
Servant Review

Roses are red, Violet are blue Guess who's mongrel, yes it's you EhE Servant Review

TypeMoM · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Goetia (Beast I)

Beast I the real name is Goetia (ゲ ー テ ィ ア, Gētia), King of the Demon Gods (魔神 王, Majin-ō), the unit form of Solomon's 72 demons. Originally created as a ritual magic to protect mankind, replacing Solomon's position as human guardian after his death, as the Human Order Correction Ritual (人 理 補 正式, Jinri Hosei-shiki). This "system" is "sad" and rages on seeing the relationship between Solomon and humans, turning into a curse that tries to subdue the "human imperfection" that Solomon has been ignoring so far. Because of that hatred, this 'system' eventually turned into a Human Order Incineration Ritual (人 理 焼 却 式, Jinri Shōkyaku-shiki). A magecraft with its own will to attain true wisdom, and is now trying to reach the "beginning of it all" by harnessing the energies from all of human history.

After Solomon's death, the 72 demons sealed within his body awakened with their own ideology, assumed the identity of their master, and some time later formed the demonic body Goetia, embarking on a new attempt to convert all of humanity into energy. Thus, Goetia continued his plan by making Solomon's corpse into his container, but there was a big dilemma in his heart, whatever it was.

In Greek, the term "Goetia" refers to the act of magic itself. Goetia is the original Thaumaturgical Foundation used in Modern Magecraft. The genetic curse he instilled in the Magic Crest 72 lineage of selected magus, which served as the vessel for his Demon Gods, formed the basis for the development of the first Thaumaturgical Circuits. In order to ensure that the 72 survived and carried out his orders without killing himself, he gave the Coronal Rank Designation curse. With his subordinates (descendants of the 72 magus) for 3000 years, creating a singularity, and gathering energy, Goetia can use that energy for Ars Almadel Salomonis and for his plans.

Solomon's ten rings were attached to all the fingers on both hands, but the one on the middle finger of his right hand was a replica (the original is in Dr.Roman) Because he used Solomon's corpse as a container, his personality is intelligent (though scary). It is said that because he is the unitary body of 72 devils, his personality numbers are 72.

He has omnipotent powers that cause the entire logic of the universe to obey him, and an intimidating aura that seems to say that he hates all of humanity. Initially, he had more than enough qualifications to carry the title "King that rules over men". However, he could not understand humans because of his omnipotent power, could not reach an answer because of his immortality, and thus could not become the king of humans.

Beast I was very sympathetic to Mashu and believed that she, who was created with a short life span only to serve others, could understand his view of abolishing the concept of death.

He had a lot of grudge against Solomon, always describing Solomon's personality with only negative adjectives. He considered Solomon to be the most stupid human being and an incompetent king. Much of Beast I's hatred for Solomon stems from Solomon's indifference to human suffering, and because he created him only to keep an eye on humans, a function he deems futile because he believes that humans will continue to suffer to death despite being watched. Despite knowing their helplessness, their wickedness, Solomon accepted all humans without correcting their mistakes. The demons could not accept this, and finally concluded that humans would suffer destruction in the future, and feared that the result would be complete extinction. The extinction of their own nation they took for granted, but they felt resentful that all creatures would one day perish because of their negligence.

Despite their insult that humans have no value, demons still realize that they cannot exist without humans. The disgrace that their rank should remain below humans, even though humans are the only ones and who play the biggest role in the waste of natural resources in this universe, and even though demons are life forms from higher dimensions, is truly unavoidable. Goetia could not accept such contradictions and infidelity, and began self-renewal. 'Resetting' its original purpose to serve mankind (changing Solomon's program). Want to prove absolutely that he is the supreme existence on this planet. Reaching a pinnacle that not even Solomon could reach. Goetia's goal is to reach the top, to become the only existence on this planet. In other words, the beginning of a great effort to become God.

He created the Holy Grail as Singularities that perverted history, embedded in the magic he designed (to turn into a demon according to Goetia's will), as descendants and earned seven detonation points. That is the cause behind the collapse of the foundation of the "anthropic principle" in every era. The Anthropic principle is a theory which says that the universe has something that makes it must be inhabited by intellectual beings. The point is, he "burned" the principle so that there were no more intelligent beings on earth, then created new principles according to his wishes.

