
Seven Spirits Douluo

Fallen monarch of Western Empire, exiled and assassins sent for his head. But they didn't need to he was already dead with a spear through his throat. Sealing himself inside a cocoon he aims to reincarnate himself. Through this, he ends up in a land without battle chi or magic. The only things here are Spirit Beasts and Spirit Masters. ------------------------------------------------------ First time writing so there should be mistakes, please provide criticism so I can aim to fix it. ------------------------------------------------------- Temporary hiatus for me to adjust my sleep schedule. ------------------------------------------------------- I do not own anything except the main character in this fan fiction.

Josephmemes · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 8 Giant Fungus Bats

Walking through the corridors and reaching near the end where The Giant Fungus Bats are birthed. Sat together multiple stalagmites hanging from the roof of the cave. On the ground the there too is stalagmites that connect to others hanging from the roof.

Besides them is multiple large wood logs with humongous mushrooms growing out of them. Then is there is an uniquely larger mushroom growing around the top of a especially large stalagmite spiking into the ground.

The entrance to this special room in the cave is live a mouth with some of the larger stalagmites broken and impaled on it as if teeth, so only things that can fit through are barely a half-meter large.

Them, a male and female person came to this entrance and started debating, at first a cheery voice sprang out, "Chen San, can you shatter this stone barrier? It wouldn't be hard for you."

He didn't answer her, he put his hand first on the stone teeth baring it's teeth at them, "Certainly, but this isn't stone, it's broken stalagmites." His voice though young was filled with calmness at her brash attitude, as though bearing this for awhile, "Eh, but now can you break it?"

Nodding his head, he puts his hand over the broken stalagmites and it disappears, as if swept of to somewhere else unknown.

The female walks through with a cheery glee and the male as if though unhindered by anything walks through following her.

As they walk through the entrance to The Birth Room, the giant mushroom on the roof starts to move slowly but surely. Suddenly breaking slowly out of it is a giant bat. Along with it's sharp teeth and furry body, it's legs, though short has a pair of sharp claws on them.

It's ear's long like knife and it's mouth is hideous as it opens up with a maw much too large for it's head. Slowly but surely it starts raising it's arms.

Along with this it opens it's large eyes slowly.

"Chen San! It's flying is speed is faster then sound, you can only see it! Also don't get hit by it's claws it's highly poisonous" Nodding his head but quickly moving back and tensing up his body. Then, maneuvering in a way his body is bent like spring ready to shoot.

When the bat moves, his eyes dilute and he strikes in what seems to the air in slow motion. But nearing the end of this gesture he suddenly increases speed but directs the force behind it into the bats nerve.

Shutting them all down.

Then twisting to catch the bat in his hands. Kneeling down one knee. But as he goes in for the kill he loses his composure and looses tears, muttering under his breath, "I'm sorry, but I have to, favors are not to go unpaid."

The bat stays quite but without anger and in tranquility, in understanding of the rules of the jungle.

It holds up it's two fingers and points at the fungus on the logs and then at him, with a smile it looks at him with expectation.

He smiles back, truly genuine with a appreciation of the world with it. The bat with all it's power knowing it's fate carries it's own fate into it's own hands, drawing on all of his life and gratitude.

It's, his, gratitude to the strange human that could understand and show empathy with sympathy for and with him.

His purple spirit ring floats up and drops into the palms of the man that killed him. He being so old understood what life was and was grateful he didn't just leave his young ones to die.

His gratitude is his concentration in power, all his years gathered in one stone, and the his gratitude and appreciation of someone in tune with nature, his wings, he hopes will fill the void the young ones will have.

Then, erupting from the ashes of the old bat, a bones floats out. Small ones that connect together with a membrane that does it.

The woman when she noticed the fight was over rushed over to him but before she could make it he stands up and shakes head before saying, "Hua Qi, aren't you happy with this?" Holding up his hands so that it reveals the items in his palm.

On there is the a purple ring and, "A spirit bone!" Chen San replied with with a slightly surprised tone, "A spirit bone!"

She yelled with extreme happiness, even more then usual, "Spirit bones are so rare, less then one in a hundred thousand chance per spirit beast! How are you so lucky!" Stopping for breath, continuing, "You must be my good luck charm..."

Her enthusiasm dimmed when she noticed his solemn face, "How are people confirming these odds! do they kill them to test?"

She nervously looks down at the ground and says in silence, "People don't, it's a rumor because a spirit bone is guaranteed to be dropped by a hundred thousand year old spirit beast."

His expression lightens but there is still a edge to it.

His tone gotten softer to close to before he first raised his voice at her, "Well what's a spirit bone?" Her cheery aura somewhat returned, "Well, It's a bone or bones that is dropped by spirit beasts that gives you two spirit abilities of the original spirit beast you slayed."

Sighing he starts walking towards the logs that contain The Giant Fungus Bats, holding them with astral hands and started going towards the entrance, "Well, let's leave I've paid back my favor, so I'll lead you out of the cave and let's go our separate ways."

Her face and body started to seem weary and sad, the same can be said for her tone, "Ok." She along with him dredged along with him on the way out the cave.

Their mood soured my the mention of massacre that was discussed. Their trip back to the entrance to bat cave was quiet and cold.

As they went outside and Chen San was about run off his shoulder was grasped by Hua Qi, with tears in her eyes, "Can you stay with me longer?" His face was conflicted but none the less settled for being a good Samaritan.

