
Shadow Raven

Anthony was just a common boy before the [Soul Spirit] arrived. But when it did... His true Potential was unearthed, and no monster was safe from him...

TheGreatQilin · Fantasy
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12 Chs

A tragic Story

-8 Years ago-

"Dad! Please! *sniff* Don´t die! You made a promise to remain at least until my Birthday! *sniff*"

A teenage boy was holding his dying fathers hand in a hospital. The father had a bad case of lung cancer for a few years already.

"Please! You are the only one I have left! *sniff*"

Suddenly the father turned very serious on his last breath:

"My son, I already anticipated that I won´t be able to remain with you for your Birthday, so I prepared the gift already. Take it out of my drawer, you will also find enough money and a ticket to the UK there, my friend will receive you when you arrive. And always remember, I love you..."

With that the father drew his last breath.

"Dad! No... *sniff* Dad..."

The boy left the room a few hours later with a sad look. It was dark already. Suddenly a doctor approached him.

"Hey! You!"

"Me?", the boy asked.

"Yes, you! Your father asked me to give you a few bucks to take a cab.", he said while giving the boy a 50-dollar-note.

"Thank you.", the boy answered, took the money and left.

-Half an hour later-

The boy paid the driver, got out of the car and looked at a house gloomily.

He took out a key and went in and instead of changing clothes he immediately went up into the second floor and into a room that was packed full with piles of documents and when I say full I mean full. To get to the table you had to maneuver through a maze of these piles. But the boy got to the table without any problems and turned the key hanging from a lock in a drawer. There he found a box with the note: `For my little boy´. He then took the box and opened it. In there he found a black bracelet with one little stone engraved that was dimly glowing in a green light like an emerald. Also the bracelet had six other spaces, that you could seemingly engrave little stones like that in. He swiftly wore it. Under the bracelet was a folded letter and a ticket for a flight, as well as around 10.000 dollars. After the boy unfolded and read the letter, his eyes widened and he folded it back. He then took the box with the ticket and money and went back out, took another cab to an airport and sat in a plane. What he didn´t see, were two men one of which after seeing the boy leave the house gave his partner a sign and they went to the house after making sure the boy was already far away.

-Meanwhile, in the plane-

"If that what dad wrote is true, then I really don´t know what to think anymore..."


Author´s Note: Thanks @Terance_Ivy, your book gave me the Idea to build in this POV. And there will be another chapter today, since this one is so short.