
Shadow Monarch In One Piece

on Thunderous stormy night, a young man by the name of Asura was quietly transported into the world of one piece with the solo leveling syst, watch as he builds an unstoppable army of shadow warriors and rules the world.

EternalKings · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

3: Struggles in a New World!

a quarter of an hour passed, during this time Asura was hopping around the shore and stuffing small rocks into his pockets, his eyes following that crab everywhere it went, making sure it didn't disappear.

back on earth, Asura was pretty athletic and played many sports, he knew these aspects of himself would definitely increase his chance of survival.


creeping slowly through the sand, Asura kept a hand in his pockets and another to maneuver around.

the huge crab moved around as it watched the sea, almost as if it was relaxing.

Asura pulled out a small rock, his muscles bulged as he threw it.

it shot off aiming for the crab.


Its shell was pierced and the stone broke into its body, the crab jumped up shockingly and moved its tiny legs around in shock.

Asura didn't stop there, he continuously pulled the rocks out of his pocket and shot them towards the crab.

the rocks broke into its shell with each throw, Asura's strength coupled with the sharp rocks left the crab no way to even notice the rocks flying towards it.

[Ding! Small crab killed]

[1/3 creatures killed, 2 more to go]

"small crab my ass" Asura nearly cried when he noticed the notification, if he was too close to the crab it could possibly stab him with its claws.

previously Asura had seen some other small Sea creatures and killed them, but the system hadn't even said anything at all.

Meaning only creatures of certain strength could be killed for him to unlock the shadow monarch abilities.

"Is the sun setting already?" Asura squirted his eyes as he looked at the setting sun.

He then hurried into the forest on the island, staying close to the outside so as to not attract any stronger beasts.

only after 10 or so minutes did he come back to the corpse of the crab, holding many sticks in his hand as well as some large leaves he had found.

Asura made a fire with some sticks and leaves after nearly an hour, his stomach growling and growing hungrier as time went by.

a large rock slab was placed atop the fire, held up by some wooden sticks, and finally the large crab was placed atop of it.

while watching the main body of the crab as well as the broken off claws cook, Asura was in deep thought.

He didn't want a Devil fruit, as he already had the system, and a devil fruit would restrict his movements in water, although he would possibly change his mind in the future if he found a terribly good devil fruit.

But for now, he could pretend that the shadow monarch abilities were devil fruit powers, only to avoid any unnecessary suspicion.

Asura was truly struggling now, he had to find a safe place to sleep, there was no way he could sleep on the shore, and the forest was probably even more dangerous.

he put his head down and sighed in deep thought.


after the large crab finished cooking, Asura grabbed a claw and broke it apart with his large hands.

looking at the pure white meat that came out, he nearly drooled, he was way too hungry.

after the first bite, he was truly in heaven, he hadn't tasted meat this good in his life, not even from those large restaurants on earth.

after this moment, Asura truly fell in love with food, or more specifically, the food of this world.

the crab tasted too good, he could only snap out of the bliss after noticing he was about to chew the shells.

"Holy Shit that was good" Asura rubbed his belly and licked his fingers, although he was fully he couldn't wait to eat even more tomorrow.

after putting out the fire and clearing the area, Asura rushed towards a tall tree.

this tree had large leaves, which could be used to make a makeshift bed, although it wouldn't be too comfortable it was still better than sleeping on the ground.

after grabbing a bunch of the leaves and throwing them down, Asura stacked them till it was soft enough for him to lay down and cover himself with a few leaves.

"The first day in this world, hehe imagine if this was all a dream tomorrow" Asura sighed as his gaze landed on the sunset which made the sea look even more beautiful, it made his heart warm.

just like that he fell asleep under a tall tree.