
Shadow Monarch In One Piece

on Thunderous stormy night, a young man by the name of Asura was quietly transported into the world of one piece with the solo leveling syst, watch as he builds an unstoppable army of shadow warriors and rules the world.

EternalKings · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

4: Terrifying Beast

The next morning..

Asura opened and closed his eyes slowly before sitting up, as he sat up he noticed the shore as well as the sea.

only then did he remember, it was all truly real, he was really in the world of one piece for real, he no longer had any doubts.

"goo goo"

Asura's eyes widened as he immediately jumped away, the place where he was sleeping was replaced with a coconut which had landed where his head was.

holy shit.

that would've been the end of his life if he didn't notice.

A silly monkey was jumping around the tree he sat under, it continuously jumped on the branches, as if it was laughing at Asura.

"F*ck off" Asura pulled out a pebble from his pockets and threw it towards the monkey.

it stealthily dodged the pebble before swinging off into the distance.

Asia sighed, he really couldn't sleep here next time, he had nearly died, that huge coconut wouldve squished his head if he didn't notice it at the corner of his eye.

"today, I will head into the forest" Asura thought, he couldn't hide on the shore forever, he needed to be confident, but also not suicidal.

holding a stick in his hands, Asura headed into the forest, holding a long stick he had sharpened with a rock earlier.

the Forest was filled with the sound of beasts in the distance.



Asura swung the stick in his hand, aimed at a bush next to his feet.


pulling it out, his eyes widened as he noticed a pierced snake on the tip of his stick.

[Ding! Poisonous Ground snake killed [2/3]]

Asura threw it away in disgust as he noticed the "poisonous" in its name, he didn't know how to remove the poison in the snake, so there was no point.

what surprised him even more was that he had actually gained a kill off that sneaky snake, ever since the first day he felt that his senses were getting strengthened and so was his strength.

it was only a small increase, but for someone who was familiar with his own strength, Asura noticed it immediately.

"just one more kill and I'll be able to gain some actual combat abilities"

Asura continued walking even deeper, he was still within the outskirts where it was safe for now.

"sh*t" he cursed as he traversed around, he had nearly plunged into some deep ass mud, only one day and he was already going crazy.

"out of anywhere u could send me in this world, u place me on a dangerous island" Asura complained.


a loud roar was heard throughout the forest, Asura who heard this paled as he raised his spear in vigilance.

the roar was accompanied by a sharp gust of wind which blew on his face, this gust of wind carried the aura of death.

Asura didn't dare rush any more, he hurriedly stepped back, but it was too late.


a red eye was seen flashing through the dense forest before a huge white tiger appeared, this tiger had two wings on its back as if glared Asura, or more specifically the stick in his hands.

Asura didn't dare to take his eyes off this vicious winged tiger that was even taller than him while on all 4 of its limbs.

Asura calmed down and followed the tigers eyes and looked towards the wooden stick, his eyes widening in disbelief.

his spear was covered in the blood of the snake he had killed earlier, seeing the tiger staring at the stick he finally understood something.

He really fucked up now!

The Winged tiger had definitely found him through the blood of the Ground snake which was smeared on the wooden stick.


The winged tiger roared once again, as it had never seen a creature like Asura before it slowly creeped up as it crouched its strong limbs, each step causing Asura to turn paler and paler.


Asura didn't waste another second, he stepped back and grabbed onto a tree branch, swinging off with all his strength.

The trees in the area were close to each other, he could easily manuver around with the trees.

but would the winged white tiger let him off so easily?

it's Aura reached the peak ass it shot off, in one leap it reached the tree, it's huge paws meters away from Asura!

"F*ck" Asura cursed, but his mind worked at the speed of light as he noticed that one of the Tiger's eye was scarred and disabled, giving him an idea that he didn't even dare to execute.