's hull gleamed with curved, polished metal plates, adorned with menacing spikes jutting out in every direction. Bound tightly by a golden rope, the plates were seamlessly connected, leaving no room for water to seep through the narrow gaps skillfully crafted by Changing Star.

Ascending from the vessel's core, the mast boasted the formidable backbone and ribs of a demon. Draped over this eerie framework was Cassie's enchanted cloak, ingeniously repurposed to function as a sail, billowing in the mysterious winds. Adding an extra touch of the supernatural, the steering oar took form from the tip of a colossal giant's scythe, serving as the vessel's guiding force.

*It looks ugly as hell*

*Thanks Rin*

Nephis looked at him with a hint of satisfaction.

"Happy? Now what?"

Suddenly, without warning, Sunny did something utterly peculiar. With a swift motion, he summoned the Midnight Shard into his grasp, and without a moment's pause, he raised his free hand, swiftly bringing down the pommel of the sword. The force of the strike was so intense that it caused the bones in his ring finger to shatter into brittle fragments.


Nephis and Rin exchanged startled glances as they watched Sunny, their expressions a mix of shock and concern at his abrupt self-inflicted injury. With a hiss escaping his clenched teeth, Sunny let go of the Midnight Shard, the tension slowly easing from his body as he regained his footing.

"Ah! Crap! That really hurts!"

His finger throbbed with intense pain, visibly red and swollen, a clear sign of a fracture. As Sunny winced, the blind girl turned towards him and inquired with concern:

"...Sunny? What happened?"

He grimaced and tried to smile.

"Ah, it's… nothing serious, really. I just, sort of… smashed my hand a bit."

Both Rin or Sunny began to speak, but before they could utter a word, Sunny hastily cut in, preventing them from expressing their thoughts.

"Anyway, Neph. Can you help me drag this gruesome masterpiece of yours to the edge of the island?"

After a brief moment of hesitation, Changing Star paused, her expression shifting into one of concern as she glanced over at him. Then, with a shrug, she finally spoke, her uncertainty evident in her furrowed brow.

"Are you sure you're okay, Sunny?"

Sunny smiled:

"I will be if you help me."

Disheartened, she sighed and moved towards the bow of the boat. Sunny then shifted his attention to the pair seated closely beside each other.

"We're off, Rin, Cas. You two Wait here for a bit, alright? I'll come get you guys soon."

They hesitated, almost as if they were struggling to grasp his words, before responding with a look of uncertainty. Rin was the first to speak, and Cassie followed suit shortly after.

"Sure sunny, just be safe…i don't wanna be climbing trees after you again"

"… we'll stay here."

Sunny reached out with his strong, capable hands, intending to grasp their shoulders for reassurance. But as he hesitated, a shadow crossed his gaze, and he withdrew, his expression troubled. With a heavy heart, he turned and made his way towards the waiting boat.

'Whats wrong with him? Strange man'

Rin sighed then turned to Cassie and asked:

"Hey Cassie are you okay"

"Yeah i'm fine, i just want to protect the tree"

"Same, i just want to stay here, forever"


After a while, Rin returned to the spot where he had last seen the two girls. The blind girl remained seated, a little ways off from the Carapace Demon's remains, lost in thought as she gazed downward. Rin found himself mirroring her posture, also lost in contemplation.

As they heard the gentle rhythm of his footsteps drawing nearer, a faint smile graced their lips, betraying a hint of weariness.

"Hey Sunny"


As he approached, he appeared utterly exhausted, his fatigue palpable. With a half-hearted attempt at nonchalance, he uttered:

"Yeah. It's me."

Cassie got distracted for a moment, then asked:

"Do you have a fruit? I'm hungry."

Rin joined in

"Agreed, have you got any fruit?"

He couldn't help but flinch at the sound of Rin's voice, then he quickly shook his head, trying to shake off whatever thoughts or feelings it brought up.

"No. Listen, we need to…"

"...I'm hungry. Do you have a fruit?"

"Sunny wheres the fruit?"

Sunny stopped them from talking and spoke

"Come with me, and your hunger will disappear."

The two girls smiled and said:

"Really? You'll take us to the fruits?"

Sunny then said:


'hey i want fruit why is he lying'

Cassie pouted and lowered her head:

"That's not nice, Sunny. Why did you lie to us?"

"Yeah, why are you lying?"

Afterward, he uttered a truly dreadful remark. It was deeply unsettling and left a lingering sense of discomfort in the air.

"...Because I want to take you guys away from this cursed island."

