
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Others
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TWD: DayZ version

AN: This is the idea: Someone that watched the TWD TV show once sporadically and then didn't find one worthwhile fanfic that doesn't just seek to bone all the girls, got thrown in the show with a survival system that would empower him the more well of he's in the apocalypse. I don't really master the TWD timeline so much so he will follow the main team.

***** One week before outbreak *****

So, I transmigrated into Barney Stinson body if I'm believing the paper I found on myself (I do look like Neil Patrick) but instead on being in NYC with the gang, I was in Georgia alone in an hotel recovering from an hangover. That makes me think I transmigrated into an AU of HIMYM.

Worse still is that I'm not wearing my iconic suit. But everything isn't bad as I still have enough money on these credit cards to live lavishly for 10 years. My goal is to meet the gang and then follow them in their shenanigans till I meet best girl, Nora. A shame Lily is already with Marshall. And hooking with as much girl as Barney without getting an MST or a miss till after his rupture with Robin is dope.


I decided to take my time to return to NYC and brought myself a great camping car. I know I should be feeling bad about how I let everything dear to me behind and got to a new world (I searched for myself and those close to me on social networks without getting the right results) so that's why I decided to make a little tour of a part of America and nailing a girl at each stop for my album. Yeah, fitting in the role of Barney wasn't hard for me as I already checked many boxes.

***** Eve of the outbreak *****

So I met these two sisters that were on a road trip, Amy and Andrea. I hooked up with the youngest, the other one was too old for my tastes. We just went each on our way, the next day. And the magic tricks I started learning seems to pay off.

***** Days 0 to 59 *****

I got a system on what I would call Day 0 and started thinking I was in the wrong show. It's a little underwhelming for a system. To start I got a beginner package containing: simple clothes, a glow stick and half of a bandage. I was then told that I would get rewarded according to my evolution and that I should start exploring and gathering resources.

So I thought the inventory was cool and proceeded to ignore all the rest of that bullshit. I got to fill my inventory with booze and liquor of all sorts when I noticed that the inventory conserved its temperature. And it makes me carry more others useful bagages.


I'm not one to watch news but on my last stop some drunkards were talking about riot all others the country. It made me re-think about what the system was spewing. So I started visiting markets, drug stores and gun ones too. VIVA AMERICA.

When, I got myself enough guns, drugs and foods to support a four man squad for two weeks my system decided I could go to the next step and asked me to start gathering survivors. I concluded that it was either insane or that the situation will go from bad to worse.

I'm nailing those Scandinavian triplets tonight.

Oh, and I feel like my body got better than ever before and I went from noob to expert at things like shooting (guns or bows), fighting (unarmed or armed) and parkour. Probably, the reward of the system.


So, it seems I'm confronted to a zombie apocalypse. Sweet. Anyway, I'll live well with my system for sure.


I'm in TWD. The sisters Andrea and Amy plus the zombies that nobody have the guts to call as such should have tipped me on. Today, I met this Korean(?) dude name Glenn, chill dude between. And he guided me to a little camp at the outskirt of Atlanta.

I met the main team. It was a little awkward with Amy but I have rougher skin than that.

Hmm, I'm taking over this camp while they're hesitating on who should lead. I'll start by making friends with the main and useful person of the team.

Glenn is already in the bag, Andrea and Amy would follow soon.


Ok, I'm officially the chief of this camp. I bedded Amy once more and we made up. Andrea came to my side.

I beat up Merle till he respected (or feared) me and become a better brother to Daryl than he ever was. Got them too. After that, I raised the idea that we should choose a chief. We voted but as I had almost all of the resources gatherers on my team I won by a landslide.

The system gave me a tank and an helicopter for this. I think I start liking this system.

I let them feast for two days then set up my rules. There were only one rule. Everyone should contribute to the camp and they will get contributions points for it. Everything from water to guns will be exchanged with those.

I let those that wouldn't accept the rule go away with nothing but themselves. Nobody did. Pussies all of them.

I knew that the weak would suffer from that as they were many oppositions as I profited to add one rule: never oppose me. But I don't mind if someone prostitute himself to pay his rab.

Shane's been nailing Lori and paying for both her. I decided afterwards that kids wouldn't have to pay for their needs as they were our future. It got me some favors from the women.

***** Days 59 to 293 *****

We have been gathering resources and cars to move out and create a true shelter.

