
Shadow, A Tail of a Black Cat

Shadow is a black cat living in a world in which magic exists in both humans, animals, and creatures alike. He begins on a journey searching for food after his friend, an old wizard named Sylvester Orden falls asleep. He then runs into a terrifying creature which he finds is a demon. After he makes a get away, he even finds an ancient tomb of the Gods that suddenly appeared where he accidentally activates the artifacts inside which gives him God-like powers. He soon finds that he stepped too far in his journey and ended up involved in a war between humans, animals, and demons. He hopes to not get involved but he remembers his good friend Orden would of gotten involved to save humans and animals. So Shadow decided to aid humans and animals against the terrifying demons that threatened all life.

Tara_Xayphannha · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 1

Shadow, a moderately large black cat with fluffy cheeks and a smooth tail with deep ocean blue eyes which turned yellow when scared, curious, or feral had sniffed about in search of food. The young cat was around a year old, a good hunter in his own opinion. His owner, his closest friend was a strong wizard who trained the cat in the art of magic itself. The old wizards name was Sylvester Orden, the oldest and strongest wizard which had ever existed. The old wizard was skilled in all magic and was able to read the ancient language of the Gods called Dou's.

He discovered Shadow when the cat was a couple weeks old. His mother was missing and his siblings no where to be found. Shadow himself was dying. Hunger and fear caught him in a vice grip, making him feral and attack the wizard. The wizard Orden was astonished to find that Shadow had a rare ability which allowed him to summon a large demonic beast version of himself to attack Orden. Even as the cat was dying, he still was able to break down the wizards strongest protection spell. So out of both child-like curiosity and sorrow, he put a sleep spell over Shadow and had taken him in. He nursed the kitten back to health and raised him. The kitten he named Shadow was quick to learn the basics of actually controlling his demonic beast version as he grew older. Orden began teaching him everything he knew, seeing that Shadow would be his successor from how naturally gifted the cat was. Incidentally animals with magical power are able to understand human language and said to of been able to because of the Animal God named Parthur. Thus allowed Shadow to understand and train with the old wizard.

Not soon after when Shadow turned one years old, the wizard Orden told Shadow he didn't need to teach him further and that he searched for a worthy successor for thousands of years only to find that a single orphan cat would be his true successor. Then with final words of encouragement, Sylvester Orden fell asleep. Something that Shadow knew and was told by Orden that all great wizards and witches such as himself would find a successor and when they succeed in teaching their successors everything they know, they fall into a deep sleep. Then soon they are engulfed by a mysterious glowing white hands which raise the sleeping humans into the air, dissolving into nothing. They would be placed by the Gods as vessels for them or as new demigods.

Just days ago Shadow had departed from his friend, one he mourned for for days until soon he ventured out into the world. From the large well lit cave that Orden lived in, Shadow was far away from it, not wanting to relive such feelings that made him cry for his friend. That's why Shadow is searching around for food, ready to hunt if needed. Not far from Orden's cave was a small town Shadow heard about. A nameless town with a population of around a couple hundred people. He could get free food from there but he remembered his friend. Remembered that Orden wouldn't of begged for food. He was an honest and hearty wizard, one that showed him kindness even when he was feral. Shadow shook his head, jumping from tree to tree branch as he sniffed around for any prey that lurked about.

Suddenly Shadow stopped abruptly, smelling a strong scent making him feel sick to his stomach. He arched his back, his animal instinct telling him something up ahead, far past the dense green trees and lush forest was something deadly. Yet his magical side told him to venture on. Food may be available. "No I'm not going further. Something ahead is making me nauseous. It ain't human or animal!" Shadow exclaimed to himself, shuttering as he sat on the branch, rubbing his nose to rid the stench. "But I'm so hungry." Shadow murmured, yowling in frustration. His yowl made the forest slightly quake around him, the birds screaming in fright as they took to the air. "Okay fine! I'll go. Maybe it's friendly?" Shadow questioned with an uneasy feeling, lurching forward and swiftly running and jumping from tree branch to tree branch again.

He came to a scene which bewildered him, his features contorted to disgust, shock, and pure fear. He did not dare to get off that branch, especially with the blood bath below. Bodies of human corpses and animals laid about, torn apart with limbs missing. They laid in bloody puddles, some faces showing evident fear despite their death had already happened, as though there was life left. Shadow's eyes turned to pure yellow, irises convulsing with his features as his eyes laid upon a horrendous creature in the middle of the dead body field. The area around became dead quiet except for the crunching sounds heard from the creature and the loud beating of Shadow's heart. It had a large hump in it's back, bent permanently forward in a curved arch. It's skin was a dark grey color with a ripped and dirty cloth on around it's shoulders and broken chains and shackles around it's wrists and ankles. A large black collar around it's skinny neck. It was bald with large horns like a goat but spiraled back, long noodle arms with five large sharp bony fingers which held a small white rabbit, eating it. The crunching sound could be heard, as though it was in a small room. The creature's mouth unhinged each bite it took, showing rows of jagged yellow teeth. It's legs were bent backwards, like a dog standing on it's back legs. The creature had hooves like a goats. It's lower body skinny as well. It had no tail but it was clear to be animal like. It stopped, sniffing briefly with it's nose which was two holes in it's face which looked wrinkly and bony at the same time.

Quickly Shadow covered his mouth, standing still and activating a masking spell with a shaking body, a puffed tail and back fur with ears pointing back. The creature sniffed more, looking about in Shadows direction but never saw him. Shadow felt ghostly pale and white, making eye contact with it's pooling black eyes which bled black liquids unknown to Shadow. The creature eventually went back to it's meal, giving Shadow time to escape.

The fast black cat ran for his life on his four legs, never looking back with the masking spell still on. He wanted to get far away from that creature before it realizes he was ever there. He hopes it stays that way.