
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

Learning practically is the best way

Ryu might have been pessimistic about that behaviour of Haruka when she patted her head, but considering that she was earnestly advising him he didn't feel any sort of negative emotions towards the woman.

Therefore, pulling one finger outside her pussy, Ryu did as Haruka said and first tested out how wet her insides were with just one finger.

And depending on that it was up to him to decide whether he'd put his dick inside her or add one more finger and start fingering her to make her wet enough for penetration.

Finding Haruka's pussy only a little moist, Ryu guessed that he should turn her on a little bit more before trying to our his dick inside her.

Thus, he moved downwards and along with using his hands started to use his mouth to make Haruka feel good and turn her even wetter down there.

With one finger going in and out of her pussy, Ryu who used his fingers to reveal her clit which had turned a little puffy began playing with it as well.

Starting with using his tongue to flick it and enjoy the moans of the blushing Haruka, Ryu went one step ahead and gently bit on it with his teeth making her moan out loud.

"Aaaaaaahhhhh.... "

Proceeding to push his tongue inside her pussy as well, Ryu now had his fingers pinching and rubbing Haruka's clitoris which quickly made her breathing turn hard and hot.


She didn't know what had suddenly taken over Ryu when he picked her up and set her inside the shelter where he started to kiss her, but after she had decided to go through with it and become the first woman he'd ever have sex with, Haruka upon realizing that someone who was almost half of her age was seeing her completely naked body regained the blush which had just left her face.

At the same time, since he was right now staring at her most private place and not just using his hands but even kissing it she felt like she was in heaven due to how good it felt despite his awkward techniques.

This was when she suddenly stopped Ryu and said, "Lie down, Ryu. I'd like to do something to make you feel good as well."

Saying so, Haruka who switched places with Ryu quickly helped turn him naked as well after which she got on him with her head near his crotch, and his head near hers.

Gulping from not having expected how unexpectedly big Ryu's dick was, Haruka licked her lips a little and with a heated breath spread her mouth as wide as possible to easily take his dick inside her mouth.

"Aaghhhh... "

Grunting a little despite having expected what Haruka would do, Ryu who couldn't out in words how it felt for his dick to be inside a woman's mouth could only think about one thing.

Don't cum!

Muttering those words again and again on the inside because he was afraid of cumming way too soon due to how good it felt, Ryu could only try and think of anything other than Haruka's warm and wet mouth which was sucking his dick like a vacuum.

With her tongue rolling around his dick while moving her head up and down, Haruka who could sense how the dick inside her mouth was twitching from time to time guessed that Ryu was about to cum at any moment.

Due to this, since she could guess how prideful Ryu was Haruka decided to back down a little and not use her entire skills in trying to please him.

What she didn't expect however was for Ryu who was writhing with pleasure under her to take the initiative and once again start with the cunnilingus.

Using his hands to squeeze Haruka's ass and pull her pussy closer to his mouth, Ryu easily had his tongue slide inside her pussy and start licking it so that the walls of her pussy quickly started closing in on his tongue as it turned more and more wet by the second.

Tasting those juices of Haruka which seemed bittersweet, Ryu found that the better he was performing the more distracted Haruka was turning with the blowjob she was giving him.

Therefore, Ryu who felt that as a man he shouldn't be the first one to cum began trying his best to stretch his tongue as deep inside her pussy as possible and move it as if he was scratching an itch inside her.

"Ahhh goddddd.... "

With her legs twitching and squeezing his head in between them, Haruka who hadn't had a chance to masturbate and orgasm for so many days found herself nearing an orgasm very quickly.

Learning that she might orgasm before Ryu who was a virgin until now, Haruka who had her own pride as a mature woman went back to doing her best to make Ryu cum first.

Like this, what started out as a way for the both of them to enjoy some foreplay before the actual sex turned into a race to see who would make the other one cum first.

In the end, however, Ryu failed and ended up cumming first because Haruka who had experience used the best techniques in her possession to make him cum before her at all costs.

Still, she didn't lag far too behind him and orgasmed not too long after Ryu did which could be considered as a way which helped Ryu feel a little less disappointed in himself.

That was however for later because right now all that Ryu had in his mind was how good it felt for a woman to suck his dick, cum inside it and then have her swallow all of it.

Just thinking about it made Ryu's dick turn hard again and ready to do the one thing which all males wanted to do since they learnt about the way human bodies worked in.

Enter a pussy!

Read ahead till the story's end at - p@treon.com/erosaint

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