
Senju Ryoichi’s tale to Immortality

Having died and felt the clutches of death once, Senju Ryoichi biggest goal in this new life of his was to never feel that again. To do that he needs to achieve Immortality at any cost, and being reborn in a world where people can spit fire and become God after eating fruit, he has quite a shot at his unachievable goal. . AU . info dump .

41_Claws · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
35 Chs



The next day, Ryoichi left the Village for the Land of Iron, as he travelled with some Senju escorts his mind drifted towards the recent action of Hokage and his lover.

They think are being sneaky with their assassination attempts, but they do not know that they and the assassin they hired are both under his watch.

Ryoichi had found Mizuki's hidden location long ago but didn't attack them as that was redundant. The organisation didn't know to whom they sold their unique corpses and slaves, they only get contacted when they already had something to sell.

Ryoichi has been keeping a close tab on them so he can catch the contractor and possibly follow him to their base. He guessed the organisation hiring Mizuki was Kara or Kira whatever their name was. Jigen's organisation that became active in Boruto's period. If he was able to reach their base not only would he acquire his mother's body but also get his hands on the Shinju.

Ryoichi could have given bait to Kara, but he did not because he was neither powerful nor prepared enough to face Jigen. If Ryoichi remembered correctly Jigen was strong, strong enough to bitch slap nerfed Naruto-Sasuke duo.

"Ryoichi-sama, we have arrived." A voice broke Ryoichi's thoughts. He slid a small window open and looked outside the carriage.

Ryoichi had teleported to his business branch nearest to the Land of Iron and took a carriage to the fire noble house.

He exited the carriage and approached the mansion.




While Ryoichi was busy in the Land of Iron, three unknown people with weird clothes met the Ambush meant for Ryoichi.

"Shit! I think we walked into the wrong place." One of the unknown people spoke. He was a late teen boy with healthy brown skin and black hair and eyes.

"Ahh, what a pain…" spoke the second, he was also a boy in his late teens, his skin was pale, hair and eyes black. He had a lazy aura surrounding him that made him eerily similar to Nara.

"That's why I was saying we should follow my lead." Spoke the last, with a reprimanding tone. Like her companion, she was a late teen. She had fair skin, blonde hair and a pretty face, but the most attractive part of the girl was her sharp gold eyes. They gave her face a smart edge.

""Shut up, Aina!!!"" The two boys shouted with a fed-up tone.

"Geez talk about having weak mental strength." The blonde girl — Aina retorted with a smirk.

"But leaving your whining aside, how do we deal with this situation, I still haven't recovered any Chakra." She continued.

"Can't we just talk, I'm sure they also don't want to waste their time on us." The brown-haired suggested.

"Fat chance idiot. They would rather kill us to leave no clue. AND they look rather prepared, I'm sure they are targeting someone powerful and important." Said the lazy guy.

"Hey idiots can you stop talking before the enemies." Aina interrupted as the Shinobis laying the ambush lunged at them.

The ambushers were synced as they surrounded the teens, they moved like they had performed the same action countless times. Their hands blurred almost at the same time as they formed a complex set of hand signs and slammed hard on the ground. A green pillar-like shield materializes and captures teens

Multiple seals lit below their feet as the brown-haired teen shouted.


"Goddammit! I'll faint if use any Chakra!!!"

"Do it or you won't be alive to faint." The lazy boy said with a sense of urgency on his face.

"Ahh fuck!!! you perverts better not touch me weirdly!" Aina cursed as her eyes turned red with tree tomoes slowly rotating in them.

The rotating tomoes spun faster as they merged together and formed a beautiful pattern.

"Aghh!" Aina grunted painfully as her beautiful eyes bled. The pattern inside her left pupil spun as the ambushers went stiff before falling down like puppets with cut strings.

Once the ambushers fell and lost consciousness, Aina staggered as her consciousness also got blurry but before she could the lazy guy caught her.

"Let's head to the nearest settlement." He said to the brown-haired teen and started running.

The brown-haired teen looked at the fallen ambusher before he also started running after his companions.

"Shouldn't we… you know kill them to hide our tracks?" Questioned brown hair, making the lazy teen glance back.

"No, it will affect the timeline, and besides I'm sure Aina wiped their memories."

"Hmm." The brown hair hummed in understanding and stopped questioning.

The three teens silently made their way to the Land of Iron, but unknown to them their whole action and conversation was heard by a black shadow who disappeared when the trio left the area.




"Interesting…" Ryoichi muttered as he dismissed his subordinate.

This day couldn't become any more eventful than this, the previous night Mito told him about the transfer then she hinted for what he considered a marriage proposal, and now visitors from… future?

Ryoichi is not sure, but all signs point towards the possibility that the trio came from the future and the Chakra discharge yesterday was their doing. Honestly, Ryoichi isn't surprised since he knew there were multiple time-travelling incidents in the original series. But what did surprise him was there was no time travelling to this timeline in the original series.

So it's either his Existence has caused enough ripples in the timeline, or this event is way far from Boruto's time and thus not shown in the series.

Another thing that piqued his interest was the blonde girl and her Mengekyu Sharingan if his subordinate's report was correct.

'A blonde Uchiha… she is a mixed breed and has a bloodline strong enough to overnight the Uchiha traits. And I only know four bloodlines potent enough to do that, all deprived from Otsutsuki… and only one of the four has produced blondes… the Senju clan. A Senju-Uchiha mixed, huh? Well, that's new.' Ryoichi mused.

'But the question stands whether I should interact with them or not. On the one hand, I can gain future knowledge that can speed up my research on the other I could mess the time and destroy the world… hmm…? Tough decision but the pros overwhelm the cons. I'm not really attached to this world, as long as I achieve Immortality I could always leave this world for another or even this whole Universe after all if this Universe exists so could many other fictional ones.'


AN: If you want to read more go to my Patr*on/41_Claws. There are 10+ advance unedited chapters on it…]
