
Senju Ryoichi’s tale to Immortality

Having died and felt the clutches of death once, Senju Ryoichi biggest goal in this new life of his was to never feel that again. To do that he needs to achieve Immortality at any cost, and being reborn in a world where people can spit fire and become God after eating fruit, he has quite a shot at his unachievable goal. . AU . info dump .

41_Claws · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

5:All the Time in the World


After weighing his options Ryoichi closed the latest book on cell cloning. He thought about his decision a few more times before he called Ryomen and sent him to seize the trio time travellers.

Ryoichi considered going there himself, but he thought an elite group and Ryomen should be enough to deal with the two remaining conscious time travellers, especially when their Chakra reservoir was empty.

And as Ryoichi expected, after an hour Ryomen returned and reported the success of their mission.

"They are in our factory's underground holdings," Ryomen informed, making Ryoichi close his book again.

"Hmm, then let's head there," Ryoichi said and stood up. He motioned Ryomen to lead the way which the Kage-rank Shinobi did gladly.

"Did they resisted?" Ryoichi asked as they flickered towards the factory.

"Not at all Ryoichi-sama, they were too exhausted and had their guards down. We only had to flood the room with sleeping gas and they all fell unconscious."

"Hmm." Ryoichi hummed in agreement and asked a few more questions before stopping and flickering slightly.

It didn't take them long to reach the factory, in less than five minutes Ryoichi and Ryomen were standing before the three time travellers who started to regain their consciousness, even the blonde girl.

Ryoichi walked to the hidden compartment and sat on the chair, leaving Ryomen to question them for now.

"Ugh… where…?" The brown-haired teen uttered as he opened his eyes. He raised himself and stood face to face with Ryomen.

"Who…?" He questioned, still confused. His companions also regained consciousness, but they didn't make any noise, instead, they scanned Ryomen and their holding with raised guards.

"That's the question I should be asking, who are you and what is your purpose here?" Ryomen spoke on brown hair's questions.

The brown-haired teen opened his mouth to speak but the lazy teen elbowed him which made him shut his mouth.

"What do mean? We are simple travelling mercenaries and came to the Land of Iron to find jobs away from the drama of great Shinobi Villages." The lazy teen answered after shutting the brown-haired teen. His action did go unnoticed by Ryomen.

'The brown-haired teen seems to be a blabber mouth.' Ryomen noted before he questioned again.

"Mercenary? Do you think I'm an idiot? The armour you're wearing below your robe is anything we have ever seen before, it's not only completely Immune to B-rank and below Jutsu, but also absorbs shock to an unimaginable degree, not to mention it's sleek enough to be worn below your normal cloth."

"Haha~ what are the chances of you believing that this is a new product developed by Konoha?" Asked the lazy teen with a dry laugh, he didn't get any answers though but Ryomen's cold face told him all he needed.

"You think this is a game!" Ryomen asked as a Kage-rank pressure fell on their shoulders, but the teens didn't seem bothered, they just shrugged off the pressure.

Ryomen saw their action and frowned, but before he could do anything the blonde girl spoke.

"I know you're here… why don't you come out and talk to us face-to-face instead of letting your dog talk!"

Ryomen's cold face became even colder as his bloodlust flooded the underground chamber. His action wasn't because the girl called him a dog, No! But the fact she knew he was acting on someone's orders.

Ryomen carefully scanned the girl and immediately knew the girl wasn't guessing blindly, but she was truly sure he was acting on orders.

"What are you talking about, little girl?" Ryomen questioned.

Aina ignored him and shouted loudly, " I know you're here Senju Ryoichi"

*GASP* the brown-haired teen gasped at Aina's words while the lazy teen and Ryomen had frowns on their faces, both due to different reasons.

Ryoichi who listening to their conversation leaned in slightly, a curious glint passed in his cold metallic eyes.

For the first time, Ryoichi carefully scanned the blonde teen. Her hair was gold so were her eyes, and her skin was fair. She was at least five feet and eight inches tall and had a curvy body very similar to future Tsuande.

'Wait a minute… blonde hair… gold eyes…' Ryoichi's mind drifted off as he saw her features, he thought about his last meeting with Mito and Tsunade.

'Is she my descendant?' Ryoichi questioned himself as he walked out of the hidden compartment. He dismissed Ryomen and stood before the blonde teen.

"And how do you know me miss?" Ryoichi questioned her as he tapped on the floor, creating a silencing seal.

"… I'm your great-granddaughter…" Aina answered after a long pause. She looked at her lazy companion who nodded his head.

"…You want me to believe that?" Ryoichi questioned again, ignoring their silent conversation through their eyes.

Aina looked back at Ryoichi as she snorted and spoke." Don't pretend to be clueless, if you are as sharp as my father told me, you already know I'm telling the truth."

"Hmm? Why do you word it like that?"

"What do you mean?"

"By hearing about me from your father, Am I dead in your timeline?" Ryoichi clarified as he moved back and made an earth chair to sit.

"I don't know…" Aina answered.

"What do mean?"

Aina looked at her lazy companion once again, probably asking whether she should reveal future knowledge to Ryoichi or not.

The lazy teen nodded his head, indicating it was fine to tell Ryoichi about the future.

"You disappeared after the death of great-grandmother and grandmother. Your life and death are unknown, most considered you dead as you were already above a hundred when you disappeared, but my father says otherwise, he said you just became detached enough not to care about the world." Aina explained.

"Is that so…" Ryoichi hummed, as his mind worked nonstop to find the reason he disappeared in the future. He can't imagine himself disappearing from the world just because of the death of his "wife" and "daughter"

'There's got to be another reason.' Ryoichi thought and forcefully pulled himself back from his deep thoughts.

"So tell me what brings you to this timeline," Ryoichi questioned with a warm smile.

"Please don't smile like that, it gives me creeps!" Said Aina with a disgusted look.


"I have read your biography and know how manipulative you were at this point of your life, not to mention the stories my dad told me." Auna explained as she shuddered when she mentioned the "story" part.

"A biography about me? Did my future self not intervene?" Questioned Ryoichi. His confusion was so high that Aina could detect it even if Ryoichi was suppressing most of it.

"You were the one who wrote it or will, but back to your question about why we came here…" Aina paused slightly and immediately continued as she didn't want Ryoichi to ask more questions about the future.

"We came here by mistake, our original destination was the timeline of Sage of Six Paths, but due to a minor problem, we crashed in this timeline."

"Why are you travelling to that timeline?" Ryoichi questioned as his interest peaked again.

This time Aina didn't answer instead the lazy teen did.

"Well… to stop an Otsutsuki cyborg from killing the Sage of Six Paths."

"And why does this Otsutsuki cyborg want to kill the Sage of Six Paths?"

"That's… a long story…" the lazy teen spoke hesitantly. Ryoichi could see how reluctant the teen was to tell him more about future.

"Don't worry I have all the time in the world."


AN: If you want to read more go to my Patr*on/41_Claws. There are 10+ advance unedited chapters on it…]
