
Shadow Monarch (Solo Leveling x HsDxD)

Enter Kazuki Tanaka, your regular high school student. Life has always been the same, eat, sleep, school, etc and repeat. That was until a fallen angel attacked him while he was taking a stroll. He was about to die until... ---- Notes: I will change some aspects when it comes to Solo Leveling, you are going to see things such as dungeon creation, observe, etc. - This is not a "Betrayed" book - Rias will not be a pain in the ass - There will be a lot of violence -There will not be a harem -Constructive criticism is accepted You may also see some appearances of characters from other anime and Manhwa. This was originally published on Wattpad and Yes, this is MY story.

Laurentiino · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

XXVIII - XXIX: Valper Galilei




Name: Kazuki Tanaka Level: 76

Job: The Monarch of Shadows Fatigue: 20

Title: Wolf Slayer Age: 17 HP: 23,005 MP: 10,225


Strength: 342 Vitality: 220

Agility: 300 Intelligence: 249

Remaining Points: 10

Kiba sat outside of the Occult Research Club, staring off into the distance. The frustration he felt from his defeat against Xenovia the day before lingered heavily on his mind. He clenched his fists in anger, feeling powerless and weak.

Before leaving, however, Rias asks them about the identity of the Fallen Angel, who stole the Excaliburs, thus, learning that the one responsible was the Fallen Angel Leader, Kokabiel.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder, causing him to turn around. It was Issei, with a determined look on his face. "Hey, Kiba. I couldn't help but notice you're still upset about yesterday. I want to help you get revenge against those Excalibur swords. What do you say?"

Kiba looked at him in surprise. "You want to help me?"

Issei nodded. "Of course! We're friends, right? Plus, I want to show you that you're not weak. We can do this together."

Kiba couldn't help but feel touched by Issei's words. He knew he couldn't do this alone, and having his friends' support meant everything to him. "Thank you, Issei. I appreciate it."

Issei grinned. "Great! I've already got Koneko and Saji on board. Let's go find those Exorcists and get those swords back."

Kazuki was also present and he too wanted to get in on the action.

With Kazuki, Koneko and Saji in tow, they set off to search for Xenovia and Irina. After hours of searching, they finally stumbled upon the two Exorcists on a deserted street.

Issei stepped forward. "Xenovia, we know you are looking for the Excalibur swords. We want to help you retrieve them."

Xenovia eyed them warily, but after a brief conversation, they agreed to work together to retrieve the swords. They handed Kiba one of the swords, and he destroyed it without any hesitation. "Thank you guys again. You really didn't have to help me," Kiba stated.

Issei grinned. "That's what friends are for, Kiba. We'll always have your back."

"It's really no big deal," Kazuki says. Later that night, Kazuki met up with Kiba and the others to help them destroy the Excalibur swords. As they planned their attack, a mysterious young man appeared beside Issei's client.

Kazuki used his observe ability to find out more about the stranger. His name was Azazel, and he was a fallen angel.

"So who exactly are we looking for again?" Kazuki questioned. Suddenly, they hear a sinister sounding voice. They saw what appeared to be a priest and he was holding onto an Excalibur fragment. "Well, well. What do we have here? Devils, A fallen angel, and a human? How interesting."

Kazuki uses observe to find out who the person was. "Valper Galilei, this is your end," he confidently stated. "Oh, the human knows who I am? How fun."




Name: Kazuki Tanaka Level: 76

Job: The Monarch of Shadows Fatigue: 20

Title: Wolf Slayer Age: 17 HP: 23,005 MP: 10,225


Strength: 342 Vitality: 220

Agility: 300 Intelligence: 249

Remaining Points: 10

Xenovia and Irina make a timely arrival. They had arrived to see Igris, Viser, Freed, Balak, Tusk, and Beru come out of Kazuki's shadow. They see that Valper Galilei was also there, with an Excalibur Fragment in hand.

"What the hell are those?" Valper confusingly questioned. By the expression on his face, Kazuki knew that he was terrified. "I am going to extinguish those demonic creatures from the face of the Earth!" He then yelled.

Xenovia and Irina make a timely arrival. They had arrived to see Igris, Viser, Freed, Balak, and Beru come out of Kazuki's shadow. They see that Valper Galilei was also there, with an Excalibur Fragment in hand.

"What the hell are those?" Valper confusingly questioned. By the expression on his face, Kazuki knew that he was terrified. "I am going to extinguish those demonic creatures from the face of the Earth!" He then yelled.

Kazuki's sudden outburst sent a chill down the spines of everyone present. They knew that Valper's fear could drive him to do something reckless. The shadows quickly took their battle stances, ready to defend themselves.

Igris, Viser, and Balak charged at Valper, while Freed and Beru stayed back to provide support from afar. Xenovia and Irina took to the air, brandishing their holy swords. Issei and Kiba rushed forward to join the fray.

Valper swung his Excalibur Fragment with reckless abandon, striking down anything that came within his reach. But the demons and angels were quick on their feet, dodging and weaving around his attacks.

Igris and Viser closed in on Valper from opposite sides, their claws extended. Valper swung his Fragment at Igris, but the shadow dodged the attack and landed a blow on Valper's side. Viser followed up with a strike to Valper's back.

Valper staggered, but he didn't falter. He swung his Fragment at Balak, who was flying towards him. Balak deftly dodged the attack and countered with a blast of fire from his hands. The flames engulfed Valper, but he emerged unscathed.

Xenovia and Irina swooped in from above, their swords glowing with holy power. Valper swung his Fragment at them, but they split up and dodged the attack. Xenovia lunged forward and stabbed at Valper's chest, making him bleed out.

Issei and Kiba charged at Valper from the front, their fists and blades ready. Valper swung his Fragment at Issei, but the dragon-boy ducked and landed a punch on Valper's stomach. Kiba followed up with a swipe of his sword, but Valper blocked the attack with his Fragment.

Koneko was enjoying punching the crap out of the priest. She was loving every second of it. Saji decided to stay back, seeing that they already had it handled.

The battle raged on, with the shadows attacking from all sides. Valper fought fiercely, his fear and anger driving him forward. But shadow soldiers were determined to stop him.

In the end, it was a combined effort that brought Valper down. Igris and Viser pinned him down with their claws, while Tusk bombarded him with spells from afar. Xenovia and Irina delivered the final blow, their swords piercing through Valper's heart.

Beru seized the fragment and presented it to Kazuki with respect and deference, addressing him as "my liege". Kazuki graciously accepted the offering and expressed his gratitude, commending them all for their excellent work.

Then, turning to Kiba, he asked him to perform a significant task. Kazuki held out the fragment, handing it over to Kiba, who received it with a grin on his face. Filled with satisfaction, Kiba proceeded to obliterate the object with gusto, relishing the moment of destruction.

"Goodness, what have you guys gotten yourselves into." The group all turn to see Sona, Tsubaki, Rias, and Akeno. "I'm sure this will be a lively story, I can't wait," Rias says. "Whenever you'd like to start explaining, I'm ready," Sona says in her usual stern tone.

Kazuki watches awkwardly as Rias and Sona were spanking Saji and Issei. "Well, this is definitely a spectacle. Honestly, I wouldn't take this level of disrespect. That's just me though."