
Seven Spirits Douluo

Fallen monarch of Western Empire, exiled and assassins sent for his head. But they didn't need to he was already dead with a spear through his throat. Sealing himself inside a cocoon he aims to reincarnate himself. Through this, he ends up in a land without battle chi or magic. The only things here are Spirit Beasts and Spirit Masters. ------------------------------------------------------ First time writing so there should be mistakes, please provide criticism so I can aim to fix it. ------------------------------------------------------- Temporary hiatus for me to adjust my sleep schedule. ------------------------------------------------------- I do not own anything except the main character in this fan fiction.

Josephmemes · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 7 Chen San

While he blanks out at her comment, she's internally berating herself, 'What have I done, did I do something to offend him? If I did do something how do I fix it? What do I do!'

The person in front of her is also internally screaming at himself, 'Why is she proposing to me? What does she mean by that? Is this world's power system similar to The Eastern Empire or does it incorporate rings somehow?'

While both of them started panicking both internally and it showed, their both sweating and giving each other strained smiles.

Each not knowing how to respond. But while they stayed in silence, neither them nor the beasts outside noticed the comet slowly falling from above their heads flying to The Star Luo Empire. The comet breaking the speed of sound.

It's silent as it travels to The White Tiger house's main household. As if captured in a net and fished up and down to Earth from a sea of unknown stars.

But back down to Earth, two people, one man and one woman is currently still staring at each other having a unknown power weighing down on them.

Each guessing each other's thoughts, but while this had truly taken awhile, the man worked up the confidence to ask, "So, may you clarify what you said?" Paired along with the gesture of clapping his hands together and moving his body forward.

But then when he thinks he got his point across withdrawals the gesture.

She pauses, she opens her mouth, "I didn't who said something not me. I mean, I didn't say anything!" His mouth twitches but he continues asking, "I mean when you asked me, 'Can you help me find a ring.' What did you mean by that?"

She tenses up but answers none the less, "Hmm, well I wanted to ask you help getting my third spirit ring." His eyes flash at moments notice but changes back from the new term.

No one notice, but he replies to her strangely quickly as if eager to speak, "Well may you explain in detail what you want for you third spirit ring."

He pauses but waits expectantly, she gives pause but answers soon after, "Well, I want a Giant Fungus Bat spirit ring of about one thousand year old but I would guess it's asking for too much so I guess between that and five hundred years old spirit ring."

He pauses to think but shakes his head, "Well thank you for the information, may I ask where I can find a Giant Fungus Bat?"

She waits him to finish then nods but is visibly disappointed, "Oh, when I was on my way to the bats, I found you, the place where the bats live is not far away from here." In middle of her sentence she started twirling her hair.

"Well and since you wouldn't know where it is can I come with you?" Then with hopeful eyes she stares at him.

Though noticed by him, he doesn't give a it a second glance placing it under something he doesn't worry about or understand and shook his head, "Sure, give me a day and if you want to come with me, you can."

Smiling widely with sparkling eyes she runs to the caves entrance and starts climbing up and away from the cave entrance.

Following her with a smile he goes and walks over to the book with the insignia of vampires on it and quickly flips through it.

He squints he's and then mutters under his breathe, "That bastard." After examining the book once more, he sprints out of cave with twitching lips and chasing after her with illusionary steps. Slipping through the caves entrance then leaping on vines and various limbs of trees

Running and jumping on a piece of root their climbing, picking her up with a scream and jumping from the root of the tree out of the ditch the cave is in. Walking through the caves entrance and leaping on vines and and various limbs of trees.

And when on solid ground he planted her down, from her surprise she doesn't react to his prodding, poking her on the head the first time, nor the second, or the third.

But relaxes after he pokes her a fourth time, but when she awakened from her stupor he fell almost tripping, but her dress got caught in the tree branch. While this is happening, he looks at her and is trying to grasp her background, he'd never had a chance before this where he wasn't buried in biases.

Guilt or hate, or threats, that too.

Her face is full of color and liveliness, her hair is long yet tangled with a stripe of her brown hair out of place. With the stripe going up and looking as if it's hanging on something.

Her eyes are a shade of grey, unlike the usual grey, it's dark and clear without doubt clouding it. She's wearing her now ripped dress with frills and a few trinkets but considering her oblivious but not snobby attitude she's most likely not noble.

But not poor either as a dress symbolizes she's at least from a well off family, a merchant in a bustling town or city.

When he looked away from her and got a log to sit on, she tried to get the branch of her, it took sometime but it wasn't hard for her to do it.

She got it done after a few minutes of trying but afterward started looking his way and pouting, he ignored this in favor of asking her for more information, "Well now where above ground, care to explain to me where that cave is?"

Her frown quickly turned upside down as she puffed out her chest like a child and smiled, "Of course, if we go west from here we should go reach it in about two hours!"

Smiling he he thought through something, as time dragged on she got more puzzled. Finally he stopped giving pause, "Ah, it's one-hundred-thirty-six kilometers away from here."

"Huh?" With an confused tone question, not paying anymore attention to this he took her hand as she blushed and took a step forward with her hand alongside his.

But as this happened there is a dizziness that came from this.

When she tried alleviate it, her face blanked as she realized she was only a little bit away from the fungus bat cave. Letting go of his hand she starts looking around and touching the trees around her as she check for their validity.

With a shocked countenance she spoke, "How? We where so far away from the cave!" Chuckling at this he too spoke, "Well that, 'lame' power of mine, it let's me synchronize with any part of the world switching beings' conceptual existence between certain spaces."

With question in her head and showing it on her face, she was shushed up by a finger as he stated it with infinitely more precision, "Basically it let's me teleport anything, anytime, anywhere I want."

With disappointment she asks in a deflated tone, "Is that it? From the way you phrased it, I thought it be more deadly. Like instantly obliterating someone!"

To which he responded, "Your correct, but it's costless and I can do it as many times as I want. While it's just one of the powers I gain from my enlightenment."

He then walked into the cave as he considered this the end of the discussion. Afterward she chased after him into the cave.

Inside the cave it's dark and wet, but with a normal atmosphere, this is nothing strange. The is the bat's habitat here and it's naturally formed. As such no one here is scared, one confident in his strength. The other confident she knows the terrain well enough to run.

As they ventured in deeper they got more bored as they went through the cave. The man didn't care as he had nothing better to do at the moment and the woman was bored because she had better things she could do right now.

In such environment it only took another five minutes for her to crack, "So, what's your name?" He doesn't pause his steps, "Chen San." With a questioning face and a pout she asked him again, "Is that your real name. That sound oddly boring and not fitting for a prince no matter his stature."

Pausing for nothing he goes on, "No it's not, but my true name is in another language. This was the fake identity ascribed to me."

Pouting further, "Well what's your true name? I don't really care if I don't understand it, if you tell me your name, I'll tell you mine."

He stopped but she continued as she hit her nose on the cave walls, wailing she yells out with saddened eyes, "Why didn't you stop me!" With a shrug he replied, "Well I'd thought you'd pay more attention to your surroundings."

But still, he turns toward her as he puts his right knee down and extends his hand towards her, "If it makes you feel better I'm..." In another language she doesn't understand, he said his name.

Sniffling she held his hand, and with smile so beautiful it would mesmerize anyone, "Though I don't know what you said but I trust you to be genuine, my name is Hua Qi."

He gives pause but pulls her up and they continue their trek across the cave's corridors.

Make up chapter and there will be a reason in universe why some of these names are stolen or stereotypical.

Josephmemescreators' thoughts