
Separated for the worst, or maybe not

“Let’s go! Let’s go now and rescue my husband!” Scarlet tells everyone and takes her rightful position. The one that was only meant for her. Flying from city to city until a someone captures her. Leaving her son alone by himself and soon the news of the Black Lotus gang doing their kidnapping part again fly's into the newspaper once again or are the rumors actually true? Inside the most mysterious gang territory, the one that holds the most unknown secrets. Scarlet finds herself in the middle of it all! What to do when Scarlet starts recognizing people that she should have forgotten about? When the sweet and innocent childhood sweetheart shows up when she the least wants? But what is happening when all that she has been looking for lays in the hands of an unknown man? But is he really as unknown as she thinks... Scarlet finds herself in a difficult situation! Between her escape plans, and her heart from shivering of excitement from the man that she should be a stranger to... or maybe not. Warning! this novel is a lot cliché! Be prepared. You have been warned!

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15 Chs

2. Is this a joke to you

Black. All that Scarlet can see is black but she can tell that she's still alive. She can hear how there's people around her but she can't make out what they're saying. It's all so familiar to her. Like it has happened before, but she can't put her finger on when or where exactly.

"W...if.....s.... w..s.... p" says someone near but far away from Scarlet.

Scarlet can't tell if it's a voice of a women or a man but it's a voice of someone young. A small voice. Like that person hasn't been hit by the puberty truck yet.

Scarlet tries to open her eyes but her eyelids feel too heavy to open. She tries once more and this time she can slowly see the light. The cold floor beneath Scarlet is too cold for her and she tries to get up but she feels like the energy from her entire body has been drawn out into mid air and the only thing that she can do is give up, but she doesn't.

Scarlet hears someone sigh and that's only then when she notices that the person talking before has shut its mouth and is being replaced with a pair of shilling steers.

"oh you're finally up" says the exact same person as before but now more clearly and it sounds more like a man, or rather a boy.

Scarlet looks up and is surprised. She can feel how her mouth is wide open.

>Children. They're all children. How can children be the ones that kidnapped me?< She thinks and remembers how she never saw who kidnapped her in the first place. Scarlet lets that thought slide of her mind and figures,how smart can these children been?! It must be someone else that took her here but they let children watch over her. > yeah! That must be right!<

"What are you looking at!" Says the boy in-front of her, the one that's been the only one talking. He seems to be the leader of the children.

That's when it hits Scarlet, >Leo?< She thinks and looks around. Hoping that they left him alone, she lifts her chin up and looks straight in the eyes of the Leder of the children. But...

"Where am I?" ... is all that comes out.

She must be the worst mother ever. How could a mother not be asking where her son is in this situation. But Scarlet thinks that she has to be cautious, try to make out an escape plan out of there instead of talking and wasting time. She's more than sure that they probably couldn't find Leo. Or at least she hoped that they didn't. But if they did... she didn't want to imagine how it could have turned out to be like.

"You're somewhere that you have had to be for awhile now! We gave you both the easy way and the hard way, but you just hade to take the hard way!" He says and takes a look at his phone. Someone's calling him, but it has to be someone the boy likes very much. Because the boys face lights up and a smile takes control.

"Brother!!!" Is what comes out of that cute mouth of his and leaves Scarlet helpless with a smirk. >that's so cute< is what she thinks while she looks at the boy.

Scarlet sees the boy stiffer and a big "awww" comes out of her mouth.

The boy automatically turns to face her just to show Scarlet a cute teased face. Some would say that he's just cute but for Scarlet it felt more than cute, more like familier cute. Like she has seen that face somewhere before but she can't put her finger on quite where she has seen his face before.

That thought bothers her more than it should. As the boy puts down he's phone and types something, a question pops inside her head and accidentally comes out.

"Have I seen you before?" Is what she asks before the boy can open his mouth once again. He's face looks pleased by her question and something starts to shine in his hazel deep eyes.

"By time that someone recognizes me, the great! The one who's voice is elegant and strong like a true mans, the one who's figure is worldly known, the one who's hair is ultimately soft and shine naturally light brown and the one who can raise both hell and heaven at the same time with just one finger, Is I ! The one and only Aaron Hunter Matthew Jesper King!" The boy says proudly.

"..." my face is stiff as a rock but then a thought raises inside my mind >how come Jesper King sounds oddly familiar... <

"So tell me women, does my name and statues sound familiar?" He asks and that's when she remembers. Scarlet was once near a man with the name Jesper King and even if that was so long ago she can still fully remember his full name and how he looked.

"So? I'm waiting for an answer." The boy says and Scarlet realizes that she hasn't answered the boy anything yet. But what should she say? That she knew someone named as the boy or that she wants to go back to her son? After more silence from Scarlet the boys smile turns into a frown and that gives her sign that she has to say something. Lastly she decides what to say.

"How come that I'm here?" Scarlet asks with all seriousness but the boy responses with laughter. Now it's her turn to frown.

"Well why do you think, Miss Lionbreath" the boy says and Scarlet immediately backs off. She hasn't heard that name for so long but she could never forget it. But how come he knows of it?

I hope that you like this novel by so far.

My goal is about 200 chapters but let’s see how it goes and hopefully it reaches that point. But no promises!

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