
Shadow of the Tales of Demons and Gods

Wu Kaoshan had been living a life that's considered almost like a protagonist of a typical manga/anime series. Life pushed him to the front stage, and it finally burned him out when he was at his final year of university. He always finds solace with reading mangas, light novels, webtoons, and more recently, manhuas & webnovels. Being extremely self-aware of himself and things that happened to him, it wasn't easy to caught him off-guarded. But who would've thought that he would get what's basically "isekai"-ed into the universe of his favorite series? Follow Wu Kaoshan as he journeys through the familiar, yet alien world to him, meeting the characters from said series and the events that will transpire. What would be his role? What will he do? Those will be answered in this log. - Disclaimer: I own my OC, but TODG respectively belongs to Mad Snail (Props for shining the light on a lot of series from China that got me hooked). - Also, regarding updates, I'll do it when I can. But I don't intend to make this a daily thing.

Josua070 · Others
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: Gathering The "Cast" (1)

The class started with the introduction to the basics of Fighters, Demon Spiritualists and the difference between the two. Wu Shan only pretended to listen to the lecture, while in his mind, he began compiling information on the teacher. Since he knows his name now and other things about the man, he could look him up in the Library of Existence (LoE).

Name: Feng Linshi

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 35

Combat Class: Demon Spiritualist

Cultivation: 4-Star Silver Rank

Soul Sea Type: Pink [1]

Soul Attribute: Holy

Soul Form: None

Occupation: Lecturer

Affiliation: Holy Orchid Institute


"Okay... So far, no hidden faction affiliation or anything like that from him..." Wu Shan muttered silently.

He only looked like he was paying attention to what was explained by the lecturer, but in reality, he was busy categorizing the people around him based on the info from the LoE. Aside from the obvious people that he already know of, like Chen Linjian and Huyan Lanruo, most of them were background characters without much significance put into them in the main storyline.

Normally speaking, many stories would usually focus on the main character and those around him. But everyone else who's not a part of the main cast tends to get sidelined as a background character. This was the norm. However, prior to his transmigration, there were also stories that focused on the background characters, and they would become their own main characters. Hence, the line "Everyone is the main character of their own story" was finally being applied to the fiction world.

By using this logic, Wu Shan began to list those who were considered to be background characters, yet they have mediocre talents at best and decent personality at least. With both spectrum being the absolute condition in mind, he began to ponder around the list of people currently in class, and categorizing them inside the LoE.

"No, he's too talented..."

"Nope, not this one. Too dumb."

"Geh, he's just a plain a**hole."


He would spend most of his time doing this, while keeping a poker face on the outside, so as to not arouse suspicions from the teacher or the other students. This went on until the end of the class, where he finally decided on those who caught his interest.

Name: Mo Tiancai [2]

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 13

Combat Class: Base [3]

Cultivation: Base (23 Points) [4]

Soul Realm: Green

Soul Attribute: Lightning

Soul Form: Winged Dragon

Comment: She reminds me of Sasha Blouse. She's an airhead, but bloody hell, she's a genius in combat, based on her records from the LoE. And she's pretty kind to others, so that's great. Not from any notable family, so less attention. In terms of physical prowess and appearance... I'll not comment on appearance, because I could already feel she'd whoop me (though she's at least good-looking). Prowess-wise, however, she's good, for a girl.

Name: Meng Yaojia [5]

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 13

Combat Class: Base

Cultivation: Base (20 Points)

Soul Sea Type: Yellow

Soul Attribute: Dark

Soul Form: None

Comment: A bit weaker in terms of Cultivation when compared to Mo Cai. Playboy-ish, but he always means well, and he never does anything to ruin the girls he's been with, even after he left them. Physical prowess-wise, he's slightly above average. But his looks is enough for him to be able to be a playboy, so there's that. Though, he's a genius in terms of economics, not that it's a priority for the current Glory City, which is sad. His family are a bunch of merchants, though only a middle-tier one at that, so that's great.

Name: Ding Yuxiao [6]

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 13

Combat Class: Base

Cultivation: Base (27 Points)

Soul Sea Type: Orange

Soul Attribute: Gold

Soul Form: Thundercloud

Comment: He's huge for his age. Quiet, non-talkative. But he cares for others, and because of his physique quite suitable for tanking. Aside from his absurd physical prowess, his looks is pretty average. Not from any notable background as well. He's a tad slow, in terms of speed, compared to the others, looking at the info from the LoE though...

