
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

The proper way to beg

Since the time Kazuma had come here in the morning, he spent almost every single minute of it doing nothing other than having sex with Yuriko while coming up with more and more ways to humiliate Izumi at the same time.

Due to this, he even went we far as to give up on eating anything and survived by purely drinking water whenever he was too thirsty.

Thus, it was not just him but the other two as well who were quite hungry and eager to eat when it was time to eat dinner.

However, how could Kazuma let go of any opportunity that presented itself to him?

Therefore, while Yuriko began happily preparing dinner for the three of them, Kazuma who was sitting in front of the TV called Izumi who wanted to stay inside her room over.

"What do you want now?! Can't you just let... "

Silencing Izumi by grabbing her hands out of nowhere and in the process catching her by surprise, Kazuma pressed her against the closest wall with her back facing him.

"What are you... "

"Shhhhh... "

Letting go of Izumi's hands, Kazuma had his hands grab onto her two well tones thighs ands squeezed them.

"You were getting jealous from watching me fuck only your mother, right?"

"Humph! As if! I'm... Ahhhh... "

Letting out a small yelp because Kazuma out of nowhere pinched her ass, Izumi turned her face and looked at him just in time to find her mother entering the room with a wronged look.

Looking towards her daughter whom she thought was brazenly trying to steal her master, Yuriko if possible wanted to walk over and slap Izumi and humiliate her so much that she would never have such thoughts again.

However, since Kazuma was looking as if he was enjoying himself, Yuriko knew that trying to interfere would not benefit her in any way.

Therefore, she chose to instead do something which would make Kazuma focus more on her and not Izumi.

Ignoring Yuriko who ran towards her bedroom, Kazuma slowly raised the skirt Izumi was wearing and revealed her naked ass.

Gently caressing the plump ass with her fingers, Kazuma traced the boundaries of both her trembling pussy and ass making the girl herself shiver a little.

"Ahhhh.... "

Moving one of his hands to squeeze Izumi's supple ass while he used the other one to grab onto her waist and pull her into his embrace, Kazuma pressed his erect dick against her ass through his clothes.

"All you need to do is beg... Beg me, and I'll think about fucking you just like I fuck your mother."

Hearing thaoe words, even though Izumi wanted to scoff at him she couldn't do so due to remembering how that intoxicated expression her mother always has when Kazuma and she were having sex.

Just thinking about it caused Izumi's pussy to start watering and caused juices to leak outside and cover her pussy lips.

"Rea.... Really?"

Asking uncertainty since she didn't feel that Kazuma would truly have sex with her, Izumi let out a sigh of relief when he said, "Yes. But I'll decide how yo beg me."

After all, she would've definitely felt suspicious if Kazuma didn't place any conditions and told her he'd have sex with her as long as she begged him to.

"How.…Ahhhhh.… how should I beg you?"

Trembling and moaning as soon as Kazuma's finger rubbed against the entrance of her pussy and entered it as well, Izumi now hoped that he wouldn't be too demanding with his wishes.

Smirking and moving away, Kazuma sat on the sofa and pointed towards the small coffee table in front of him.

"Get on it, whore."

Walking forward with her head lowered, Izumi grumbled and blamed her own mother for giving her these masochistic genes which were making her feel turned on right now.

Stepping on the table, Izumi didn't need to say anything else before Kazuma pulled out his phone and started recording what was happening in front of him.

"Strip. Strip while introducing yourself and tell me what you want."


Gritting her teeth in humiliating since what he wanted her to do was nothing more than imitating something which could only be seen in porn videos, Izumi wanted nothing more than to curse Kazuma to death.

However, since her body kept on turning hotter by the second since the moment she heard those words, she didn't move and stayed in the same place.

Breathing loudly, it was almost as if steam was coming out of Izumi's mouth when she finally moved.

Moving her hands while her head was bent down in shame, Izumi grabbed onto the ends of her skirt and slowly pulled it down exposing everything below her waist since she was ordered by Kazuma to not wear any inner-wear.

Smirking from looking at the patch of brown forest covering Izumi's pussy, Kazuma successfully made the girl feel more humiliated than she already was.

"Go on, whore. Don't stop now."

Panting loudly by now, Izumi slowly raised her t-shirt as well and pulled it off of her head causing her two breasts to pop out and shake vigorously the moment they were revealed.

Seeing this, Kazuma truly wanted to step forward and yank those obscene nipples which were too big for her current breasts, but he chose to stay and continued to watch.

"I... I'm... My name is Ishimoto Izumi.... And.... And I'm a slutty high-schooler who wants my mother's master to fuck me.... "

Improvising on the spot since she had a feeling that Kazuma wouldn't accept it if she spoke ordinary words, Izumi did her best to behave to speak as sluttily as possible

Breaking out in a loud laugh from seeing how Izumi acted, Kazuma made her blush even more.

"Hahahahahshahaha... This is your true personality, slut. Doesn't being honest to yourself feel good?"

"You.... "

"Who told you that you can get down?"

Stopping Yuriko who wanted to step down, Kazuma continued by saying, "Get on all four and bark three times like a dog."

"What?! This wasn't what you... "

"Tsk. I decide what I want you to do. If you don't want to do it, get lost. I can fuck your mother any time I want anyway."


Not saying anything since she couldn't find the right words, Yuriko who heard the sound of footsteps which were approaching them excitedly made a quick decision.

Falling to her knees and then planting her hands on the table, Izumi opened her mouth and ended up using too much voice due to her nervousness.

"Bow! Bow! Bow!"

Read ahead till chapter 57 p@treon.com/erosaint

P.S - Check out my newest novel the Astral Womanizer if you have time.

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