
Shades of Dreams: The Ethical Conundrum of a Villain

this novel was my failed experiment. please don't read this.

DVKbros · War
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Polar opposite

I was bored with my life, alone in the white expanse. There was nothing, and I couldn't even feel the passage of time. I just wanted to leave this place. Why did they even put me here with nothing to do? I wished they would at least torture me or do something else. It was the very first time in a long time, I felt the flow of essence, though it was very faint. Soon, cracks started to spread across the blackness. It felt like an eternity had passed since something had changed. I was happy at first, but then I realized that the aura was familiar—it was X, that bitch. He was the reason for everything. I would kill him. No, this was my chance to escape. I had to become an ignorant fool, but that would be suspicious. I had imagined countless scenarios while in prison, it was my favorite pastime. Initially I believed they wanted me to work for them or that I had something special in me. But as time passed, it all seemed like a delusion. Well, I would go with the best possible plan according to scenario. It worked, not as much as I had expected, but it worked, and I am finally free.

As I followed the stream of essence, I felt a warm sensation. I had assumed complete control over the blackmass. Initially, I wasn't able to do that, but after the conversation with X, I was able to do it naturally. Soon, I reached the core, and my instincts kicked in. I covered the whole core and started devouring it. I could feel the quality of essence flowing through the core. Soon, the process of merging started. I felt drowsy. Ah, how long had it been since I last slept? I hadn't been able to sleep for an eternity.

Well, that went well. I'm not sure how he remains conscious, but now I possess the power of the black pill. The golden mana within me is being replaced by streams of black energy. It's an improvement; now I can finally prevail and ensure everything goes according to plan.

I expanded my senses, but it was excruciating. My body was impaled upon four swords, each measuring 100 meters in length. I was put on display for the entire kingdom to witness. My limbs were shattered, and half of my chest was burned. Thankfully, my face remained intact, at least recognizable. The battle raged on in the background, but the Queen insisted on showcasing me first. I'm unsure of her intentions; perhaps she believes I am their leader. Well, she's in for a disappointment. Her face radiated with a bright glow, her clothes pristine and unblemished. Not a single scar from the battle remained. The citizens, who had been hiding, cautiously emerged to catch a glimpse of the Queen's triumphant spectacle. Every building in the vicinity had been reduced to ruins, but she appeared proud of her accomplishments. I don't think she has realized that I'm still alive, even though my heart has stopped beating.

My mana circuit has been completely replaced by this black energy, or whatever it's called—black mana. I've been waiting for an opportunity to strike. She seems content with putting me on display, turning her back to me and heading towards the battlefield. Seizing my chance, I lunged, my body regenerating mid-air. My right arm formed, followed by a pitch-black sword. My blade was mere inches away from her neck as I moved with the swiftness of darkness. However, in the final second, a golden shield slammed into me, obliterating the hand holding the sword. Meanwhile, my legs had regenerated. Thrown away by the blast of light, I swiftly landed on my feet. My chest began to regenerate, a black liquid coursing through my body, restoring every bit of damage. I stood tall as my burnt chest was healed, and my previously destroyed hand, now reverting from black to its normal color, was restored. A black sword materialized in my hand.

The Queen's expression transformed from shock to disgust, and then to anger. In the next moment, she emitted an unprecedented radiant light. Circles of runes formed beneath my feet, and chains made of light locked me in place. A pillar of light descended from the heavens themselves.

It felt as though I were bathing in lava. My body could only withstand the intensity for a mere minute before it started deteriorating. I was being melted alive. Thankfully, my regenerative abilities proved formidable. Initially, it seemed manageable, but the intensity of the light continued to increase, countering my powers.

Using the last bits of light mana remaining in my body, I conjured a light shield. Well, the shield seems to be doing pretty well. The last-ditch attempt succeeded, and the light shield is easily saving my skin. I have bought a few precious seconds with it. I am not going to take this lightly. The Queen is still a formidable opponent, and she seems to have effective measures against my black mana. I will have to end this quickly.

The fight has been momentarily paused. The Queen's radiance and her light pillar are stealing the limelight of the battle. Sneakily, a black liquid approaches the battered general, who is somehow miraculously alive despite being unable to move. A black smoke rises from the recently deceased corpses. The smoke moves towards a singular spot, unnoticed by everyone, as they are focused on the Queen. The smoke transforms into a black liquid just below the Queen's feet. It is only when she notices that it's too late. The spike has pierced her from her stomach to her shoulder in the back.

The light pillar fades out, and with it, the emblem of the Queen in the sky of the city also fades out. The brilliance and radiance, making it day under the veil of black clouds, starts to fade out. Seeing this, I understand that she was taking this fight seriously. Now she isn't wasting her mana. Well, I will give her that. I started gathering black liquid forming in the surroundings. The clouds covering the city also start coming back to me, full of black mana .

Two polar opposites are standing against each other. On one side, a man is in the center of darkness, black liquid swirling around him, giving him a devilish look. His whole body is covered in black liquid, giving him a menacing appearance. The liquid dripping through his body swirls around him. His body is transforming into more of a devil than an angel, growing exponentially. It has already reached a size comparable to half that of a giant.

On the other side, a once graceful angel is impaled on a spike, her body limp. The only signs of life are the bright golden glow in her eyes. Thousands of angels rush towards her to help, appearing in the background. With nothing to obscure the sky of the city anymore, the sky clears. This evening is sure going to be a memorable one.