
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

Under the moonlight

Since the time he saw what Sakura did to the girl in the morning, Ryu couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful a woman looked when she was naked.

And this thought stayed with him the entire time and even after he left them, Ryu who stopped thinking about them remembered the yesterday's naked bath time with Amanda due to which he started to imagine how Haruka would look naked.

Once this thought entered his head, Ryu could no longer stop thinking about it due to which his desire to have sex with her also kept on growing until finally he decided that today would be the day bed have sex with Haruka.

After all, it wasn't every day that Amanda would venture deeper inside the forest allowing only the two of them to stay alone inside the shelter all alone.

"Ummmnm... Ryu.... What are you doing?"

Breaking the kiss and using her hands to hold the excited Ryu back and stop him from continuing to kiss her, Haruka who was too flustered from being carried like a princess and then kissed out of the blue was unable to understand what was happening so suddenly.

"You're mine Haruka, I won't let anyone else have you!"

Kissing her again after saying those words, Ryu looked like a jealous kid who was afraid of his favourite toy being snatched by someone else.

"Mmmmmm... "

Moaning a little due to how greedily Ryu was sucking on her lips, Haruka couldn't stop him or even react when his hands made their way under her blouse and began touching her bare skin.

Having placed Haruka on the bottom, Ryu's hands were touching her on the back from where he started to try and remove the blouse she was wearing by pulling it above her head.

Unfortunately, even though Haruka tried to support him by raising her upper body and her arms to help Ryu try and remove the blouse she was wearing, he found it impossible to do so because this wasn't the way a blouse was removed.

So, Ryu was forced to stop doing what it was that he was trying to do and even stop kissing Haruka and pay attention to her blouse.

Ahhhh... He needed to remove the buttons.

Seeing the expression Ryu suddenly made, Haruka couldn't help but chuckle and start brushing it with her hands as if he was a kid who made a cute little blunder.

Ryu, however, didn't feel like that and felt that maybe she was looking down on him due to how he failed at doing something so simple.

This wasn't because Haruka showed any such expression on her face but rather because someone like Ryu always assumed the worst-case scenario during such situations.

Therefore, remembering every single kind of porn he had watched and read until now Ryu went back to kissing Haruka and slid his tongue inside her mouth where he started to move it around modestly in the beginning and slowly increased the range of his movements.

At the same time, his hands started to swiftly unbutton her blouse and easily pulled it off to reveal her upper half which only had a bra covering her ample breasts.

Originally Haruka was removing her bra before sleeping during the nights because that made her feel more comfortable, but after what happened last night she started wearing it once again so that she wouldn't be seen as a slut by Ryu.

This, however, was what caused Ryu a little trouble once again because the bra that Haruka wore wasn't the kind that he expected it to be.

Instead of having a clip on the backside, the stupid but sexy black bra Haruka wore had a clip at the front in the middle of her breasts due to which Ryu once again almost received a pity head pat before he managed to luckily succeed.

Still, even with so many things not going the way Ryu planned them to, there was one unexpected thing which was happening in Ryu's favour.

Due to the night being a full moon, other than Amanda who was guaranteed to have enough light to help her through her first night inside the forest, Ryu and Haruka's first time was guaranteed to be quite romantic given how beautiful the two of them looked to each other under the moonlight which made its way inside the shelter.

This was also very helpful to Ryu who was having sex for the first time ever and therefore didn't have much experience in what to do.

Therefore, having enough light to see Amanda's naked body would be of great help to Ryu.

Breaking the kiss and moving his head near her breasts, Ryu other than using his hands to continuously squeeze the two plump boobs began licking the nipples with his tongue.

This was when Ryu found that they tasted unexpectedly a little sweet due to which he started sucking her nipples even harder.

"Aaaaahhh... Ryuuu.... Be a little more gentl....!"

Unable to even finish her words because in this time Ryu's hands had travelled downwards where it had pulled her skirt up, pushed the part of her panties which was covering her pussy to the side and carelessly thrust two fingers inside her tight pussy.

"Aaaaahhh goddd.….!"

Moaning with a mix of pain and pleasure because her pussy was still very dry and two fingers suddenly entering it felt a little uncomfortable, the still hesitant Haruka finally understood something which allowed her to decide that she wanted to have sex with Ryu.

Given the way he behaved until now, Haruka guessed that Ryu was definitely a virgin and this was his first time.

Therefore, she no longer had any thoughts on trying to stop him and instead began advising him on what to do.

Read ahead till the story's end at - p@treon.com/erosaint

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