
Sex Stories

A collection of various sex stories. Volume 1 - The Frivolous Skirt Chasing Pervert Volume 2 - The Harem King of a Female Dormitory Volume 3 - Stranded Volume 4 - NTR Lover - I'll Steal All Women ... Read unreleased chapters in advance at patreon.com/erosaint ... I don't own the image, so if you want me to take it down. Just send me a message.7 ... If you want to contact me regarding anything related to my novels, feel free to do so using discord @ Ero_Saint#395

Ero_Saint · Fantasy
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180 Chs

Curious hands

Taking the job of cleaning the rabbits wasn't something Ryu did just to make himself useful which he would never do, but there was actually a hidden intention which played the major role in this decision of his.

His dick which had turned erect after seeing the naked Amanda was showing no signs of turning soft due to which Ryu wanted to take this opportunity to please it and make it go down.

Though for some reason Ryu left like Amanda had figured out this intention of his due to the way she smiled when she handed the knife to him.

He didn't really bother and still went through his plan.

Either way, once Ryu finished doing everything he wanted to and back, the three of them enjoyed proper food for the first time since they arrived on this island around a campfire with some pleasant conversation.

Sure having spices and even salt would've made the food more delicious, but in comparison to the Ready To Eat emergency meals they consumed for an entire month on rationing, the fried rabbit tasted so much better to their tongues and even filled their stomachs as well.

Once all of this was completed the three of them went inside the tent where two layers of the bedsheets they had scavenger were used to soften the ground while another one would be used to cover themselves.


At first, Haruka who felt very flustered and unable to fall asleep because Ryu who was sleeping in the middle of the trio was next to her, but soon she managed to fall asleep because the exhaustion of the day getting to her.

No, not just that days, but the past few days' as well. Because having a roof on her head, though a hastily made temporary one gave the woman who slept under the empty roofless shore feel a lot of comfort.

Unfortunately, this was when Ryu who kept on remembering what he saw in the evening woke up.

If you take away most of the useless and other things teenagers thought about, what they wanted could be summed in exactly three words.

Food, sleep, sex.

And since Ryu had now eaten enough to fill his stomach and had slept a bit ad well, what he felt a huge craving for was sex.

Honestly, Ryu couldn't be blamed for feeling like this. Just thinking about the way Amanda behaved and looked while they were taking a bath together had given him an erection and impossible to fall back asleep.

The way water dripped down her neck and onto her perky breasts where they passed her erect pale pink nipples before finally falling down inside the stream. The way how the place between her legs so enticing and whenever he spotted it. And...

The list went on and on just like Ryu's case of sleeplessness did.

Therefore, since he couldn't very well touch Amanda to check how those beautiful things he saw would feel, he turned to his right side where Haruka was pleasantly sleeping.

And it seemed like luck was on Ryu's side because Haruka was facing away from him due to which it made it easier for him to touch her everywhere he wanted to.

Thus, Ryu who didn't think like everyone else did and never cared much about how the others felt let his carnal desires take control over his body.

Turning to the side and seeing Haruka who was completely asleep, Ryu slowly moved his body near her under the covers until there was practically no gal between their bodies.

This was when Ryu who hadn't touched a woman until now took a deep breath and moved the final inch pressing his front against Haruka's back.

Once he did so, Ryu almost moaned out loud from how the soft ass of Haruka felt to his dick.

And this was when both of them were clothed!

So how good would it feel is they were naked?!

This thought made Ryu crave having sex with Haruka even more. And while he was lost in these thought his hands moved as if they had a mind of their own and wrapped themselves around her waist and pulled her deeper into his embrace.

Realizing what happened, Ryu guessed that Haruka would definitely wake up which left him with two options on what to do.

One, act like he was asleep. Two, continued doing what he was doing even after she woke up.

While it sounded like the second option was something that suited someone like him, Ryu felt that it would be more fun to choose the first option and see what Haruka would do.

Therefore, he quickly closed his eyes and started maintaining an even breathing.


"Ummmmm... "

Waking up reluctantly because she felt something was weird, Haruka despite being drowsy quickly realized what was happening.

Someone was hugging her! And that someone had a pretty big thing down there!

Understanding this, Haruka gulped hard as she got scared thinking that Ryu was trying to force her into having sex with her.

And while this thought made her feel a little turned on, she didn't forget there was someone else in the tent with them due to which Haruka was thinking of making Ryu stop.

This was when she felt Ryu's hot breath touching the side of her neck in an even rhythm.

He's sleeping?

Pouting from thinking that Ryu was sleeping and everything he did happened unconsciously and wasn't intentional, Haruka for some reason felt let down.

Thus, she wanted to push Ryu away even if it meant waking him up when his hands which were around her waist started moving.

Read ahead till the story's end at - p@treon.com/erosaint


P.S - As per my previous promise I'm continuing the stories I left on the middle. The first novel I've decided to continue from my previous hiatus lists is 'My Wives Are Goddesses'. Feel free to check it out and see if it is to your liking.

Ero_Saintcreators' thoughts