
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

I'm here, and I'm not leaving

Noticing that Kazuma didn't come back and the sounds coming from the kitchen, Akane understood that he was probably eating.

Taking this chance she went to the bathroom to clean her cum soaked body.

After a while, Kazuma came back from the kitchen with his stomach full to continue having sex, when he noticed that Akane wasn't there.

Immediately Kazuma started panicking as sweat covered his whole body. With a crazed look in his eyes, he began searching all over the house and finally found that she was in the bathroom.

Forcing his way into the bathroom, which wasn't even locked, Kazuma slightly calmed down after noticing her. But as he saw her washing away the semen he covered her in, the crazed look once again filled his eyes.

Rushing close he pushed Akane onto her back and rammed his dick inside her once more.

"You're mine Akane! Mine! Don't even think about letting another man touch you!"

Already a little irked with how Kazuma wasn't even letting her take a bath, Akane was just about to mock Kazuma about what he would do if she slept with another man. When she noticed how different Kazuma was.

Putting aside his behaviour which was too violent in comparison to his regular kind behaviour, the look in his eyes was clearly crazy. The way his eyes continuously looked around in an erratic manner without focusing on one thing, Kazuma just didn't seem normal.

"Hey Kazuma! Are... Are you okay?"

Ignoring what Akane was asking, Kazuma kept on moving his waist while muttering, "You're mine! Mine! Mine!"

Noticing this Akane started turning afraid. What was happening to Kazuma? Since today morning he just didn't seem normal.

And adding on how he behaved just now and his crazy ramblings while tightly hugging her afraid that she'd leave, Akane came to believe that this all happened because of her.

Just because she so cold-heartedly rejected him and broke his heart without even willing to hear him out, Kazuma didn't know what to do and tried to fill that void with sex.

But when that failed to completely satisfy him, he started turning possessive and erratic.

At that moment Akane understood that if she made one wrong move, or said something which he didn't want to hear, or did something he didn't want, it might be possible that he might really snap under pressure.

If that really happened, no one could say what would happen.

Holding back her tears as guilt completely took over her for ruining that loving and happy nephew of hers, and turning him into this possessive sex addicted boy, Akane could only bitterly smile and nod her head every time he said she belongs to him, and only him.

While at the same time hope that doing this would bring back the Kazuma she knew.

Still under the shower after a long time Kazuma kept on moving his waist, but neither of them felt any pleasure and just kept on moving their bodies mechanically without any particular emotions.

Soon Kazuma also calmed down as tears started filling his eyes and all the sadness he felt over being rejected before he could even confess burst out at once.

Looking at his aunt whom he was fucking, and noticing the tears in her eyes Kazuma felt even worse as he couldn't control his tears anymore.

"I'm... I'm sorry.... I'm really sorry aunty Akane... I... I... "

"Ssshhhh... I'm here, and I'm not leaving..."

Saying so Akane spread her arms and pulled Kazuma's face into her bosom as he stopped moving his waist.

Ignoring how the water was continuously falling on them, Akane stayed in the same place and kept on patting Kazuma's head while he cried till his heart's satisfaction.

When she saw that he finally stopped crying, Akane said, "Are you done crying? If so please get off of me, cause you are really heavy."

Hearing how Akane said it, Kazuma couldn't help it but smile.

After Kazuma left the bathroom and sat back in the bed while he began reflecting on his actions, Akane washed her body quickly and came out with a towel wrapped around her breasts.

Walking close to Kazuma who was sitting on the bed, she sat beside him and pulled his head into her lap.

"How do you feel kid?"

"I'm.... I'm sorry aunty Akane... "

"Forget about that Kazuma, just tell me how you feel."

Still a little concerned about him, Akane just wasn't able to feel totally calm thinking that Kazuma might suddenly start acting differently.

Luckily almost as if knowing what his aunt wanted to know, Kazuma nodded his head and said, "I'm completely fine aunty Akane. And you don't have to worry... I won't repeat what happened today..."

Understanding that Kazuma was feeling guilty about what happened that day, Akane gently smiled and rubbed his head.

"It's fine Kazuma... In fact, I quite liked how we spent the whole day embracing each other..."

Regardless of for what reason Akane said that, Kazuma's face broke out in a smile.



To convince Kazuma, Akane bent forward and gave him a short kiss on his lips, after which they stayed in the same place for an hour or so. Until Akane could no longer suppress her hunger and made dinner for the two of them.


Having finished their dinner silently with minimal conversation, Kazuma went to the other bedroom to spend the night.

Going in Kazuma directly slept on the bed, as his eyes finally revealed the sadness he was hiding from Akane who was worried about him.

Even after how much he cried, Kazuma still felt sad about the fact that he couldn't be with Akane anymore, at least not the way he liked and wanted to.

After all, based on how he behaved the whole day, it was already great that Akane didn't hate him. Hoping for anything more would be stupid.

With this thought, Kazuma was about to fall asleep when the door was opened and a completely naked Akane walked in.

Seeing the tears in Kazuma's eyes, Akane figured that her decision to come here was the right one.

"Remember what I said to you Kazuma?"

Not waiting for his answer, she continued while getting on the bed and crawling closer to him, "You can use my body whenever and wherever you want."

"Since I promised you such a thing, isn't it only right if I'm allowed to use your body whenever and wherever I want to?"

With her legs on both sides of Kazuma's waist, Akane held his head and began kissing him while her naked pussy began rubbing against his crotch making his dick turn hard.

Feeling Kazuma's erect dick pressing against her body through his clothes, Akane broke the kiss and removed Kazuma's clothes.

Putting his dick inside her, Akane began pleasing Kazuma by clenching her pussy tight and shaking it in various angles to make him feel good.

At the same time, she bent over and presented her boobs to his mouth, so as to do as he pleases to with them.

Already happy from how Akane herself came for him, Kazuma didn't say anything as his mouth instantly started sucking on her breasts one after the other without slowing down.