Name: Yan Yao [7]

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 13

Combat Class: Base

Cultivation: Base (31 Points)

Soul Sea Type: Cyan

Soul Attribute: Chaos

Soul Form: Red Sun

Comment: An orphan who was adopted by a lecturer at the Institute. No significant background in family, be it politically or economically. Known to be a beauty, but infamous to be quite sadistic to the Sacred Family during the fall of Glory City in the previous timeline. Physically adept, on par with the average male.

All of these people were those of non-significant background when putting them with the main cast of the main storyline, hence they're mostly background characters. Although they may have some talent, it was simply impossible for them to grow to their maximum potential, doomed to stuck in mediocracy until it was too late.

In the previous timeline, they all died during the fall of Glory City. Although one of them managed to reach Gold Rank and were even Demon Spiritualists at that time, they were simply outclassed by the demonic beast hordes that stampeded the city. The history of the previous timeline only recorded them as being one of the fallen in defense of Glory City.

But now, Wu Shan plans to take them under his wing, and ensure their growth and survival in this timeline. It was not out of sentimentality. It was simply for him to make things interesting, and he always liked to see people grow and even surpass him in some sense.

After the break started, he went to greet one of the people on the list: Mo Cai, AKA Mo Tiancai. The lass was busy eating her meal: a meat bun and a rice ball, accompanied with a small gourd of water. It took her about 2 minutes to finish her meal. The way she finished her meal... It can only be described as "savage". After she gulped down the water, she looked at him with glittering eyes.

"You're that genius, right? Can you teach me? Can you, can you, can you? Please please please!" she said, while holding his hands.

"... I'd answer, if you tell me your name first..." he replied, speechless at her attitude.

'Yep, she's like Sasha Blouse, alright. That enthusiasm is on steroids...' he thought.

She paused for a minute, and made a 'Tehee~' expression, while scratching her head in embarrassment.

"Name's Mo Tiancai. You can call me Mo Cai! Nice to meet ya, Master!" she said, puffing with excitement on her face.

"I'm Wu Kaoshan, as you already know. Just call me Wu Shan. Also, you know I haven't said yes or no, right?" he replied, overwhelmed by her excitement.

"You won't..?" she looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Uhh... I will, sheesh." he said, while pretending to give up on not accepting her.

He could feel the others around them were secretly glaring at them. The boys were secretly jealous of both his "rank" and "flirting" with Mo Cai. Meanwhile, the girls were the ones who were jealous on Mo Cai, for being so brazen as to ask Wu Shan to accept her as his disciple despite him approaching her first. Wu Shan, who was aware of all of this, didn't know whether he should laugh or not. It was simply comical.

"Okay, I'm gonna go to the others, so we'll meet again later after class." he said to her.

"Sure! See ya later!" she said as she brought out a steamed bun, apparently for her dessert.

'Yep, she's just like Sasha. Time to go to the other one.' he thought, while sighing.

He then walked towards Meng Yaojia, who was already fooling around with some of the other girls in the class that were sitting around him.


[1] Pink doesn't exist, technically speaking. I'm just doing this for the hell of it. As to the placement of it in terms of power, it's between Yellow and Green. So, it's like above average, but below rare.

[2] Her name translates to literally "Not Talented". I'm just making her like a gag, background character who's actually a genius.

[3] I called it Base because those that are not yet 100 can't really be considered either Fighter or Demon Spiritualist. So, yeah.

[4] Same thing with point no. 2, but due to the fact that they're even Bronze Rank, so yeah.

[5] Literally translates to "Eminent Elegant Merchant". A tad ironic XD.

[6] Translates to "The Background Strong, Quiet Man". Bouncer-ish, but none of the sass.

[7] Literally translates to "Extremely Cruel, yet Elegant".

Sorry for the long absence.

I've been depressed for several months since July, and it's been getting worse. I just couldn't think on what to write, and eventually, I had to just take a break.

Even then, it didn't get better. Hell, I even have suicidal thoughts, and it still persists.

I'll only say this, if you're depressed as well, regardless of you circumstances:

If you still have a dream/goal/ambition/drive, then pursue it. No matter how hard it is, as long as you still have it, then you'll be able to keep moving forward. Don't be like me, who's stagnated because I don't have any dreams or anything like that anymore.

I'm just gonna try to write, to the best that I can for the moment. So, yeah. Enjoy.

Josua070creators' thoughts