
Shadow Monarch In One Piece

on Thunderous stormy night, a young man by the name of Asura was quietly transported into the world of one piece with the solo leveling syst, watch as he builds an unstoppable army of shadow warriors and rules the world.

EternalKings · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

8: Battle At Sea


Asura sat leisurely atop the black tiger as it flew at its top speed without stopping.

he had to admit it, he was surprised.

The Black tiger hadn't stopped once ever since he left the island, and Asura had been flying for nearly 3 hours now.

he hadn't come into contact with any other islands, much less ships sailing.


the black tiger released a low roar, it sounded almost like a growl.

"what's that?" Asura sat up with a serious expression, he had previously informed the black tiger to release a low roar if it noticed anything while he was resting.

Seeing the 4 black dots in the distance, Asura came to a realization, with a closer look Aura noticed it was a small black ship surrounded by 3 marine ships.



the sound of cannon fire was heard across the sea, the closer Asura got the more he heard and saw.

the black tiger hovered above the air as it got closer and closer, Asura wasn't planning on helping the unlucky pirates, there was no gain and a battle probably wouldn't be favorable for him either.

Although he felt strong, he couldn't become too arrogant, this was a world where the strong ruled, and even these so called "strong" were as numerous as the clouds Above the endless sea.


"f*ck, these damn marines, we can't go anywhere" a pirate holding a cutlass snorted coldly as he watched their crews ship getting surrounded.

would they really have no choice but to fight?

"get ready for battle" a loud voice was heard throughout the pirate ship.

it came from a huge male with a puffy back beard, the man wore a long red pirate coat and held a huge sharp axe in his hands, beside his two pant pockets were two black flintlock firearms.

this message alerted all of the pirates on the ship, they all rushed to the main deck area and became vigilant as the marine ships came over.

both sides had already ceased cannon fire.


the pirate captain pulled out his flintlock and raised it, pointing towards the main marine ship in the middle, releasing a bullet at a fast speed.

the bullet reached the main marine ship in the blink of an eye, landing on the head of a marine soldier.

this immediately alerted all the others, but more bullets were sprayed onto their ship in an instant.


"fast reactions" Asura praised the pirate captain in his mind, but he thought more about it, he wouldn't help either side.

but he also planned to make a move.

The ships had weapons, food and beli, all of these things were important in Asura's eyes currently.

"I'll observe for now, if there is an opening I'll just swoop down and take over" Asura thought as the flying tiger drifted through the air from a safe distance.

it had probably already been noticed by someone, but considering their current situation, there was no point in even saying anything.

the sound of swords clashing and bullets being released from pistols were heard, the battle went on for at least an hour and 30 minutes.

Asura was getting tired of waiting, but he planned to be patient, the pirate captain could threaten his life, and so could the highest ranking officer on the marine ship.

If he slipped up and got hit with a bullet, that was it, it was over for him.

currently, the pirate captain was in an up front clash with the marine officer.

"Black Sea pirates, we have finally caught you guys" the marine officer said as he brandished his cutlass.

he wore the usual marine uniform along with the hat, his face was sharp and his left eye had a long scar through the middle.

His fierce gaze landed on the pirate captain who still held up the flintlock pistol.

The marine officer wasn't one bit scared by the pistol which could possibly threaten his life, almost as if he wasn't fazed at all.


a shot went off.


the sound of metal collision was heard, the marine officer had fiercely blocked the bullet with his sword.

they then began to fight fiercely with their lives on the line.


Asura observed the battle, he definitely couldn't contend with the marine officer or the pirate captain, any one of them was far stronger than him, not only that, but they had weapons and better skills.

Asura closely observed the marine officer, his sword skills caught his eye, definitely a seasoned soldier who had been through alot of battles.

just the aftermath of the pirate captain and the marine officer's battle was enough for Asura to know they were both stronger than him.

it was a good thing he hadn't rushed in like a dumbass.

As the two sides fought, Asura was like a slithering snake as he waited for a moment to strike and take everything for himself.