
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

When you take love out of the relationship, all that remains is never ending sex

Dragging his body off of the bed, Kazuma walked straight towards the kitchen where his aunt was at.

Looking at Akane from the back as she was washing the utensils she used for cooking, Kazuma focused all of his attention on her plump butt.

Not even bothering to say anything, Kazuma walked closer towards Akane and hugged her from the behind as he pressed his naked body against her back and his dick snuggled its way into between her butt cheeks.


Shocked at Kazuma who appeared out of nowhere and hugged her, Akane screamed at first but then turned silent after noticing how weird Kazuma was acting.

Not speaking at all, he began humping his dick against her butt while his hands were squeezing her breasts.

"Kazuma... When I said we can have sex once in a while, I didn't mean whenever you wanted to do. But on a few decided days every month."

Still not responding, Kazuma applied more pressure on her boobs making her nipples turn erect.

Wanting to stop Kazuma before things go too far, Akane was just about to turn around when Kazuma stopped on his own.

But before Akane could say anything, Kazuma pulled her pants down in one swift motion revealing the sexy black thong that she wore.

"Hey, Kazuma! What do you think you're doing!?"

"Me? I'm just following what you said!"

Holding Akane's hands with one hand Kazuma slid her thong to the side revealing her pussy.

Pressing his dick against her pussy's opening, Kazuma said, "I don't love you anymore Akane. All I care about is having sex with that tight little hole of yours."

Saying so Kazuma pushed his dick into Akane pussy which was already wet from how her body was played with Kazuma beforehand.


Giving out a moan while feeling hesitant, Akane didn't struggle anymore as she started moving her waist allowing Kazuma to penetrate deeper into her.

Bending over the sink, Akane raised her ass higher allowing Kazuma to hold onto it and fuck her easier.

Enjoying the tight sensation of his aunt's pussy wrapped around his dick, Kazuma began moving faster.

"Ugh... Your pussy is so tight Akane."

"Mmmm... Is that so? Well, I'm glad haaahh you like it!"

Speaking in between moans and gasps, Akane further tightened her pussy so that both of them would feel better.

Sensing Akane's pussy becoming tighter, Kazuma grunted and continued pistoning.

Raising one of Akane's legs and placing it on the kitchen counter as he had seen in porn videos, Kazuma understood that doing this made it easier for his dick to penetrate even deeper into her pussy.

On the other hand, after Kazuma started reaching even deeper, Akane clearly felt like his dick was slamming against the end of her pussy and threatening to break into her womb.

Enjoy the pleasure of being penetrated so deep for the first time ever, Akane couldn't help but moan as her pussy started flooding with her juices.

Despite being a virgin until last night, based on how Akane was moaning and how her pussy felt tighter and wetter than before, Kazuma understood that she was feeling good.

Feeling his confidence rising after realizing that he was making Akane feel good, Kazuma started making faster and deeper strokes into her while his hands went inside her t-shirt to squeeze her raw breasts.


Trying to suppress her moans so that Kazuma wouldn't figure out how much she liked getting fucked by him, Akane but her lips. However, she still couldn't completely hide it as they leaked out of her mouth.

Unfortunately the longer she tried to suppress how good she was feeling, the more she felt the pleasure build up inside her.

At the same time Akane who being pounded by Kazuma no longer cared about anything, and almost as if her mouth had gained a mouth of its own began moaning loudly while begging for more.

"Yesss.... Fuck my pussy harder Kazuma... Ahhh... "

Cleary enjoying the moans coming out of Akane, Kazuma increased the strength behind his waist making his dick move in and out of Akane's pussy more furiously.

"Ahhh goddd yesss! More... Fuck me more Kazuma! I'm going to cum sooonnn!"

"Is that so?"

Slowing down Kazuma completely stopped fucking Akane as his dick was left inside her.

Unable to understand why Kazuma stopped when she was so close, Akane tilted her back and looked at Kazuma with pleading eyes.

"Why did you stop Kazuma? Fuck me more!"

"You want to cum don't you?"

As Kazuma asked with a sly smile on her face, Akane nodded her head honestly without any reservation.

"Then say that you'll let me have sex with you whenever I want to and wherever I want to."

Hearing Kazuma, Akane knew that the little brat was blackmailing her. But feeling how Kazuma was slowly stirring her pussy, she couldn't bring herself to get angry or say no.

And even if she said what he wanted her to, it would all just be role play and not binding to her anyway. Cause what would he do if she doesn't let him have sex with her, sue her?

Thus, she violently nod her head while moving her waist to fuck herself on Kazuma's dick.

"Nodding your head won't be enough Akane. Say it with your mouth."

Rolling her eyes at how unbelievably cocky Kazuma was right now, Akane said in a part mocking tone, "You can fuck me whenever you want to Kazuma! Now make me cum!"

Smiling contentedly at how useful the knowledge he obtained from reading hentai comics was, Kazuma started moving once again.

And this time since Kazuma didn't slow down, Akane managed to have the orgasm she longed for.

At the same time, Kazuma who was holding himself back also enjoyed the feeling of relief as his dick emptied all the semen stored inside his balls.

Not even stopping Kazuma when he cummed inside her, Akane moaned louder from how the hot semen was sticking to her insides.

"Ohhh yessss! After so many years of being alone, I forgot how good it feels to have an orgasm."

Saying so Akane tried to get her leg which had turned numb down from the counter when Kazuma pulled his dick out of her and raised her by the waist as he put her in the table.

"Wait.. What are you doing? Didn't you just cu..."

Unable to finish her words after seeing how Kazuma's dick was hard already, Akane remembered how teenagers were full of energy and eager to have sex at all times.

Just as Akane was about to disclose the fact that her pussy needed a little rest since she just orgasmed, Kazuma didn't give her the chance as he stole her lips and his dick went back inside her pussy.

Not minding how Akane's pussy was sticky due to his cum, Kazuma kept on pistoning causing the semen to fall out from time to time onto the floor.

Since she couldn't stop it Akane decided to just go along with Kazuma and enjoy sex, but it didn't stop with having sex on top of the table.

Because after removing the remaining of her clothes, Kazuma dragged her into the bathroom and turned the shower on while he fucked her in doggy style on the floor.

Still not satisfied, Kazuma took Akane's wet body and dropped it in the bed and fucked her in various positions without letting her rest for a single moment until evening.

Even when Akane begged to stop and let her rest for a while, or when she who was thoroughly exhausted tried to run away by crawling on the bed powerlessly, Kazuma ignored her pleas and pulled her back by holding her waist as he continued fucking her nonstop.

Finally, by the time Kazuma stopped, Akane felt like she couldn't even think straight due to how many times she orgasmed since morning.

Even after Kazuma left her on the bed covered in cum while her pussy which was fully pumped with enough semen to burst was leaking onto the bed without showing any signs of stopping.

Lying there on the bed Akane's body would twitch from time to time while she would unconsciously grin from how good her pussy felt after orgasming so many times.