The moment Sunny spoke, his eyes widened in realization. But by then, it was too late. The girls shot him a fierce glare, their expressions filled with disappointment and disapproval.

They both started talking simultaneously, their voices gradually blending into a harmonious echo.

"Take us… away? But we don't want to leave. Why would we leave the Soul Tree?"

Sunny continued:

"Because that thing is evil! It's pure goddamn nightmare! Come on, let's go…"

He reached out to take their hands, attempting to guide the girls elsewhere, yet they steadfastly resisted, displaying an unexpected level of strength.

"Let go of me, you jerk!"

*Sunny get off me*

*Rin please Focus, trust me*

They yanked their hand free from his grasp, recoiling with a mix of frustration and resentment evident in their expressions as they both turned their gaze towards Sunny.

"We said we don't want to go! You're acting strange, Sunny! Stop, please!"

Sunny froze,

"I just…"

"This island is our home! It's so nice here, with the four of us together! Why do you want to leave?!"

He lingered, struggling to do what he knew had to be done. Finally, Sunny gritted his teeth and said:

"Because it's five! Remember?!"

As he surged ahead, he forcefully seized them, effortlessly quelling Cassie's attempt to resist. However, Rin reacted swiftly, delivering a swift blow to his knee before socking him square in the face. He flinched but Clutching Cassie tightly, he felt the moment when Cassie made the choice to unleash a piercing scream.

"What are you doing?! Stop! Help! Help! Rin! Neph!"

Sunny hoisted Cassie over his shoulder and bolted towards the island's edge, with Cassie squirming and pounding his back with her tiny fists in a futile attempt to break free. Meanwhile, Rin, feeling unsure of what action to take, made the choice to assist Cassie in returning to the safety of the tree.

As the fading hues of daylight vanished from the horizon, he at last made his way back to the island's shore. The eerie boat sat quietly on the sandy beach, mere steps from the churning black waves. Nearby, Changing Star lay at rest, lifting her gaze to observe the stir of activity.

"Rin! Neph! Help! Sunny has gone crazy!"

Nephis slowly rose to her feet, her indifferent expression radiating coldness. She slightly outstretched one hand.

"Wait! It's not…"

Just as he was about to complete his sentence, a silver sword materialized out of nowhere, pointing towards the ground. In an instant, another blade, a katana, was drawn and aimed directly at him.

"Explain yourself."

*Sunny, what are you doing?*

*Rin Listen to me, this tree is evil we need to get out of here!!!*

*You're lying*

Sunny never once considered the two girls as possible adversaries. It slipped his mind that both Rin and Nephis possessed monstrous strength.

And skill


Licking his lips, Sunny cautiously said:

"It's not… not as you think, Rin.. Neph. We've been caught in a trap by the Soul Tree. It's not benevolent… it's not protecting us. In fact, it's doing the opposite. If we don't leave this island, we'll become its slaves, forever. Or until it finds someone stronger and devours us!"

They cocked their heads slightly, their gaze fixed on him, their expression inscrutable and difficult to interpret.

"Come on.. Remember! We've talked about this already! This whole thing was your idea to begin with! And Rin even you heard about being a thrall"

Sunny briefly believed that his words had stirred dormant memories within them. However, their reactions swiftly dashed any hope he had, leaving him with shattered expectations.

"Leave… the great tree? You have really lost your mind."

"Agreed, sorry Sunny but you're crazy"

With a swift motion, Changing Star lifted her sword, her voice carrying a commanding tone that sent shivers down Sunny's spine as she uttered her words.

"Let Cassie go. Now."

He paused, pondering the most prudent path forward. After a moment of contemplation, he gently lowered the blind girl to the ground with great care.

"Alright. I did. See? Now, you two please listen to me. I have something very important to tell you…"

As he spoke, they vanished before his eyes, leaving him startled. Sensing imminent danger, Sunny braced himself for an attack... But in the blink of an eye, he found himself sprawled on the ground, two blades menacingly poised at his throat. Standing over him, Changing Star's eyes glowed with an eerie pallor, while Rin's burned crimson, a strange pattern emerging within them.

Sunny felt the icy touch of the steel against his skin, urging him to remain as still as possible. He couldn't shake the sense that his captors might not hesitate to end his life, so he opted to minimize any provocation.

Considering Rin and Neph's unpredictable states of mind, Sunny knew he was navigating a delicate situation. As he glanced up at their stoic expressions, he realized the gravity of the moment. Summoning every ounce of courage, he let out a frustrated shout, hoping to break through their indifference.:

"Aster, Song, Vale!"