Sighing with a defeated expression, "Sure if you want to stay longer you camp with me tonight, and if you want to you can help me develop The Baby Giant Fungus Bats."

With answer in hand her attitude came swinging up, her replaced with a smile and her eyes filled back up with glee and cheer, "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" Saying this then immediately clinging to him as if he would disappear in the middle of road.

Sighing but tried to push her off at the sudden action, she pouted with watery and he refrained from doing it, "How do you change emotions so fast?" He questioned, she didn't give pause, "Nothing, but it's the reason my parents gave me my nick name of Xiao Qi Hua!"

Shaking his head with sigh he started going.

Hours would pass like this, with the woman humming and the man being cold.

Walking down the path they came, they walked back to where they would have passed, he sweeps his hands and various camping equipment appears by a clearing by the roadside.

Campsite, tent, campfire. All prepared in a neat order as the the man and woman settled down. With the man with drawling his astral hands as they place down the logs containing the bats.

They sit down and in the man's boredom he looked at the sky, "It's night already, you should probably use the spirit ring now."

Nodding her head she said, "Yeah!" Going into her tent as she started absorbing it, he started reading the book he still had.

He had skimmed it previously but he wanted to read some special things such as author and notetaker.

Quickly going to the end it said, "Chen Wei". It didn't help help him so he kept going, through his search he found the note taker, it was him. When he had this found out, he closed the book and readied himself to go to sleep.

He had known who sent him to this world, it's safe to assume The Tyrant Emperor is here.

Shaking his head while wearily looking up to delay the inevitable, he saw the moon was high above him directly, it had been several hours since he had started searching.

And in that time, she came out. Pure white skin, revealed by her hands and ripped sleeves. Her face as if carved out of jade. As she came out. Though it not surprised him, increasing one powers usually decreased aging but it didn't usually make people beautiful.

But as it isn't uncommon he was simply surprised at the level her beauty was increased. He simply raised an eyebrow but didn't say much more.

She in her normal cheerful voice resounded through the forest, "Chen San! I'm done absorbing the spirit ring and spirit bone you got me. I thankful to you for that."

Her voice sounded nervous at the end but he didn't think much of it, "Can I sit next to you?" Nodding his head without much enthusiasm, but she did, when she sat down she started waiting.

But as he was just resting his eyes because of his mental exhaustion at her perverse perseverance.

She growing more anxious leaned on his shoulder, "But really I should thank you for that, you don't know now much this means to me."

He with increasing colder eyes spoke, "It's my favor to you as I consider that favor still, lesser than the value of my life."

She flinched, but it didn't stop her, "Yes I know you are a prince from a foreign empire, but as you said it's a favor and I'm grateful for that."

His frown somewhat melted while he chuckled, "Yes, grateful people are in short demand." His expression mellowed down after this.

"But we really ought to go to sleep, after all it's already midnight." With passion she spoke again, "I mean I came from a mediocre family with no chance of advancing our status, you gave us the chance for that! That's why why I'm grateful."

While voice grown smaller he could still hear her, he didn't care, they wouldn't be meeting again.

"It isn't a chance, it is a chance if you manage it and grasp it. And it isn't truly valuable." All her anxiety and annoyance came up in full at this comment, in voice filled with rage she said, "It isn't valuable to you, but in this empire no one from the common class can ever advance to noble, and it's made in generations and not years!"

"This is what would allow us to advance to noble class, I can use it to grow to a spirit sage and gain a noble title! For you that's nothing, all, for you a prince a spirit bone is just a random bone you would feed to your pets!"

His voice rang out in this heated environment like water, dousing all the flames, "Are you done?" She meekly sat down across from him, "Y-Yes."

With almost tears in her eyes, sighing the man went up and wiped it, "What I meant when I said that, is this I can make, that 'lame' power of mine can let me invoke emotions much easier, that bone is filled with gratitude towards me."

His eye started bleeding tears, "It isn't valuable to me because it's emotions, it's gratitude towards, the one that killed it, just because I'm better then others." Shaking his head he too sat down back where he was.

His voice originally filled with melancholy, it's filled with guilt, "This is why I promised to take care of this generation's young, only one out of one hundred lives."

Her tears at this point has mostly subsided, "Well if that the case I'll take care of it with you." He with questioning gaze went a questioned her, "How can you? After all we will be splitting up afterward."

She eagerly went and corrected him, "That's why I'm asking you! You can stay with me, your powerful and that's the last and only favor I will ask from you."

He receded back, "But how old are you, are you seventeen, eighteen, nineteen?" Pouting widely she puffed out her chest, "Well I'm twenty-three."

Blinking twice he nodded his head, "Woah, your older then me." Her smile froze, "How? Your stronger and wiser and taller then me!"

Shrugging he carried on, "Well, proper dietary habits. And intense study every day of my life." Her smile came back in full, "If so can you stay with me."

Nodding his head, "Well don't have a place to stay so sure."

Her meek voice came out while he finished it, "Yes. As a thank you I'll marry you." He heard it and he was confused and it showed.

"I mean, I asked for the ring so I shall claim responsibility for the children!" From this even he had to crack a smile. Sitting in silence they stayed like this for awhile.

Real chapter and I hope my writing quality is up to par. Plus first sorta real fight.

I don't know the exact chance of a spirit bone dropping but I made it pretty rare among normal people without the protagonist halo.

Might have to use one more chapter for this story segment.

I promise no more. (I fell asleep writing this)

Josephmemescreators' thoughts