
Shadow Raven

Anthony was just a common boy before the [Soul Spirit] arrived. But when it did... His true Potential was unearthed, and no monster was safe from him...

TheGreatQilin · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Trials (5/6)

[Temporary Interface]

[Hunter Set (Common)]

[Hunter's Cardigan (Common)]

[+2 Defense]

[Description: Just an old Jacket of a Hunter. Nothing special]

[Hunter's Pants (Common)]

[+1 Dexterity]

[Description: Old Trousers a Hunter used to wear. Nothing special]

[Hunter's Boots (Common)]

[+2 Agility]

[Description: Worn out Boots that a Hunter used to hunt Bears with.]

"Oh, so this is the Hunter Set, hmmm..... I see... But if there are additions to stats, what are my stats then? In Damien's novels it was always something like... Status?"

[To get access to System Interface you have to pass the 5 Trials]

"So this is temporary... If the world turned into something game-like, I should be able to appraise the bear then?"

[3 Minutes for Preparation are left]

"Ey, wait!"

I decided to try appraising the black bear.

"Appraise!...Analyse!...Maybe I need to go near it"

When I was around 3 meters from the bear, a screen popped out.

[Black Bear]

[Level 2]

"Level 2?! Spirit, what Level am I?"

[You are Level 0. When you complete the Trials, you will be set at Level 1]

"I hope the strength of the black bear depends on his a Level, or I will be doomed... even with 10 lives... and hopefully the Level-Strength-Difference will not be too bad... But if I try, it should be passable."

[2 Minutes for Preparation are left]

"Wait! I haven't even tried the Weapons!"

I went to the Box and took out the sword and bow with the quiver of arrows.

[Common Sword (Common)]

[+5 Damage]

[Common Bow (Common)]

[+3 Damage]

[+2 Agility]

"Oh, the Bow actually has two effects, yet lower Damage. But can I equip two weapons at the same time? It would be a hassle to switch between them."

[Do you want to equip 'Common Sword' ?]

[Yes] [No]


[Do you want to equip 'Common Bow' ?]

[Yes] [No]

"Yes! So I can! That´s great!"

I decided I needed to find a strategy to fight the bear.

"I need to try to harm the bear now, if it doesn´t work I don´t lose anything, if it works and I didn´t try it, I lost a massive advantage!"

I ran to the bear but when I was one and a half meters from the bear:

"Ouch! Who put an invisible wall there?"

I full force ran into an invisible wall.

I sulkingly sat down and started thinking of another strategy.

After realising I didn´t have that many possibilities, as it was highly unprobable I could fight a bear in close combat and that there wasn´t any environmental advantage I could utilise, as I was in a seemingly infinite white world I thought that kiting it would probably work.

[1 Minute for Preparation is left]

I positioned myself 13-15 Meters away and took a deep breath, while drawing the bow. I concentrated and remembered the countless fights I had with my father. I fought with him as a hobby, with weapons, hand-to-hand, I tried everything, but I couldn´t defeat him no matter what I tried. So I could actually use swords and bows, but my swordmanship and bow skills were mediocre.

After taking another deep breath, I heard the Countdown.








"You can do it, Anthony! Believe in yourself!"




[The Fight begins! Lives left: 10]

But before I could do anything, the bear made a 13-meter leap and landed in front of me and smashed my head.

[Lives left: 9]

"What the fuck happened? Can he do that again, or is ot just an one-time-thing?"


"Oh fuck.. I need to win this! I can win this!"


I went back to the place where I died just now and prepared myself to roll away the Moment the countdown reached 0.


I took a deep breath *sigh*.













[The Fight begins! Lives left: 9]

I immediately rolled away and.. stumbled? How? I trained this for years and it was supposed to work. 

"Oh.. It should be the +2 Agility from the Bow and Boots and +1 Dexterity from the Pants.."

I swiftly refocused and fired an arrow at the bear, while distancing myself from him.


Suddenly an HP-Bar appeared above the head of the bear, but it went down by a measly one tenth or fifteenth.

"His HP should be around a hundred then."


After seeing the familiar jumping position I urgently rolled away again and fired another shot while the bear was mid-air.




"The bear can receive fall damage? Interesting.. That should help a bit."

After seeing that now the HP-Bar was at 4/5 I was sure that his HP was a hundred.

Before the bear could get up I shot another arrow that lodged itself deep in the neck of the bear.

[-18! Critical!]


The bear roared in pain.

´So there are areas that cause more damage than others´

When I saw the bear running at me I decided to risk it and fire another shot, hoping to hit his eye.

[-25! Critical Hit!]

But he still ran at me and managed to scratch me while holding his eye.


I flew a few meters before crashing into the ground.


"Fuck! He is not the only one who can receive fall damage! That was fucking close! I´m left at a measly 1 HP!"

But when I looked at the bear, he had a red aura!

"I guess that is because he is below 50% and some kind of enhancement?"

I guessed right as when he leaped at me again, he was a bit faster than before.

I rolled away and fired another shot.


"Did he take less Damage because of the red aura or is the damage not fixed?"

The bear once again ran at me, but when I fired a shot, he rolled just as I was doing before! Did he learn from me? Did Animals suddenly become intelligent?

But because I spaced out, he managed to reach me and smash with his paws.


[Lives left: 8]

I gathered all my resolve and waited for the Fight to begin again.







-15 Minutes and 1 Failure later-

The bear was left with 17 HP.

[-18! Critical Hit!]

"Yes another shot in the neck!"


"Ha! I bet you had an ultimate ability of some sort at 10 HP, but I one-shotted you from 17 HP!"

After I finished dancing, I suddenly got a notification:

[Your Dexterity is 12 and your Instinct is at 1]

"Hmm? Spirit, what is Instinct?"

[Instinct is similar to a sixth sense that allows you to sense danger]

"And how can I increase it?"

[It can only be increased by continuous battles]

"You said 5 Trials, right? What is the fifth then?"

[You will now be sent to the fifth Trial, the Trial of Talent]