'Huh he missed out Lunar, wait what was I saying?'

Rin glanced towards Neph, noticing her trembling hand as a single drop of blood trailed down Sunnys neck. Her eyes widened in disbelief and shock before a shadow of darkness crossed her features.

With a gentle pressure on the hilt of her sword, she advanced towards him, her gaze ablaze with intensity. When she finally spoke, her voice quivered with the weight of her suppressed emotions:

"How... how do you know these names? Who are you?"

He answered:

"I didn't even know that these were names. It's just what you told me to tell you in case you forget what had to be done. You said if I tell you this, you'll listen to me."

Nephis fixed her gaze on him, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features momentarily. However, it swiftly vanished, giving way to a resolute expression. Clenching her jaw, she growled, her determination evident in every line of her face.:

"Which Domain do you belong to?!"

Rin's eyes widened as she glanced over at Nephis, a look of surprise washing over her features.

'wait, domain i know that word….i was in a domain too'

Sunny looked confused but asked:

"What's a domain?"

She flashed a wide grin, her eyes sparking with a hint of madness. This side of Nephis was a stark departure from her usual poised demeanour. If Rin didn't know any better, she might have mistaken her for a whole different individual altogether—a person exuding an aura of unpredictability and potential danger.

Meanwhile, Nephis spoke:

"Don't pretend to… to…"

All at once, she tripped, her brow furrowing in apparent confusion. Sunny's inquiry seemed to trigger a cascade of thoughts in Changing Star's mind, each moment deepening her frown.

Gradually, a sense of composed serenity settled back into her gaze. While it didn't appear that she recalled every detail, there was a noticeable shift, just as Nephis had assured, indicating her willingness to hear Sunny out.

Rin looked over shocked her sword moved away from his neck too:

"Neph what are you doing, the tree we need to go back to it"

Neph skillfully extracted the sword's tip from his throat, and with a supportive hand, she assisted him in getting back on his feet. Casting a peculiar gaze at Sunny, she proceeded to express

"I really told you those words?"

Massaging his stinging neck wound, he merely nodded, acknowledging the pain.

Nephis lowered her gaze momentarily, then shut her eyes, taking a brief pause. When she reopened them, a steely determination gleamed within, reflecting her newfound resolve..

"What do I need to do?"

Sunny spoke again

"Ask Cassie to summon her staff. Then get her into the boat."

Dismissing her sword, Changing Star glanced at him for the last time and walked toward her friend.

Eventually, Rin reached her breaking point. Her head felt light, her frustration mounting as they continued to refuse cooperation.

"WAIT STOP! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING, we need to stay, Neph have you gone crazy too"

With determination, she aimed her weapon squarely at him. In a blink of an eye, she closed the distance, her sword slicing through the air towards his chest until it met its match in Neph's defence.

The two swords clashed together, their metal ringing out in the air, until Sunny's swift kick sent Rin sprawling backward.

'i need to convince him, i need to change his mind….. I have an idea'

She plunged her sword into the sand and lifted herself up, then charged once more at her opponents. This time, she intentionally veered past Neph and found herself face to face with Sunny. As their gazes met, Rin opened her eyes wide, locking them with Sunny's intense stare.

Sunny was frozen in place as her eyes turned a fiery shade of red, their elegant pattern mesmerizing those who beheld them.

She spoke:



Something changed

She heard the spell

[Betray imminent]

[Aspect ability disabled]

[betrays left (½) before death]

[minor warning punishment enabled]

As she braced herself for what was to come because these following moments etched themselves deeply into her memory. A surge of electricity seemed to ignite in her head and then came the excruciating wave of pain, engulfing her entire being.


She was caught off guard, not even a moment to let out a scream. It was as if a searing jolt pierced through her skull, twisting and igniting a sensation that sent shockwaves through her entire being.

She felt as though every bone in her body had shattered. She had experienced the agony of a broken arm before, but this pain was on another level entirely. It gnawed at her relentlessly, leaving her trembling in its wake.

She dropped to her knees, gripping her head as if trying to anchor herself in a swirling sea of confusion.

The world around her blurred and dimmed, a sensation akin to being enveloped in a thick black fog. Someone, familiar yet elusive, picked her up gently and put her into the boat. Despite the pain coursing through her, she struggled to make out the face before her. With a heavy heart and aching limbs, she succumbed to the darkness, her eyelids drifting shut.

She heard the spell again

[minor warning punishment disabled]

[betrays left (½) before death]

We're getting closer and closer to the lore dump, I can't wait!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Dashkins74creators' thoughts