Today, I'm with T-Dog, Glenn, Merle and Andrea to gather what we could find. Daryl been leading in my stead. That's when Glenn showed me Rick on a kick ass horse going into a zombies horde. Poor horse.


So long story short, we took him with us to the camp while crying the poor horse. We gathered enough things so we're moving soon.

When Rick came to the camp, he met his family and I taught him the camp rules.

While waiting for Rick to recover, we started doing plans about where to go. I wanted to make the prison my first headquarter but I didn't have the least idea about where it was. So, I let them propose their ideas and finally chose to go to the CDC cause I wanted a good bath.


We met the crazy Doctor with all his shit, but the hot water was great. So as I wasn't a pussy no one from my team dared to stay behind with the madman; no one I wanted to keep anyway (like Carol husband). And I took most of the center materials with me, courtesy of our surplus vehicles and my inventory.

I shared with the group the fact that we were all infected and it didn't change jack shit beside the policy of stabbing our dead in the brain from now on.

Then we went toward another refugees camp as I remember that's what they did in the show. I wanted to meet Beth as she was one my favorites from the show, crazy little girl.


It seems we got on the right road if the mob of zombies is anything to go by. So we followed the strategy we had for his kind of situations. Forming a closed circle with the biggest of our vehicles. Everyone (the kids included) get on their knees with knife and trash cans lids we gathered. Daryl and Merle then drove their bikes to attract them away and come back.

After that, as the road was blocked, I decided that we would search around for shelter. By the end of the day we found the Greene farm and obviously got rejected by Hershel. I asked to let us stay for the night as we had kids and he accepted.

During the night we sympathized and he talked about his will to treat the zombies. I managed to not laugh out and even praised him for his positive attitude. I then talked to him about what the mad scientist said about we all being infected by Wildfire and to let stay for awhile to test together his idea.

He accepted my offer as long as I controlled my minions. I then tried to make the farm my first headquarter to fulfill the third mission of my system but got denied. The system then showed a message saying that to make an headquarter I needed at least 10 people, a clean water source, two kind of food sources, a secured perimeter around it, at least 1000 liters of fuel, an energy source and many other shit.

As I wasn't seeing myself build a fence around all this freaking farm, I decided to wait for the prison and not poison Hershel.


Things went their way: Glenn is hooking up with Maggy, Daryl with Carol and so on. It didn't work long with Amy but thanks to the augmentations from my system I was a god in bed, so I never lacked pussies in the free ones. Oh, also Rick and Shane are having a dick fight about Lori, Carl and the baby to come. But no killing here as my rule was clear: if you kill someone you paid as much contributions as I judged he could have brought to me otherwise I was killing him myself.


We're packing to move away as we detected a horde coming, plus all that shit about killing some mob guys. Rick took back an injured kid and I directly put a bullet between his eyes to discourage this kind of behavior.

Hershel is reluctant to leave but I don't bother with him as I know he would be forced to before long. And I got to recruit Michonne: firstly show her that I'm superior physically, then provide her a better way to survive. I'm sure she'll get around before the month end.

I'm shaping my helpers: Daryl, the ranger; Carol, the kinda spy; Michonne, the sword woman; Glenn, the scout; whoever wins between Shane and Rick would train my recruit (I hope it's Rick as I want to test the theory saying that he's immune when I get the necessary infrastructures); Sasha would be my sniper and I'm hinting to Maggie to learn her father craft.


As our depart was prepared, we carried enough rations, some horses and the like. It took us more than 200 fucking days to finally find that prison. I was starting to lose hopes but everything worked out.

Oh and Shane decided to went his own way during the travel. Rick payed some CP for him to keep some rations, a car and a gun. I accepted. When he went away, I went to kill him to avoid any would be problem. I did let him what he was given though, I like keeping my promises when I could.


Under one week we took care of the zombies and prisoners inside (I just killed them) our new base and buried their corpses in what would become our farm. Why waste such good fertilizers right?

The following days we cleaned our new home, broke some cells to rebuild the fence and walls. From almost a year of scavenging, I had enough materials to build 5 headquarters according to the system requirements.

So when our reparations terminated and we disposed of all the materials we 'found' in the prison, I then build my first headquarter.

For my reward, every enemy unit get a de-buff in a perimeter of 1km around my base while my minions are empowered. I could appoint some people to some positions in the headquarter and they would get a big buff accordingly. One person per position for an headquarter and I can change it until he dies.

