
Shadow, A Tail of a Black Cat

Shadow is a black cat living in a world in which magic exists in both humans, animals, and creatures alike. He begins on a journey searching for food after his friend, an old wizard named Sylvester Orden falls asleep. He then runs into a terrifying creature which he finds is a demon. After he makes a get away, he even finds an ancient tomb of the Gods that suddenly appeared where he accidentally activates the artifacts inside which gives him God-like powers. He soon finds that he stepped too far in his journey and ended up involved in a war between humans, animals, and demons. He hopes to not get involved but he remembers his good friend Orden would of gotten involved to save humans and animals. So Shadow decided to aid humans and animals against the terrifying demons that threatened all life.

Tara_Xayphannha · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

Shadow quietly heaved and puffed, catching his breath once he found a spot to hide from the creature. Despite being far far far away from that creature which seemed to stand as tall as the trees themselves in Shadows head, he made sure to keep the masking spell on.

The masking spell itself was deemed moderately powerful but held great strength. It masks ones aura, mana, and smell disappear as well as make the user somewhat transparent. It's useful to enemies or friends whom are blind. The spell can be learned by most people or animals with strong magical prowess. It uses little to no mana, beneficial to all.

Shadow sighed, slowly his beating heart down as he laid down, head resting under his paws. "Not only am I scared but I'm still hungry!" Shadow whined, tail waving in frustration. "I can at least hunt again. So long as that thing doesn't come here. I should keep the spell until I'm really far away in case it can smell me from here." Shadow spoke aloud to himself, laying in a loaf position as he contemplated a direction to go to as long as it's not behind him. "I guess I'll continue forward. Ugh my stomach!" He hissed, feeling it growl and rumbling heavily. As though it said, "FEED ME." "Geez whatever! Okay I'll head forward." Shadow spoke, stretching and setting off.

He stuck to the ground, sniffing about. At least the forest around here looks well mannered. No creatures like that roaming about. It's so alive over here. Though Shadow was curious of why that creature was there. Where did it come from? How did it kill that many humans and animals without disturbing much else around? Was it summoned there? Was it once human? Or animal for that matter? Shadow didn't know, racking his brain as he heard small patters of feet near him. He stopped, crouching down as his oval irises convulsed to a large size, expanding as he noticed a mole walking around, sniffing the air. Shadow wanted to catch it and eat it. So he waited.

He waited for a few minutes, watching it just wander around confused. He arched his back, his muscles tensing slightly as he made himself appear smaller and lighter. Then as his ears curved back, he pounced. He pounced, long front legs stretching out in front of him with his razor sharp nails colliding with the moles side. The mole went to screech, Shadow going for its neck and growling fiercely at it. He wrapped his front legs around it, claws still imbedded into it's skin as it squealed in pain. Shadow moved his head slightly, jerking the moles head to and fro heavily. A crunch then a crack, the mole had fell limp.

Shadow continued to hold it's neck in his strong jaws, letting go after a minute. He released the limp animal almost as big as himself, seeing the legs twitch some. Shadow licked his slightly bloody toe pads and fur, feeling accomplished at his hunting skills which he would assume looks highly effective in the eyes of someone glancing at him whether briefly or not. This fat mole, Shadow thought, would be a hearty meal which would last him a couple days on full.

Shadow wasted no time in eating the fatty mole which tasted somewhat stale yet fed him quite well. Shadow had a full belly after he ate the mole and chewed on it's bones a little. However despite this, Shadow ate it and licked himself clean. Though not long after Shadow felt a little sick. He stared intensely at what was left of the body of the mole, making him relive that horrendous scene just hours ago. His ears perked back with a face full of realization. He thought to himself, deep in his heart, was he any different than that creature? As scary and disgusting as it looked, that thing might have been hungry just like him. So why did he fear it? If another animal or person saw him eating this mole, would they have the same reaction as him? Fear and disgust? Shadow didn't know. Shadow didn't want to know. No Shadow doesn't want to think he was like that creature. It slaughtered and ate those poor humans and animals! Shadow ate to survive. Hunted to survive. Yet that creature looked like it was having fun. Just the thought of it makes the cat shutter in fear.

Shadow left the scene of his meal, heading further in a single direction just to wander. He has no home to go to so where would he go? That cave he lived in with Orden was nice and all but without him it's just a cave. With him it's home. But now no home can hold Shadow as he wandered further. The sun was beginning to set, making Shadow jump up to the top of a tree to see how far he was in. He peered around, the blue sky becoming colors of orange and yellow. The sun was bright and clear but was being overtaken by the tree linings in the distance. Some splotches of clouds took to the skies above like a painting, making Shadow wonder. He wondered what it's like to fly. Birds can fly. Dragons can fly. But Shadow never seen a dragon before, making him curious of what they are like. He heard from Orden that dragons use to roam the Earth thousands of years ago but soon did the same as he did. Fell asleep and ascended to the realm of the Gods called Paradise. Something only humans can dream of if they aren't powerful in magic. Powerful meaning whether they can level forests or do extraordinary things. Shadow is one of the lucky few born with magical power that can stun the world. Yet Shadow doesn't know his demonic beast is something far darker than that creature he ran into.

The beloved cat decided to rest near a small pond, drinking the fresh water that alleviated his soul and calmed him some. He became mellow as he laid down beside the pond which seemed to glow in the midst of the small rays hitting the waters surface at an angle. Shadow chuckled to himself, thinking to himself that Orden would of liked this spot. After all the wizard liked the littlest of things and said the oddest of things. A crazy old man Shadow thought with a small sad smile as he drifted off to sleep.

Shadow dreamt that night. The dream held much but carried so little. Within this dream state Shadow was in a dark endless void, chasing after Orden who would stay several feet in front of him. The old wizard walked casually in his long purple robe with his arms in his sleeves, his long grey beard down to his waist. Shadow ran and ran, chasing and calling for his friend. "Come back! Don't leave me!" He would cry, begging for the old wizard not to leave him. Not to go and stay with him back on Earth. Yet the old wizard continued forward, laughing and speaking with his light tone. "I'm sorry Shadow but I have to go. You're a good cat! You can make it without me friend. Besides, you'll see me soon." The old wizard spoke, making Shadow question him. And endless game of tag begun as Shadow tried to catch the wizard. It seemed like endless hours of this game but soon Shadow stopped chasing after the old wizard, curling up in a ball as he awoke with a jolt.

The crescent moon was high in the sky, the night warm without a breeze. "Another dream of him. Why did you have to leave me old friend?" Shadow asked with a murmur, peering into the shallow pond with wavery eyes. He saw a glimpse of the old man, smiling at him from the ponds surface. Shadow's eyes widened, hearing the words carry in the wind as it stirred up. "Soon." It spoke, the old man disappearing.

Shadow blinked once. Twice. Thrice. Was that really him? Or was he seeing things? It felt too real not to be an illusion. Felt too real that Orden was within Shadow's clutches.

But what did he mean by soon?