
Seven Spirits Douluo

Fallen monarch of Western Empire, exiled and assassins sent for his head. But they didn't need to he was already dead with a spear through his throat. Sealing himself inside a cocoon he aims to reincarnate himself. Through this, he ends up in a land without battle chi or magic. The only things here are Spirit Beasts and Spirit Masters. ------------------------------------------------------ First time writing so there should be mistakes, please provide criticism so I can aim to fix it. ------------------------------------------------------- Temporary hiatus for me to adjust my sleep schedule. ------------------------------------------------------- I do not own anything except the main character in this fan fiction.

Josephmemes · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 14 Fear

Prepping my hair I start thinking to myself my what I have to do. Today I have two tasks, help The Holy Child, and uncover how much of his memory is recovered. Still I have to do it quickly, he's our God, our future.

Exhaling deeply I start tidying up my hair, combing it and using a hair pin to form it into a pony tail, set up as per The Saintess' instruction.

Wearing every piece of clothing prepared to seduce The Holy Child, all of it done in preparation for my task where no failure is allowed.

If I can't form a friendship with him I will have no place to return, no family to return to this point was definitely made loud and clear.

Preferably I would be able to seduce him but, were six. No one reasonable is holding the expectation we'll fall in love at first sight.

But not the Saintess, not the bishops, not cardinals. The ones hoping for this everyone, the ones that think this will happen is only low level Priests hoping for the rise of The Church. Damn those bastards, if they weren't there I wouldn't have to try to have him give me a baby to raise on my own.

But no matter if he's the reincarnation of The Holy Ghost, none of that crap he's still just six and worse, his soul is over millions of years old.

But that aside I need to contact him within the first week, preferably I would have this done by Friday so I don't have to find him during our trip getting our first spirit ring.

Today if I can establish a positive relationship with him that'd be nice, but it's unlikely, that said at least I will need to establish a good impression of me in his mind.

As seen it currently is too many people are interested in him, this is only warded off by his mysterious master. But it's pretty easy to guess something, as there is that Quasi-God wanting him as his disciple.

The only way he can't or won't is if his master's influence is greater than that Quasi-God's or is stronger, each not exclusive to the other.

There not many candidates for this, there are three Quasi-Gods in The Star Luo Empire, there is the one expressing he wants to have him as his disciple but for a reason can't.

And then the new Titled Douluo, he appeared from nowhere, the other one has a emperor to teach so it's definitely the new Titled Douluo, he should be puppet of The Holy Spirit.

I can't really stop my face from warping. The logical conclusion screaming in my face, I can't deny it, he's an enemy of The Empire so The Church will definitely have some trouble exporting him out...

But I'm a subordinate I shouldn't question my superiors orders, it's noon anyway I should be moving to get him. Moving my head out from the clouds I shake all of it away and move out of my room.

It should be easy, the thing that moved me out of the streets will also be move me into his palm like a puppet, the price you pay for family.

This irks me, but I don't stop my sneer even though I'm in public, it's ok they slept at one at night so they should be up at ten, at a hour after noon we have lunch, before hand we have classes but we have a week to cultivate two or one rank up to ten.

Most have nine innate spirit power, some have eight, almost none are like me with Full Innate Spirit power which is nice. It gives me time to adjust and find out how to seduce him and his schedule.

Oh he's over their, he is sitting with his brothers listening to them talking about yesterday. I followed them and seeing how much he lets them lead him around I know their precious to him.

So I moved up to meet them and left a good impression and left around nightfall, I forgot to bring a watch so I didn't know the time. They were so annoying but also kind of endearing.

The small bubbly really cute one and the one that places up a mask but is even more bubbly on the inside. That is without question that is the reason their so precious.

But I need to keep my attitude in line with what I have shown them, it is one of the disadvantages of showing a personality. Your held to it and if you act out your suspicion goes up.

Still it's worth it, the benefits fit in line with what I or my superiors have in mind.

Walking up to them and looking at the smaller one but keeping my eyes focused forward, "Ah, Xiao Wu you're here! I've been looking for you!"

Bright peppy and cheery as if sheltered for his whole life, "Big Sis!" Running up and tackling into my arms, he's adorable! The smile on my didn't even have to be forced, aww.

No! I must keep up with task at hand, I need to otherwise I'll be dead and replaced, calm down Jiang Xue your better than this.

Calming my heart I pull him out of my grasp and out of my eye I see Hua Bin's face red, "Xiao Wu you shouldn't do that it's a danger to both your and my health if you keep doing this."

