
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

A humiliating day

"Humph! I'm not interested in watching any more of your perverted antics. I'll just leave and...."

"Leave and introduce yourself to the world as an up and coming porn star?"

Playing the video which showed her mother shooting his semen outside her ass and covering her face in it, Kazuma let the woman understand his unspoken threat.

If the woman dared leave, he would truly release this video and effectively destroy her entire future in less than a day.

"You fucker! Why are you doi... "

Stopping herself since she knew the answer to the question which she didn't even finish yet, Izumi asked, "Will you let the two of us go if I do as you stay?"

Stepping close to the Izumi, Kazuma chucked and said, "You idiot, right now you're in no position to discuss terms with me. All you need to do is do as I say, and I'll make sure your life goes by in the same way without any trouble. But if you don't, I wonder what your father would think of this?"

Once again showing the same video which he had recorded less than a minute back, Kazuma walked near Yuriko who was still grinning like a fool and slapped her ass in front of Izumi.

"Get up, slave."



"Ahhhh..... One more Master!"



"Ahhhh yessssssssshhhhh!"

With her entire body twitching as Kazuma squatted and spanked both her ass without holding back and help two handprints on her ass, Yuriko finally say up and asked, "How did I do, Master?"

"Can't you see it yourself?"

Making Yuriko look at her daughter's face and then making her recover a part of her senses, Kazuma caused the woman to furiously blush and look away while remembering what she just did.

Chuckling from seeing this, Kazuma sat on Izumi's bed and said, "Clean me, slave."

Following this Izumi could only watch with gritted teeth as Kazuma made her mother serve him in front of her and in the end shot all of Yuriko's face.

Once he did that, Kazuma told her to go and get the water going since he wanted to take a bath.

"Feel free to join us, whore. I'll show you how much your mother likes it when I fuck her under the shower. She moans like a real animal while shaking her cow tits."

"I hate you, Kazuma! I fucking hate you!"

"No worries. After all, I am thankful to you."

Walking past Izumi who was frowning due to the semen on her face having dried up and turned more uncomfortable than before, Kazuma said, "If it weren't for you cheating on me, I wouldn't have found your mother."

Hearing this, Izumi asked, "Do.... Do you love her?"

More than for herself, Izumi's question seemed to want to know if Kazuma would take care of her mother in the future because she had seen how her mother's eyes looked towards him.

Unfortunately, Kazuma didn't say yes as she hoped her to.

Instead, he smirked and said, "Your mother in my meat slave."

"A cum dumpster, if you will."

"Nothing more, nothing less. If one day I get bored of her slutty body, I'll throw her away."

Once he spoke all the vulgar words, Kazuma walked away and closed the door behind him leaving a fist clenching and teeth-gritting Izumi inside the room.


After fucking Yuriko who was more turned on than usual since her daughter had seen her have sex, and was doing so even now through the gap she opened in the bathroom door, Kazuma didn't let the woman or her daughter rest for even a single minute.

Thrusting his dick in and out of all three holes that Yuriko had, Kazuma at the same time forced Izumi to masturbate while looking at them and when he finished cumming inside her mother, made the daughter come over and suck all of the semen he deposited inside her.

And as if this wasn't enough of a humiliation for Izumi, something ended up happening which caused her to start doubting if she was also a hopeless pervert like her mother.

This happened during the evening when Kazuma just finished cumming inside her mother's pussy and left to drink some water.

When he did that, Izumi was about to walk over and suck his semen out of Yuriko's pussy like she was used to, but due to her pussy twitching eagerly and wanting to orgasm she didn't move and continued playing with herself.

Seeing this, Yuriko herself who was addicted to how good it felt when her daughter's tongue went inside her and cleaned her pussy started to move and pressed her pussy against Izumi's lips.

Once she did so, it was only a matter of time before her daughter began earnestly licking her insides and in the process of it climaxed as well.

Coming back, Kazuma who saw what had happened smirked and said, "Like mother, like daughter. Both of you are only fit to be sex slaves."

"Shut up you bas.... "

Unable to finish her words because her mother wasn't willing to hear anything bad about her master, Izumi could only bear with the shame as Yuriko began rubbing her pussy all over her face and covered it in the juices which flowed out of it along with the remnants of the semen which she failed to suck out of it.

All in all, Izumi could honestly admit that this day was the most humiliating day in her entire life.

But what the girl didn't know was that Kazuma was yet to start humiliating her in earnest and this was all just a little warm up.

Read ahead till chapter 56 p@treon.com/erosaint

P.S - Check out my newest novel the Astral Womanizer if you have time.

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