
Sex System in Solo Leveling

"Hmm? What is this blue floating screen?" I was always a bottom feeder, always acting kind, always pleasing people.... why? Because I had no influential background. I didn't expect to get everything handed to me on a silver platter suddenly. {Monarch of Lust System} {Congratulations on activating the 'Monarch of Lust System'!} {Note- "The system will not assist in obtaining girls for the user. Instead, it will empower the user with enough strength to stand on top of the food chain. How the user chooses to pursue their sexual desires is entirely up to them.".} {The System wishes the host a joyful journey!} "....... It's like, I'm the MC of some degenerate's FanFic" ______ Brief Description- A very degenerate piece of work only being written because the Author is horny. Tags-OP MC, Invincible MC, Evil MC, Perverted Protagonist, Smart Protagonist, Scum Protagonist, Blackmail, An@l, BDSM, R-18, R@pe, Incest, Netori, System, Harem, Large Harem, Smut, Sex... And various other fetishes, you can probably find everything here. BUT NO Gay stuff and Femboy stuff. **NO YURI, NO NTR. Me myself being a Reader, will never provide content that will destroy reader's mood. Support me on: patreon.com/MilkLoverFanfics The idea of writing this shit came to me while reading my favorite FanFic [Multiversal] Sex System in The Class Room of The Elite by AlmightySkyDxddy. The story will be different coz it is set in SoloLeveling but the system is kinda same Also, there are No traps. *** Remember do not compare reality to fiction. If you're as trashy as me then enjoy the work. If you're a snowflake then kindly leave. Thank you for reading. To read ahead—> pa treon.com/MilkLoverFanfics

MilkLover · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 65: Handsome Big Brother

Twilight fell over the African jungle as 6-year-old Aisha played outside her small hut. "One more game of tag before dinner!" she begged her older brother, Baba.

Baba laughed. "Alright, you're it!" He darted among the trees, Aisha chasing after. Leaves crunched underfoot as they weaved between towering trunks. This was Aisha's favorite part of the day, when the heat of the sun faded and shadows stretched long.

As the sky darkened to indigo, their mother Imani's voice called from their home. "Baba, Aisha! Come eat, the millet is ready."

Reluctantly, Aisha slowed her chase. "You're lucky dinner's ready, or I would have caught you for sure!" she teased Baba.

He ruffled her hair. "Maybe next time, little sister."

They walked back to the small cluster of huts that made up their village, home to about 120 people. Neighbors chatted outside as dusk fell, children helping cook evening meals over open fires. It was a peaceful routine, as it had always been in Aisha's memories.

But as she and Baba entered their hut, Mother- Imani's face was troubled.

'Why has husband not returned after hunting?'

As Aisha, Baba and Imani ate, sounds of confusion rose from the village. They rushed outside to a scene of chaos.

Large jeeps surrounded the huts, headlights blinding in the dark. Men in black uniforms and gas masks were throwing canisters that billowed thick vapor.

Villagers clutched at their throats, collapsing as the gas spread. "Run!" Imani cried, but the fumes were too quick.

Aisha's eyes watered; her small body crumpled to the dirt. The last thing she saw was Baba reaching for her before darkness took hold.

Slowly, awareness returned. A white ceiling swam into focus above her. Aisha tried to sit up but found her arms bound. Panic seized her small form.

She wasn't in the village - this place smelled of chemicals instead of woodsmoke. Harsh lights glared down from high walls. Nearby lay other villagers, still unconscious on metal beds with restraints.

'Wait! W-where is Baba and Mother!?'

As Aisha's eyes darted around the sterile room, panic pulsed through her veins. The sight of her unconscious fellow villagers, each bound to their metal beds, sent a shiver down her spine. But amidst the fear, relief washed over her as she caught sight of her mother's familiar face in the first row of beds.

And just behind their mother, lay Baba, his usually animated features now serene in unconsciousness.

Aisha's breath hitched in her throat, but a small glimmer of reassurance settled within her. 'W-we are at least together!'


The metallic clang of the gate drew her gaze, and her breath caught in her throat as a towering figure stepped into the room. He was tall, with fiery red hair that seemed to gleam under the harsh lights of the lab. Dressed in a pristine white coat,

Their eyes met, and a smile spread across the man's lips, disarmingly charming yet unsettling in its intensity. "Oh, you're awake?" he said, his voice smooth as silk.

Aisha's heart raced as she struggled to find her voice. She had never seen someone so imposing, so... captivating.

For a moment, they simply stared at each other, the silence thick with tension. Then, with a graceful gesture, the man stepped forward, his gaze never leaving Aisha's. "You're going to be just fine, you should be happy, even though the effects of the gas should have still there you managed to wakeup, I think you will be fine after the experiment~ I have high hopes for you.." he said, his voice reassuring yet tinged with something darker.

"E-Epairement??" she muttered not knowing the meaning of the word to which the beautiful man chuckled.

"I mean I'll give you superpowers, " He said.

"S-Superpowers! Reaaally!?"

"Haha of course, but it's not your turn now,~"

The man approached the first bed of the row— her mother's bed! with a syringe in hand.

"B-Big brother.. what are you going to do with her..." She asked looking at the syringe. She knows that thing hurts as it hurts as hell whenever Uncle Uga treats her fever. 

"M-Mother is not ill big brother!" She said.

The man raised his eyebrows, "Oh!? She is your mother huh,? Well, don't worry, Big bro here is gonna make her strong~"

"O..ok.." Aisha's throat constricted as he injected the liquid into her mother's arm, her body jerking involuntarily in response.

At first, Aisha dared to hope that her mother would awaken, that the strange liquid is just to make her conscious and if she is able to get powers then it is a good thing, right?