Consoling him like a spoiled child, I feel some disgust welling up but I put it out but I felt a gaze sharpen on me, "En, ok Big Sis come sit our table!" Pulling me down to the spare seat then sitting down himself.

I can feel animosity from both of the brothers, I may have fucked up but I then feel less hate directed my way, "Xiao Wu you shouldn't be so trusting of people, some people may seem friendly on the outside but inside their heart is black."

My eyes dilate slightly but I made sure to pull it back immediately, nodding his head wildly he spoke cheerfully, "Yeah! But Big Sis is nice and really huggable!"

I feel that animosity again but much more intense, but is it just me or did I hear them both mutter "Damn harlot." Or something.

"Um, ok. Yeah your really cute Xiao Wu." His cheeks puffs up in pride and he's acting so cute, if I didn't know any better I would think all children are like this.

But the animosity I felt rocketed sky high, it's not a matter of hate anymore, it's a matter of life and death, "Ok miss, can I meet with you somewhere private."

Oh I have messed up, those words are so drenched in hate and anguish like he has lost something precious was directed at me; why what I do? With my dress soaking up sweat I needed to answer quickly, "Um, sure."

Damn my greed, if I didn't do that I maybe could have recovered his impression of me, but I had to go with sunk cost but be recovered, now I'm doing die in a ditch worse off then if I wasn't adopted!

Maybe I could run for it? No, no if I ran I would be caught if I'm caught I'll be tortured for information. Is that worse than a quick death by the hands of a god?

Gritting my teeth I follow through and started following him, he moving through the mess of tables is going to bathroom and expecting me to follow.

Condescending prick, gathering up my last thoughts and wishes before entering the corridor of bathroom I take deep breath and start thinking of my time here.

Mother, father, I'm sorry, even if you were of The Church I love you guys for taking initiative and taking me in even though I was street urchin, only lucky enough to have my spirit mutate and have Full Innate Spirit Power.

Unstoppable tears crawls down on my face as he stops and turns around, his voice like a demons comes to my ear, "Ahh, someone who wishes to tempt my brother, who is it this time?"

"Is it that wretched Church of mine, or is it someone else, tell me and I shall let you have quick painful death."

My teeth chattering I managed to squeeze out a reply, "S-Sir, it's The Church." His teeth shown bare to me though white looked like they were yellow.

He grinned like madman, no he is a madman, "So it is one of you, but as I like the life I've led here I gave up my divinity. After all my baby brother likes you if you die he'll be sad. He's intelligent enough to understand I killed you. How very lucky."

That curled up grin as if he's Death waiting for me but unable to claim my life, I felt for a brief moment like I was accomplished.

But as I processed that sentence I felt better, he wasn't a demon waiting for my life, he was a god who now has weakness of his brother, he's dangerous but he has a vulnerability.

His smirk is toothy grin, he's not someone to be messed with but won't kill you if provoked at the slightest. At this realization my tenseness just melted away, yet I'm curious my would my life matter.

It is linked to his brother why does his life matter, "You are The Holy Ghost who has killed millions yet you care for a life! Why?"

"Why does my life matter!" I feel my muscles tense again, I regret saying it, "I've said and I'll say it again, I can't kill you because my brother would be sad, his smile would fade. The smile which pulled me out of my personal cage created by and for myself."

The sadness in his eyes, he feels so vulnerable I feel like I need to protect him but I know I can't and I'm not qualified, seeing this it gives the urge to protect.

But why I know he'll kill millions yet I want to protect his emotions... It's because it'll delay my family's death, my care is for them only. I'm too busy to care for anything else besides my task and my family.

His fingers went to my eye but my fear stayed at bay, "Since he pulled me out from my depression, my brother likes you. Simply keep your hands away from him and you'll be ok. Also may know your name, I want to know the name of the person I stole my brother away."

He wiped my tears, maybe he's not so terrifying after all, nodding my head and I ceased to his demand, "Ok," I smile widely maybe because of my love for my family but, "my name is Jiang Xue."

He smile appears suddenly, "Good I look forward too meeting you more, but understand this, if any of my brother's hairs are to be harmed from your or your subordinates' hands... You should understand what would happen after."

I take back what I said. He is god damn terrifying.

I feel as if that sticking only to the MC's Pov when I want other characters to have the same kind of connection. I want to unravel their workings of their mind. Seeing now much a small insignificant trait can be an entire plotline.

Writing lesson 4.2 Have characters be characters with motives and be sympathetic. (They don't they just need to be interesting by nuance or their sheer villainy.

Also found my favorite ship, it's no going to happen but it's an idea.

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