Goetia in Solomon's form appears as the final antagonist in London, served by Makiri Zolgen, Charles Babbage, and Paracelsus. After the defeat of Nikola Tesla and Artoria Alter, "Solomon" appeared and faced Ritsuka's team, assisted by 4 Demon Gods, eliminating Shakespeare, Kintoki, and Tamamo no Mae. He also nearly kills Mordred, but is saved by Andersen, who then confronts "Solomon" and asks about the origins of the Holy Grail War system. He confirms Andersen's theory is correct and reveals himself to be the Grand Caster, then kills Andersen afterward. 'Solomon' then decided to step down, because he did not consider the Chaldeas a real threat until they were able to destroy the 7 singularities.

Then now comes the discussion on Final Singularity. During the battle between Chaldea and Demon Gods in the Grand Time Tabernacle, Goetia (Solomon form) was asked repeatedly by Baal to activate Ars Almadel Salomonis to destroy the Heroic Spirit from Chaldea. However, he answered by saying that more Servants would come, as it was only Ritsuka who had to die to erase them all.

Later, meeting Ritsuka and Mashu, he explains his two Noble Phantasm and his plan to use the Magic Energy of historical aberration to move his true aim. Without further ado he advances to kill Ritsuka so that the Heroic Spirits can fade away, but is blocked by Mashu.

After his Solomon form was defeated, impressed by Mashu's resilience, he decided to remove his disguise and reveal his true identity as Beast I, Goetia. He then tries to convince Mashu to join him in creating a world where there can be no death, but she adamantly rejects his offer after hearing his dark views on life. Disappointed, Goetia launched Ars Almadel Salomonis at her, but she used Lord Camelot to protect Ritsuka at the cost of her own life. Goetia managed to kill Mashu until her body evaporated without a trace, even though Ritsuka was flung far enough and was still alive.

Ritsuka was angry and had an argument with Goetia. However, Romani Archaman interrupts them both and reveals his identity as the real Solomon, Goetia feels shaken and belittled by his presence. At first he didn't believe that he was the real Solomon, but when he saw the ring on his middle finger, he finally believed it. Goetia voiced her complaint about Solomon's indifference while he was alive, and Solomon pleaded guilty. Goetia said that it was too late to stop him, Goetia prepared to kill him. The two of them had a brief fight. Because he knows that Goetia is too omnipotent, Solomon activates Ars Nova. Goetia was shocked and scared when he found out that Solomon still had an NP that he didn't know, he didn't believe that Solomon had hidden an NP all his life without ever being used or discussed. Solomon describes his NP, Ars Nova, as a ceremony to return Solomon's body, knowledge, possessions and everything back to God. Goetia had thought this was a bluff and thought Solomon couldn't possibly go that far, but he was wrong. Solomon has recognized Mashu as the 'younger sister' of Romani Archaman, because of that he feels Ars Nova is something he deserves to use to erase Goetia's immortality and avenge his 'sister'. Goetia was angry and prepared to kill everyone, but it was too late. After Ars Nova activated, he lost almost all of his strength, his body had even started to fade, all connections with Demon Gods were cut. The Demon Gods gained their respective consciousness, some committed suicide, some fled by creating new dimensions, some even helped the Heroic Spirit to escape when the Grand Time Tabernacle began to collapse due to Ars Nova. It only took a few minutes for Goetia & Grand Time Tabernacle to completely fade away. But Goetia, who was barely able to stand up again in his demonic form, was weakened, even some of his limbs had begun to break down, still refusing to back down and giving up in order to kill Ritsuka. Ritsuka answered his challenge by fighting using Mashu's shield plus the anger mounted at the loss of the 2 people he loved the most. The two of them clashed and finally Goetia lost and was knocked off by Ritsuka (boosted by CS).

However, later when Ritsuka tried to escape from the collapse of the Grand Time Tabernacle, Goetia suddenly appeared before them (Ritsuka and the Heroic Spirits) in half human form to prevent their escape, declaring that they must perish together in the collapsed dimension. that. In the end, Goetia decided to use his remaining strength to kill Ritsuka despite knowing that it was meaningless, and Ritsuka managed to avoid it. After that, Goetia smugly & faded in the ruins of the dimension he made, stating that in the brevity of human life, it is very interesting. He regrets that all his plans have failed because of Solomon's sacrifice, but he is also aware and has reached an understanding of humans, about how precious life is, about why humans can always smile even though they are always shadowed by death.

