
Shadow Monarch In One Piece

on Thunderous stormy night, a young man by the name of Asura was quietly transported into the world of one piece with the solo leveling syst, watch as he builds an unstoppable army of shadow warriors and rules the world.

EternalKings · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

7: Conquering the Island

3 days went smoothly.

with the addition of the flying black tiger, as well as his new strength, Asura managed to kill even more monsters in this dense forest mostly with his own strength.

the cool wind blew across his skin as he sat leisurely on a tree branch, in his hands was a large piece of meat which had been ripped off from some poor animal.

"status" Asura said calmly.


Host: Asura

Class: Shadow Monarch

Level: 7

Skills: [Shadow Extraction]

Summons: 1/1

(black Winged tiger) [UnNamed]

after three days he managed to reach level 7, it got harder to level up as he got stronger, but this was also because the White winged tiger was the strongest creature in this forest untill it was killed by Asura.

"I wonder what will happen when I reach level 10"

Asura thought, usually in games they would unlock certain functions or other things.

it would be nice if there was a shop option, he could perhaps buy a comfortable bed or a huge ship and sail away.

the sound of bones cracking was heard as Asura stretched, he lazily threw the huge meat bone away before turning serious.

it was already his 4th day in this world, stuck on this small and deserted island with nothing to do except for eating and fighting.

For someone who now loved this world's food, Asura definitely went all out.

Eating any exotic creatures he could find, whether they were large or small, he even had his favorites.

Although some creatures were huge, they mostly tended to be herbivores that could do nothing but watch and scream as their family members got punched to death by Asura everyday.

Although the winged black tiger could fly for a relatively long time, Asura wasn't planning on risking it.

It seemingly never ran out of energy according to the system, which stated that it was practically an infinite energy tank as long as he was Alive and had strength.

Yet the more Asura thought Abt this, the more he also thought Abt taking the risk and flying away from here atop the black tiger.

he had roamed around the island for hours on the flying tiger without stopping, perhaps it was really like the system said, he reflected upon the past three days.

"I'll try to leave tomorrow then, but I'll definitely pack food and other things"

Asura wasn't prepared to die on top of his own summoned monster because he couldn't find food after leaving dis island.


the next day.

the sun was high in the sky, it's scorching rays shining brightly over the deserted island.

Asura watched as the endless clouds in the sky drifted smoothly, accompanied by a warm breeze which put his mind at ease.


he became covered in a dark aura, his shadow was widened as a ferocious black tiger with large wings appeared behind him.

Asura had discovered another secret of the system, his summons could actually grow alongside him.

he noticed this after leveling a few times, although the increase in strength wasn't as much as his, it was still an increase.

Summons: 1/1

1: black Winged tiger [UnNamed] (Elite)

[summons are classified by sections from: normal grade, elite grade, knight grade, elite knight grade, commander/general grade, marshal grade and grand marshal grade (grades are classified by the amount of strength a summon has, and how strong it is in the "one piece world"

meaning the black tiger wasn't even that strong at all in this world since it was only at the elite stage.

But, it was still stronger than normal most people which could be classified in the "normal grade"

Asura patted the huge tiger warmly on its head before mounting it, with his strong body it wouldn't be a problem if the black tiger flew at it's top speed through the sky.

feeling the cool air warmly caressing his skin, Asura felt accomplished after so many days, and finally it was time to leave this isolated island.

he das definitely looking forward to what he would find out in the sea.

many new friends, and definitely many strong pirates becoming his summon.

been a busy week because I'm moving, but I'll def upload more today or tmr

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