
Separated for the worst, or maybe not

“Let’s go! Let’s go now and rescue my husband!” Scarlet tells everyone and takes her rightful position. The one that was only meant for her. Flying from city to city until a someone captures her. Leaving her son alone by himself and soon the news of the Black Lotus gang doing their kidnapping part again fly's into the newspaper once again or are the rumors actually true? Inside the most mysterious gang territory, the one that holds the most unknown secrets. Scarlet finds herself in the middle of it all! What to do when Scarlet starts recognizing people that she should have forgotten about? When the sweet and innocent childhood sweetheart shows up when she the least wants? But what is happening when all that she has been looking for lays in the hands of an unknown man? But is he really as unknown as she thinks... Scarlet finds herself in a difficult situation! Between her escape plans, and her heart from shivering of excitement from the man that she should be a stranger to... or maybe not. Warning! this novel is a lot cliché! Be prepared. You have been warned!

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15 Chs

1. Gun shots

Scarlet takes a look outside from the window and sees the moon trying to shine it's fullest tonight. From her fifth floor apartment, she can see people walking outside, minding their own business. Suddenly she notices a handsome man running with flowers in one hand and a phone in the other.

>He's probably late to a date< Scarlet thinks to herself.

Then she sees a girl chasing after the running man. The girl's waving something that looks like a piece of paper.

>She's probably trying to give the guy her phone number<, Scarlet thinks as she notices the guy stopping on his track and waits for the girl to catch up. Then the girl speeds up her running and soon catches up to the guy much faster then before. She jumps in his arms waiting for the guy to embrace her back, but to her surprise, the guy doesn't. Instead he's angry and pushes her away. Slaps the girls face and then runs of leaving the girl all alone. Scarlet sees the girl fall down on place and observes how the girls shoulders are shaking like she's crying.

"Poor girl! Well he's not the one then", Scarlet whisper softly to herself and instead of continuing to watch the girl, Scarlet turns her head down and looks down at the little boy sleeping right beside her. All curled up by her arm, like Scarlet is the only comfort to tell him that he's able to sleep at all.

"But I'm not the right person to say that.."

Scarlet tries to look up again but she's not capable of doing that, a bad feeling raises inside of her and doesn't let her look a second up. Scarlet feels that if she doesn't watch over her son, then he might disappear from her eyes and never reappear again in front of her.

"Don't worry dear, we're fine without him..." Scarlet hesitates and looks slightly away but soon regrets immediately, after saying those words, she looks at her sleeping son again and finds herself wondering If what she did 6 years ago was the right thing to do.

Scarlet lets her head fall down slowly next to her sons, so that they're face to face. She puts her hand on his little head and immediately lets her fingers go through his soft smooth hair. The feeling of fingers brushing through his brown sparkling hair that looks just like her own puts Scarlet at peace. Scarlet feels how her eyes slowly close down for the night, from all the dancing they did all day It was no wonders. Somewhere there, her hand stops on her sons head and she falls peacefully asleep.

> I hope we will be safe here< was her last thought before she fell deeply asleep. But Scarlet should have questioned that bad feeling inside her before thinking like that.


~The next morning~

Scarlet wakes up when she hears gun shots outside on the streets and as fast as she can, she opens her eyes. Scarlet can recognize what guns they are using right away thanks to the skills her dad taught her at young age but most of her knowledge has by time disappeared. Scarlet's dad was once a proud mafia leader and for her being his daughter didn't exactly make her childhood better. Scarlet was in danger everyday. But It was both fun and sad at the same time.

Only now does she understand why her dad said that the knowledge about guns and material arts would be helpful in the future. But Scarlet never listened, instead she snuck out to meet her that time boyfriend and partied with his friends all night long. But that's another regret that she has...

>Leo?< Scarlet think as she takes a glace beside her and starts to panic. Because he's gone.

"Leo! Where are you?!" Scarlet screams out her sons name.

As fast as she can, she gets out from the bed and makes her way to the door, a little boy opens the door before she can and by her pleasant surprise, the little boy jumps in her arms an they share a happy but fragile hug.

"Don't worry mommy. I'm here." Says the little boy.

Scarlet gets down on her knees and embrace the little guy as hard as she can, and plans to never let go.

"Where where you?" Scarlet asks her son without letting go.

" I made breakfast"

"Breakfast?" Scarlet asks curiously and licks her mouth. Her stomach begins to growl just as loud as a Howler Monkey (1)

At that peaceful moment everything seemed worry free and Scarlet thought that she must have imagined the gun shots from before. But just then the entrance door fly's open and many footsteps are heard approach them. Scarlet takes a hold of Leo's right hand and makes her way fast and careful under the bed.

>Thank god that I left my brothers AK-47 gun in the drawer next to the bed< Scarlet thinks but when ready, not even a second hesitates to slowly and calmly approach the drawer in hope that the floor doesn't make any sound. She gets out under the bed and gets up on her feet, quietly opens the drawer and takes out the gun and most importantly checks if it has enough ammunition inside the ammo chamber.

>only two?, damn it!< Scarlet sighs and notices her son trying to take a look at her under the bed. Another sigh escapes her mouth as she mentally prepares for what can happen. She takes a look at her son and hopes that they will meet again.

"Shh and don't come out until no-ones here anymore. Just remember what I said to you 3 days ago. You're my most precious son and I love you so much that It hurts for me to say something like a goodbye like this. If I'm gone you must survive and promise me that, okay? Remember mommy loves you and even if we're worlds apart, someday I will find you. Okay?" Scarlet feels a tear welled in her eyes but as she swallows the tear disappears. She most be strong, only then can she succeed.

Leo nods and shows Scarlet his bright smile, as if telling her to come back alive. Scarlet smiles back and loads the gun in her hand. She looks around the old and shabby looking room that they just moved in 3 days ago. This place being the first place that they could found after the run away they made once again, wasn't as shabby looking like as the last place they where at. Scarlet was happy to finally being able to take a normal shower. Not to even mention how nice it was to sleep on a bed. She didn't think that the rouges would find her and her son so soon.

Scarlet makes her way out from the bedroom and moves her body to the kitchen hallway. She swallows and puts the gun in front of her. Scarlet tries to concentrate but something is giving her the bad feeling again. She makes her way deeper into the kitchen and looks inside. Just when she doesn't see anyone, she feels something metallic to her left ear.

"So we finally found you!"

As something hard hits her on the spot that the metallic thing was at, without any chance of fighting back, all her senses start to suddenly fade away leaving her unconscious.

(1)Howler Monkey is a monkey who howls really loud and is know to be the loudest monkey there is.

Hi everyone! How's life going? I'm really nervous because this is my first novel. I started to write this in mid september 2019 and since I didn't have much confidence in my work, I didn't have the chance to share this with you all. I hope that this turns out great and that you will like it. Thanks to everyone who's reading or is slightly intressed and I hope that you will support me in the future.

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