ATK: 2,268 / 24,721

HP: 11,400 / 688,560

Voice Actor: Sugita Tomokazu

Illustrator: Yamanaka Kotetsu

Attribute: Beast

Growth Curve: Linear

Star Absorption: 0

Star Generation: 0%

NP Charge ATK: 0%

NP Charge DEF: 0%

Death Rate: 0%

Alignments: Chaotic ・ Evil

Gender: Unknown

Traits: King


Strength : A

Agility : D

Luck : B

Endurance : A

Mana : A+

NP : A+++


King of Humans

1. Lord, Rejoice in Life

Rank: -

Classification: -

Type: Arts

Hit-Count: -

Effect: Powerful attack to all enemies

Overcharge Effect: Reduce MAX HP of all enemies.

King of Demon Gods

1. Ars Paulina - The Time of Crowning has Come, He is the One who Begins All

Classification: Anti-World

Rank: A.

Range: 999

Maximum number of targets:?

Ars Paulina: The Time of Crowning has Come, He is the One who Begins All (戴 冠 の 時 き た れ り , 其 は 全 て を 始 め る も の, Taikan no Toki Kitareri, So wa Subete wo Hajimeru Mono) is Solomon's second Noble Phantasm , which was later used by Goetia. This was Solomon's Reality Marble whose position was outside the universe and outside the flow of time, which was located in the Imaginary Number space. It used Solomon's own Magic Circuit as its source of energy. The deaths here weren't "counted" in the real world, so it was still possible to revive the people who died in this space with sufficient strength.

After Goetia's defeat, the temple collapsed, leaving only ruins and the throne, and Solomon's 10 rings. After the events of Epic of Remnant, shown in the anime Moonlight / Lostroom, that someone entered this dimensional space and took one of the rings. There is still no explanation as to who he is. But there is speculation that he is Solomon, it could also be Asmodeus (one of his 72 demons), and maybe another magus considering that Chaldea had a tool (before Rayshift was created) to dive into Imaginary Number.

2. Ars Almadel Salomonis - The Time of Birth has Come, He is the One who Masters All

Rank: EX

Classification: Anti-Humanity, Anti-Unit

Type: Arts

Hit-count: 3

Effect: Powerful attack to all enemies

Overcharge Effect: Decrease enemies Quick, Arts, or Buster card performance (decrease 100%) for 1 turn.

"Then I shall show you. The end of your journey. The demise of human history that will redo this planet. The moment my great undertaking is completed! Third Noble Phantasm, deploy. The Time of Birth has Come, He is the One who Masters All. Now, burn up like trash! "

"Ars Almadel Salomonis!"

—Beast I

"My feat! My ideal! Know the true purpose of my birth! This planet will be reborn! All life will become the past! Sing your praises. My name is Goetia! Human Order Incineration Ritual, King of Demon Gods, Goetia! "

—Beast I

Ars Almadel Salomonis: The Time of Birth has Come, He is the One who Masters All (誕生 の 時 き た れ り , 其 は 全 て を 修 め る も の, Tanjō no Toki Kitareri, So wa Subete wo Osameru mono) is the third Noble Phantasm belongs Solomon, who was planned to be used by Goetia to make time travel to the beginning of Earth's creation. It appears at first glance like a halo circling the Earth. A halo that signifies human death. As something capable of turning the entire history of mankind into thermal energy, the passage of time over several years is made possible by accumulating, accelerating, and uniting hundreds of millions of halos. Each pillar of light within AAS was said to have extreme destructive power comparable to an A-rank Noble Phantasm like Excalibur. There is nothing on Earth's surface beyond the heat of this Noble Phantasm. When Goetia charges and focuses its energy into attack mode, the energy beam is described as a flow of heat sufficient to penetrate the planet. Even when Mashu managed to hold him back using Lord Camelot's spiritual protection, the amount of heat she received was far more than enough to vaporize his body that was behind the shield.

The Ars Almadel Salomonis floats in the sky above each Singularity, and is estimated to be the size of North America. Its immense energy is gathered through the burning of all humans from an era, which is achieved through the Singularity and the Grail. Although the burning of the Earth gave him a lot of energy, the burning of intelligent life forms such as humans and their civilizations produced a greater amount of energy, which could be used to replenish these Noble Phantasm. By burning all humans from every era for 3,000 years, Goetia was able to accumulate Mana that surpassed the amount of Mana when the Earth was originally created, in other words even surpassing Mana in the Age of Gods. By gathering, accelerating, and pooling the heat from the halo, it allows time reversals on a large scale.

