
Shadow Monarch (Solo Leveling x HsDxD)

Enter Kazuki Tanaka, your regular high school student. Life has always been the same, eat, sleep, school, etc and repeat. That was until a fallen angel attacked him while he was taking a stroll. He was about to die until... ---- Notes: I will change some aspects when it comes to Solo Leveling, you are going to see things such as dungeon creation, observe, etc. - This is not a "Betrayed" book - Rias will not be a pain in the ass - There will be a lot of violence -There will not be a harem -Constructive criticism is accepted You may also see some appearances of characters from other anime and Manhwa. This was originally published on Wattpad and Yes, this is MY story.

Laurentiino · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

XXVII - Ants




Name: Kazuki Tanaka Level: 75

Job: The Monarch of Shadows Fatigue: 0

Title: Wolf Slayer Age: 17 HP: 23,000 MP: 10,200


Strength: 341 Vitality: 219

Agility: 299 Intelligence: 248

Remaining Points: 0

"We can't continue to stay like this."

"We need stronger soldiers."

"We need the ultimate soldier who will lead the empire."

"We can't continue to stay like this."

"For the glory of the empire. Strike fear into the enemies who try not to stop us."

"Feast and continue to feast."

"And continue to become stronger...my child."

In the ORC:

"Clearly this is a huge problem but how do you plan on getting to the island?" Issei questioned. "Using the teleportation circle of course," Kazuki answers. "But that's not possible, you need to be a member of a peerage in order for it to work," Rias stated.

"Well, I have an idea..." Kazuki says. Then a screen appeared in Rias' vision.

[Kazuki Tanaka has sent you a party invitation. {Accept} or {Decline}?]

"This again? Accept invitation."

[Rias Gremory has been added to your party.]

"Now, summon a magic circle and let's see if Asia and I can go with you," Kazuki says. Rias did as told and created a circle. The rest of the peerage followed suit. Asia and Kazuki were the last ones to join.

Luckily, Kazuki's idea did end up working. They were successfully transported to Jeju Island. Looking around they saw the corpses of giant ants. "It looks like they're eating eachother," Kazuki comments.

"This is freaky, I don't like this one bit," Issei says. Kazuki smirks, "Come forth." And just like that his shadow soldiers appeared on the battlegrounds.

"Destroy every ant that you see," Kazuki commanded. The shadows all went out looking for their prey. "This should be over shortly," Kazuki says.

"Titan, bring me the corpses of five ants," Kazuki says, referring to one of his largest soldiers.

The creature then took off.

"Kazuki... do you feel that?" Asia says. The comment caught him off guard. "What do you mean?" He questioned. "Kazuki, do you not feel that?" Akeno says. She sounded very serious, unlike her usual self.

Kazuki finally felt it. The feeling was a great amount of killing intent. He looks around to find the source. From a distance he could make out a figure. It stalked closer until he was able to make out its details.

Compared to the other ants who were hunched over, this one held itself up with a somewhat straightened back with a little hunch. "Alright, everyone get ready!" Rias called out.

"No, let me handle this. I wanna see what this guy is all about." Kazuki stated. "Dude, are you crazy? You're going to need our help," Issei says. "I said what I said. I expect you all to stay back," Kazui stated coldly.

They all backed off. Kazuki summoned his Soultaker axe. The ant soon was five feet apart from him. "You seem different," the ant says. "Oh, so you can talk?"

"I seek a good challenge. The humans that I've killed have been so weak," the ant said. "Hopefully I can be a good challenge for you then."

Kazuki stood tall, gripping his Soultaker axe tightly as the large humanoid ant charged towards him. Its chitinous body was covered in thick, armored plates that made her nearly invulnerable.

As it got closer, Kazuki could feel the ground beneath him tremble with each of its footsteps. He could see her razor-sharp pincers gleaming in the sunlight. He took a deep breath, bracing himself for impact.

The ant lunged at him with a powerful strike, aiming to crush him under her weight. But Kazuki was too quick. He jumped back and swung his Soultaker axe with all his might. The axe sliced through the air, and the ant's thick armor was like it was butter.

The ant howled in pain, but Kazuki didn't give her a chance to recover. He continued to attack it, striking blow after blow with his axe. Each strike sent it staggering back, its chitinous body cracking under the pressure.

It let out a deafening screech which caused a number of ants to appear.

"Come forth," Kazuki commands.

"Destroy them all."

[Tusk's Skill: Hymn of the Fire Dragon has Activated.]

It was more than enough to take care of the ants. Now there was one left standing.

The creature was a formidable opponent, and Kazuki knew he couldn't let his guard down. He stayed focused, dodging and weaving around the attacks while delivering punishing blows with his axe.

As the battle raged on, Kazuki could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He was pushing his body to its limits, using every ounce of strength he had to defeat it. But he wasn't just relying on his physical abilities. He also used his intelligence to outsmart the creature.

As the fight progressed, Kazuki noticed that the ant was starting to tire. It's movements were growing slower, and it's attacks were becoming less powerful. He knew that this was his chance to strike.

[Skill: Dominators Touch has activated.]

Kazuki charged toward the ant, putting all his strength into one final attack.

[Skill: Critical Chain has been activated.]

It let out a final, pained roar as she crumbled to the ground, defeated.

Kazuki stood over the ants lifeless body, panting heavily. He had won the battle, but he knew that there would be more challenges to come. He raised his axe in the air, feeling a sense of triumph wash over him.

[You have leveled up!]

A short while later Titan came back with ant corpses that it held with its tendrils. Titan dropped them in front of Kazuki, "Good work, continue killing the ants. We aren't leaving until they are all exterminated."

"Dude, you are enjoying this way too much," Issei says. Kazuki smirked. "Well of course I am," he says.

The monarch stood over the ant's corpses. "Arise."

"You five will help the others extinguish the other ants," Kazuki says. Without hesitation, the ants went out.

"So are you gonna use it on that one?" Asia questioned. She was referring to the ant that was able to speak human language.

"It would be foolish of me if I didn't."


[?? LV. 1]

[Rank: General]