
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

You're mine

Haruka did take some time to come back with the fishes, but she showed off why she was the biology teacher among them.

Having cleaned the finishes so perfectly, the only thing lacking was that the fishes didn't look so appealing after having been cut into so many pieces of weird shapes.

This showed that she had a lot of technical knowledge but little to no practical experience.

Either way, they now had enough food to consume as breakfast and then lunch as well.

Still, all of them felt they should find something more than just meat to eat the whole time so that their bodies don't start to experience a shortage of the various vitamins it needed.

So, they needed to find some fruits or vegetables to eat and then grow some themselves in whatever way possible to possess a constant supply of them.

To do this, they'd need to venture deep inside the forest where all the poisonous animals most likely lived at.

As a sociopath, Ryu never really felt what this fear that others talked about was and laughed it off as everyone other than him being cowards.

And even after being stranded on the island, he still thought in the same way.

Thus, he should naturally be the one who steps up to go on this dangerous mission, right?

But surprisingly Ryu showed no such intention to do so and outright rejected the idea.

He might not know what fear is, but even an idiot knows what happens when a highly venomous snake bites you. You die.

And Ryu while being mostly fearless wasn't a death seeking moron.

Due to this, unless it was something that needed to be done without fail, Ryu didn't have any intention of going inside the forest.

Everything he did until now like laying traps, cleaning the rabbits, and building the shelter was done by putting his theoretical knowledge into practical use.

But no matter how much knowledge he had about snakes and the types of venom they had, he wasn't stupid enough yo think that this gave him the skills needed to kill them or the superpower to not be infected by their poison.

"Huh? Should you man up and say something like 'Leave it to me!'?"

Rolling his eyes, Ryu said, "You should know me better than that by now."

"Humph! Fine, I'll enter the forest and try to find some fruits for us."

"Great. While you're at it try and see if there's a way we can travel near the top of the Waterfall and a place to set up camp as well."

"And could you look around if there is something else other than rabbits for us to eat? Their meat is a little too hard for me."

Gritting her teeth at how Ryu and Haruka sounded like all they cared about was material things and didn't bother about her life in the slightest.

"You guys... I'm risking my life to find us something to eat."

"What are you doing? Trying to brag?"

"When do you plan on leaving? The sooner you leave the better it is for all of us."

Deeply regretting having offered to do this, Amanda felt that if it wasn't because she herself had a craving for something sweet she would've refused to leave.

"Fine. I'm going to leave in the evening, now tell me which of you two is coming with me?"

"Not me."

"Not me."

"Stop kidding around! There's no way I'm going inside the forest all alone!"

Shrugging their shoulders in union, Ryu and Haruka quickly spoke an excuse as if they had everything planned for a long time.

"I'm a frail woman who isn't suited to do such things. But if you get hurt, I'm very confident in treating your injuries. So make sure to come back as soon as possible."

"If I come with you, who's going to protect our weak Haruka? That's why I'm going to stay back. Bon voyage!"

Realizing that she was really going to be entering the forest alone, Amanda started thinking if she should find another group to stay with.

At the same time, she suddenly looked towards Ryu who was looking weirdly towards Haruka the entire time.

Ah! Is this the day he's going to make a move on her?

Fine! I'll do you a favour this time!

Deciding to leave on her own and do Ryu a favour by giving him privacy, Amanda after eating more than usual began making preparations to enter the forest.

"I'll be back in three days. If I don't come out... "

"We won't forget you."

"I'll pray for your soul."

Interrupting Amanda and finishing up for her, Ryu and Haruka kept on waving their hands as if eager to send her away before she changes her mind.


Once they bid farewell to Amanda who kept on cursing them for being so heartless, by the time the two of them went back to the place they set up their shelter at the sun looked like it would soon set.

"I'm going to go wash up, Ryu. What about you?"

"I'll set up a fire and do the same."


Leaving to wash herself because on this island she always felt her body feel uncomfortable and very sticky by the time the sunset, Haruka didn't take long to come back looking fresh and happy with a light blush on her due to the water being warm at this time of the day.

Like this, Haruka who found the campfire was just about to sit on the wooden logs that were placed around it when Ryu also came back.

Coming back with his hair which was still wet, Haruka found Ryu looking even more sexy than usual.

What she didn't expect however was what he did next.

Walking like he normally did, Ryu looked like he was going to walk past her when he lifted her up by the waist and took her inside the shelter with him.

Putting her down on the bedsheets, Ryu kissed her on the lips and said, "You're mine."

Read ahead till the story's end at - p@treon.com/erosaint

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