By using this Noble Phantasm as part of the Canal-Genesis Light-Year Retrogression plan, Goetia plans to return to the early days of Earth's formation with a planetary time reversal and re-create Earth so that the concept of "death" does not exist. An achievement close to True Magic, with Noble Phantasm similar to Aoko's Fifth Magic (Time Travel).

3. Incineration Ceremony: Beleth - Cremation Ritual of the Demon God

Rank: -

Classification: Anti-Humanity

Type: Arts

Hit-Count: 3

Effect: Powerful attack to all enemies


King of Demon Gods

1. Evocation

Rank: EX

Effect: Increase NP charge by 1

a.k.a Summoning (召喚 術, Shōkan-jutsu) is a magecraft that awakens a spiritual body from the past, or perhaps from the future. After Solomon's death, the concept of the 72 demons he left behind, lodged in Solomon's corpse was reborn as a new entity. Although he was unable to summon Heroic Spirits or Familiars, he was able to freely summon any of the 72 devils to the present day. It might be easier to understand if it is described as a converter that projects a fictional demon that is lodged in Solomon's world into the physical world.

2. Anthropic Principle Charging

Effect: Increase NP charge to MAX & Pierce invulnerability for 1 turn & Increase NP damage threefold

He will (and will only) use this on the first turn, before releasing his NP. Guaranteed to kill all Servants in the front row unless they have guts or can lock-skills (Chapter 12 Arrow 2).

3. Nega-Summon

Rank: EX

Effect: At the start of battle, increase NP resistance and critical damage resistance (3 turns)

Able to cancel all Noble Phantasms from summoned Servants to the Grand Time Tabernacle either by absorbing them or negating them. There is only one "exception" and because of this exception, this skill which should have absolute authority (★) is downgraded to EX rank. As an enemy in the game, this makes him completely invulnerable for the first 3 turns.

4. Clairvoyance

Rank: EX

Since Clairvoyance is a body-bound skill, Goetia can also use it like Solomon. Able to see past and future.

King of Humans

1. Solomon's Ring

Rank: EX

Is a collection of rings given to Solomon by God, which Goetia then took 9 rings (one of which was brought by Dr. Roman in case Goetia deviates and wants to use its original effect. If all (ten) of these rings are put together, he can control nor can it negate all magecraft used by humans.

2. Sage's Wisdom

Effect: Increase defense (3 turns) + Reduce overall damage received (3 turns) + Increase debuff resistance (3 turns) + Increase NP charge by 1

3. Clairvoyance

Rank: EX

Since Clairvoyance is a body-bound skill, Goetia can also use it like Solomon. Able to see past and future.


1. Ten Crowns

Effect: Passive skill that negates class affinity weakness + Rider and Ruler will still resist his attacks + Alter Ego ignores this passive, giving the class the ability to deal x2.0 against him.

Is a skill that gives the user Divine Authority. This authority is none other than the power of bringing death and giving life. It seemed that the user of this skill had some connection with Root, and thus, this was the highest grade Mysteries that any lesser Mystery could not beat. Even Gilgamesh, the oldest Heroic Spirit, did not have the ability or mystery capable of surpassing this skill.

2. Territory Creation

Rank: A.

It is he who created the Temple of Jerusalem.

3. High-Speed ​​Incantation

Rank: A.

In the past (while still wearing Solomon's corpse) his spell-reading speed was only average, but nowadays it is comparable to High Speed ​​Divine Words.

4. Item Construction

Rank: C

Perhaps because he specialized in contracts, the ability of this skill was at an average level.

5. Independent Manifestation

Rank: A.

A special skill, the superior version of Independent Action. Due to this skill's existence fixation ability, he had resistance to attacks such as instakill and time manipulation. Those with this skill are not affected by the Human Incineration Protocol (Singularity), or from the Compilation of Human Order (*****). He can manifest himself as long as the conditions are met.


Ok, since this is not a gameplay review, what will be concluded is his story in FGO. His hatred stems from Solomon's indifference to the hearts of his people, then grows and rebels, creates his own project, even though in a completely wrong way, he does everything for the sake of humans, because he can see that humans have no future, that humans will all die, therefore he is a representation of the 7 ugliness of man, he represents "Pity". This is the reason Galahad and A-team in the Moonlight / Lostroom anime said humans will have no future because we thwarted Goetia's plans.

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