

The story revolves around Shadi, an assassin who works in an illegal guild that provides illegal killing and escort services. He became an assassin after being bought by the guild leader as a slave without knowing why he could become a slave, and even Shadi cannot remember his past that may hold a big secret. Equipped with shadow magic, he begins his work as an assassin. Follow Shadi's story on his adventure in this fantasy world.

Apriadi_Lisandi_3786 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

chapter. 9

The sunset has arrived and people have finished their activities and are heading home.

Shadi, who was at his home, was changing his clothes for his first date with the daughter of the bar owner that he likes.

Shadi had asked for permission from Ruoni, which he had agreed to, but Ruoni asked Shadi to be careful because someone was after him. This made Shadi worried and more careful when he was outside.

After changing clothes and fixing his hair, Shadi left his house.

He was wearing a blue plaid shirt and black pants, simple clothes that suited Shadi, who prefers simplicity.

Shadi walked along the street towards Amaira's house, and the darkness was covered by the magical lights installed along the street.

Even though it was already night, many people were still out of their houses.

This was because today was a holiday, and many people were taking advantage of their time to have fun, just like Shadi.

After walking for a while, Shadi finally arrived in front of Amaira's house, where Amaira was already waiting for him outside.

She was wearing a white sleeveless shirt with a blue sweater, a long black skirt, and had her wavy hair nicely groomed, making her look pretty.

Shadi then greeted Amaira, and she became happy and grabbed his right hand.

"I didn't expect you to be ready today, Shadi?," Amaira asked.

"Yes, let's go. Ghun, the two of us will go first," Shadi replied.

Ghun, who was watching them at the door, waved at Shadi and Amaira.

"Take care of yourselves and don't come home too late."

Shadi and Amaira went to the famous town square that was always bustling with people and never slept.

To get there without getting tired, Shadi and Amaira rented a bike and they were cuddling.

Unbeknown to them, someone was watching them from afar.

"Hmm.. It looks like you succeed in having fun, Shadi."

"While your senior has to watch you having fun with your woman, how annoying."

Shadi and Amaira had arrived at the town square, and it was bustling like daytime.

"Wow... This place is very crowded," said Amaira, looking around with sparkling eyes.

"Have you never been here before?" Shadi asked.

Amaira shook her head.

"Well, if that's the case, let's go to the amusement park first, then we'll look for a food stall," Shadi said.

"That's a great idea. Let's go," Amaira replied, holding Shadi's hand.

The pair went to the amusement park on the town square, had fun trying various games there, and then went to a restaurant and ate the food served there.

Shadi and Amaira became very close and didn't realize that time was almost midnight.

Looking at the time, they were reluctant to leave, but this time they decided to walk instead of ride a bike.

"That was very enjoyable. I'm glad we could go on a date today," Amaira said, beaming with a warm smile.

"You're right," Shadi said.

"Let's do this date again next time, do you want to?"

Shadi nodded, making Amaira happy.

As they were chatting, they were suddenly confronted by three strangers carrying sharp weapons.

"Hey, the two of you, give us your money and belongings if you still want to live," one of the three, who was suspected to be a robber, threatened.

Amaira immediately took cover behind Shadi with frightened eyes, while Shadi just stared at them with a flat expression. It was a bad time to be robbed in the middle of the night on a deserted street.

Shadi stood in front of the three robbers without fear, even though the three robbers were getting more and more angry at the fact that Shadi was not intimidated.

"Why don't you just be quiet and give us your belongings," the robber in front yelled as he charged toward Shadi with a knife.

Shadi quickly pushed Amaira back, making her step back but not enough to make her fall.

With a quick reflex, Shadi dodged to the side and grabbed the arm of the first robber holding the knife and turned his body backwards.

At the same time, Shadi gave three fast kicks to the second robber's stomach until he fell back.

When Shadi wanted to attack the first robber, the third robber swung his sword at Shadi, causing Shadi to let go of the first robber's arm.

The three robbers attacked Shadi simultaneously, but Shadi avoided them with ease, although Shadi had to endure a few cuts from their weapons.

Shadi tightly grabbed the first robber's arm, turned his body, and elbowed the first robber's nose, causing the knife to be released.

Shadi then took the knife and used it on the second robber. Shadi skillfully blocked the second robber's sword with a movement like that of silat, and then cut the tendon in the second robber's hand so that the knife he was holding was released.

Shadi then stabbed several parts of the second robber's body, causing him to collapse on the spot.

The third robber was attacked by Shadi, who dodged and landed five punches, three to the thigh, back of the knee, and calf, causing the third robber to lose his balance, and then two stabs to the left and right side of his neck, ending his life.

Amaira saw the fight and could not say anything but finally gathered the courage to approach Shadi.

"Are you okay, Shadi? Your arm is cut," Amaira asked, worried about the wound Shadi received.

"I'm okay. We should get away from here now," Shadi said, trying to calm Amaira's anxiety.

"We still need to take care of your wound. Let's go to my house. My father has a medical kit there. Come on," Amaira said.

They both decided to go to Amaira's house, avoiding the place as quickly as possible.

From a distance, Mr. O was observing Shadi and Amaira.

"Well, you gave me an interesting view," he said.

Suddenly, a masked figure that was wearing the same mask as O appeared from behind.

"We have dealt with the gang leader who was after our junior, but why did you let those three robbers go?" the figure asked.

"I just wanted to see entertainment. Get ready. We have an important mission to accomplish tomorrow," O chuckled.

The masked figure, presumably one of O's men, bowed and then disappeared into the shadows.

Leaving O alone, looking at the street.

"Prepare yourself too, Shadi," O said before he disappeared into the darkness.

To be continued...