"Gwwwaaak... Urrrk.. Ekk..."

Her mother's body convulsed violently, "B-Big brother! S-Stop! M-Mother.. What is happening!" blood seeping from her pores as her flesh began to dissolve before Aisha's horrified gaze.

"No! I don't want her to become powerful. Please! Please big brother!"

Her mother's body literally turned to liquid and pored from the bed...

"M.. Mo.."

"MOTHER! NO! Bring her back!" Aggg! Mother! Help her!"

Aisha's scream pierced the air, a guttural cry of anguish and disbelief. She struggled against her restraints, her small frame thrashing against the cold metal of her bed, but it was futile.


The man's voice cut through the chaos, his tone chillingly indifferent. "Ah, she wasn't able to adapt," he remarked casually as if commenting on the weather.


Her mother was gone, taken from her in the blink of an eye by something beyond her comprehension.

'Help—' And as Aisha looked around the room, she saw that no one else had stirred from their slumber.

Aisha's chest heaved with terror as the man's once-charming facade crumbled before her eyes.

No longer did she see a handsome figure; instead, she saw a monster, a cruel being capable of unspeakable horrors.

She trembled with a mixture of fear and hatred, her fists clenched in impotent rage but the most powerful held the fear stat.

She wanted to kill this man for her mother but also wanted to run from this place and hide in her home...

"Sorry little girl.. it seems your mother wasn't willing to become a powerful role modal for her daughter~ heh~" The devil said, "No, worries! On to next"

Then — a chill ran down her spine as she noticed that the man was now in front of the 2nd bed—her brother's bed!

"P..Please," she begged, her voice quivering with desperation. "Not him. He's my brother, please..."

"Is that so.."

The man's eyes gleamed with malicious amusement as he regarded her, relishing in her torment.

"Why. Do you love your brother?" He asked.

"...Yes.. Please.. d-don't.. I don't want.."

A devilish grin spread across the man's lips.

"Let's play a game to find out how much you love him, shall we?" He looked at her creepily.

"Keke~ It's really simple~ Would you like to change places with your brother?" he taunted, his voice dripping with sadistic glee.

'F..Father.. please.. where are you..' Her heart sank, the words hammered in her chest. She has seen how her mother turned to a... but brother... 

With trembling hands and a voice thick with emotion, Aisha nodded her head.

She knew the risks and knew that she was placing herself in grave danger. But she would do whatever it took to protect her family, to save her brother from the same fate that had befallen their mother... and the man said that she had a great chance to survive this e..epeairehment.. right?

The man's expression twisted in surprise.

with a cold laugh, he motioned for Aisha to approach.

"As you wish," he sneered,

With a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, Aisha steeled herself for what lay ahead.

—to fight for her family, for her village, for her brother Baba who she wanted to marry after growing up.

As the man began to approach, each of his heavy footsteps caused a shudder to run through Aisha's body.

She froze in place,

she was unable to move or escape from this looming threat. His face was twisted into an unnerving smile that momentarily masked the horrifying nature of the man.

If she didn't know better, Aisha might have mistaken him for a kind and gentle soul.

But then he stood right in front of her, his presence overwhelming and menacing. In a mocking gesture, he reached out and gently patted her forehead, as if trying to soothe her fears. "Shh... Don't worry," he whispered in a sinister tone. "It won't hurt, I promise." He wiped away her tears.

He genuinely looked like he meant those words but—"Agg!"

But then Aisha felt the prick of the needle as he injected the syrum into her trembling body. The pain was intense, like fire coursing through her veins.

"No.. Uggg.. kstup.. stop… Ple.. ple.. I don't.. "She cried out in panic as every muscle in her body tensed and shook uncontrollably under the effects of the drug.

"Ugk! I.. Pl.. It hur…tz.. " It was a nightmare come to life, and Aisha could do nothing but endure it.


Azaroth looked at Aisha, he had done this kind of work with several specimens the day before yesterday, that time he was with Miss Kim, but when the torture started Miss Kim had become pale and had vomited a lot, that's why he was doing this all alone.

Well, he is sure this serum can yield results as it is the upgraded version of the previous one.

The girl was odd, different from the other specimens.

She should have been in a deep sleep, but she woke up despite receiving a powerful drug that was supposed to keep her unconscious for 56 hours.

Azaroth was convinced that Aisha would excel in their experiment.

As he observed her body, it seemed to be responding well to the serum - she was growing taller and her muscles were becoming more defined.

Unlike the previous subjects, she did not dissolve into liquid and die. Azaroth's smile widened as he looked at her with admiration.

But then her body stopped shaking..

Huh.. Is it a success..?

Her body convulses one last time, then falls still in a lifeless heap.

Did she really manage to awaken—


What the fuck!

The deafening explosion rocks the room as Azaroth's nano technology creates a plasma shield in front of him, protecting him from the incoming 'things'.

As he cautiously opened his eyes - blood and entrails splattered across the transparent shield's surface.

The whole white room was splashed with blood.

The experiment failed!

His mood grew dark and he let out a string of curses under his breath, the weight of the situation bearing down on him.


Suddenly, the gate of the room opened and Miss Kim hurried in, her face paling at the chaotic state of the room.

"Ek! S-sorry" She quickly covered her mouth with her hand before informing him that Mr. Mike and the nurse had arrived and they had moved her to the adjacent room.

"Ah, alright."

A flicker of relief crossed his face as he strode towards the door, the tiny nanobot spiders already beginning to clean up the mess of blood and guts in the stark white room


Not so handsome now, right little girl? Kekekek

Thanks for reading... now I'm gonna go and sleep.

I'm not gonna ask for powerstones from now on as I don't get them. 👍

5 chapters- Patreon.com/MilkLoverFanfics