
Shadow?!!! [DROPPED]

Y/n who has been reincarnated in the world of One Piece knowing everything that is to happen. Follow her on her chaotic adventure with the straw hats!!! I do not own anything except the plot.

Ivy_MG · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs


Luffy still ended up being hypnotized and Usopp ran away. They hadn't seen Y/n yet because she was still hiding so, she decided to meet up with Nami and Zoro and tell them what happened. Long story short, they met up with Usopp and decided that they were going to help him defend the village.

Usopp said that we should spray a massive amount of oil on the slope as that would be the most effective way to defeat them. Y/n then remembered that they had sprayed it on the wrong slope.

"What about the slope where we docked our boats? Can't they use that too?"-Y/n

"They were talking about the plan here so I think that they'll attack from here."-Usopp

"That means that they can still come from there, doesn't it? I'll go and check where they've docked their ship. It'll be easy to find a ship if it's that close to the village. We'll then make our plan according to that."-Y/n

Of course, Y/n was lying. She already knew that they were going to come from the northern side. But she wanted to go on their ship to steal all of their supplies, money and some useful information. They weren't strong enough to be able to tell if there was someone else on their ship. The reason she wanted to loot them now was because the Kuro guy [Clahador] would destroy it later.

There wasn't anything useful on the ship except for the money and food. A couple of medical books in the infirmary, one of them had information about Nami's sickness which she would catch later in Little Garden. Y/n was overjoyed that she finally found it. The reason she wanted to have basic medical knowledge was because of two reasons, the first being that Nami would get sick and she wanted to help her, even if it was just a little. The second one being that when Chopper is injured and is busy with a lot of patients she could help him out. Although she wouldn't be a doctor or anything, but it was better than nothing.

After her little expedition, she went back to the others and told them that they were going to attack from there. They sprayed the oil on the slope and waited for them to arrive.

They came earlier than when they were expecting for them to arrive. The weaker ones were easily taken care of by Luffy and Zoro. One of them managed to get to Usopp and hit him in the back of his head and another came to stab him but Nami managed to protect him. They both retreated to the top of the slope and Jango tried to hypnotize his men into thinking they were a lot stronger and all their wounds had healed. However, Y/n turned into a shadow and appeared before him. She took out her knife hidden in her pocket and slashed him around his chest area.

Kuro would be coming soon and she couldn't afford to let Luffy fall asleep like in the anime. So she grabbed his pendulum and threw towards where Nami and Usopp were.

"He uses his pendulum to hypnotize people! We need to make sure he doesn't get it back."-Y/n

Jango then proceeded to call the Nyaban brothers. Y/n thought about it for a while and took out a piece of cloth. And used some liquid which she stored in a little bottle which she pored over the cloth. While Zoro was fighting with one of the brothers, she sneaked behind the other one and quickly placed the cloth over his mouth. He fell down on the ground and everybody turned to look at Y/n.

"That's not fair!!!"-Jango

"You're right!!! I am a pirate after all!!!!"-Y/n

'I wanted to say something cool... Oh well, I'm sure I'll get more chances in the future... I hope.'

Y/n then proceeded to go up to where Usopp and Nami and patched up his wounds. Luffy and Zoro had already taken care of everyone but Jango. Kuro then made his over-dramatic entrance with his ugly face. Jangi had already started to shake out of fear along with the others.

"I didn't expect you to be held up by kids... The Kuro Neko Pirate fleet had been reduced to such a sorry state. Isn't that right Jango?!"-Kuro

Though this time, Luffy was awake and Zoro was still in good shape. Soon Kaya came with a pistol in her hands. Luffy threw a punch in Kuro's face and knocked him down. But the trio of kids appeared and started to beat him while he was down. Y/n knew that one move and all the kids would be dead so she quickly grabbed the kids and put them down where Kaya was standing and stood in front of them, ready to guard them from any attack that came. The kids were resisting but Y/n didn't have the time to explain how strong he was.

Zoro stopped Jango in his tracks but one of the brothers got in his way. Jango used this chance to get to Kaya. The kids took her along with her and Y/n followed behind as they entered the forest. She turned into her shadow, and headed to where Jango was. He wasn't strong at all. Just a few punches and slashes and he was on the ground. He barely managed to hit her. A couple of scratches and it was over.

I'm kinda busy this week so I don't know whether I'll be able to upload a lot but I'll still try my best~!

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