I also got two heroes cards: my first try got me Gru from Despicable Me (nice one I wanted a tech guy) and Bob the Builder. Obviously they aren't as cheated as in their show but they were good nonetheless with 100% loyalty to me. I passed them on as survivors that reached the prison.

I also got some armored buses that the gang 'found' in the prison. The defenses of the prison got raised to a whole new level. It could survive tanks now. And it would be harder for my minions to get ill while on my grounds. It also boost their loyalty towards me.

The problem is that we're to few to manage this big base.

***** Days 300 to 500 ****

We got Sasha and her group integrated into ours.

Lori still died off in spite of better delivery conditions. One less useless mouth to feed I would like to say. Rick had his crazy episode about Lori ghost but nothing my fists couldn't solve.

We discovered the location of Woodbury and started to plan how to take it over. Daryl and Carol would disguise as 'lone' survivors and get accepted. While Daryl would be under monitoring by the governor, Carol would gather informations (especially on how bad the governor is so I don't have to deal with all the humanists in my group) and facilitate the taking-over. I'm proud to say that under my teachings Carol didn't fear herself.

The final nail was when the Governor and his men disposed of the military. We get all of it filmed and diffused it in Woodbury. The self-righteous asshole obviously started rioting and before the Governor could smooth-talk them we attacked. No one escaped.

We then took all the willing survivors with us back and the camp was finally full.


A squad headed by Rick went to his old police station to search for more weapons. Never have enough of these. Gru already started fabricating some good things but still need more times.

Thanks to our training and almost futuristic equipment nobody got killed by the crazy Morgan and instead captured him back for a shock therapy under the insistance of Rick to not kill him.


We discovered an hermit guy going by Eastman. He didn't want to join us but for some rations from time to time he will train some of the wimpiest of my guy to his bullshit stick art.

I instated a new rule to thoroughly inspect the newcomers for diseases before integrating them as we got the tech for it.


We started becoming a little too much for the prison even after killing off some unstable factors like the mice girl. If in spite of our well-thought out education (indoctrination) and what to do to survive and not cause problem to others, she was still so crazy I had to make an example of her. Her family not supporting their bad skills as parents decided to 'follow' her in her death. I wanted to send the little sister along to close the loop but Carol promised me to educate her well.

That's the kind of episode that keeps everyone from ever thinking going against me. Plus having tasted power from the mute system I wanted more. Since I took over the base I didn't get any others missions besides managing and expanding my territory. And no rewards so far in spite of becoming more than 100. That's why I started doing plans for taking over more bases.

***** Days 500 to 511 ****

I think Michonne was well integrated seeing how she looks after her last night on the Barney's car. As there're more thirties chicks around than my usual hunting range, I literally grew my standards ages ago.

But enough talk about my great sexual life. I'm targeting Terminus. Some of our teams found their markings and I already launched the tracking for their base. Retards the lot of them; they probably never thought what would happen to them if a stronger and bigger group followed their tracks.


It was done quickly. Once their base found and mapped out and their cannibalism kink found out; I led two armored bus in my helicopter (yeah Gru could fly it) and we massacred them all. After some rebuilding, I got my second base.

The major reward this time was one hero card. I got Bruce Banner, not the Hulk, Bruce Banner. I was a little disappointed but I supposed the system was trying to keep this world integrity and what not. Anyway, he was a great help to re-start studying Wildfire.


In the meantime we took over the hospital as well. I liked their system but they lacked a firm hand. Also Rosita group got integrated. We found them on their road to Washington. As I liked her little ass, I expressed my skepticism to the retard scientist claim but decided to help them on my term. The red head wasn't happy about that but the coward spewed some nonsense words to make him accept, seeing how well off we were.

Also I think I'm not aging kinda like a game character.

***** Days 512 to ****

It took only one week away from my bases comfort for Eugene to spill out the beans so we took him back to work under Bruce. Abraham having lost his goal was wallowing himself in self-hate while I was getting closer to Rosita little asses.


So the plan didn't change, we're still growing my territory. I decided to send squad to strategic positions to establish more bases as I discovered the system would automatically integrate them. I was even setting my hands upon the outside of the continent before soon.

All resistances was to be destroyed with superior number, tech and training while increasing my dominion over the world.


Twenty years after the virus outbreak, we got a serum thanks to dissecting Ricks who presumably died heroically on a mission.


Fifty years since my coming, to this world I accomplished all good dictators wet dream: I rebuild this post apocalyptic world to my image. I'm GOD here and yes I introduced a new religion around me explaining why I never age.


Three hundreds years later

Everything been going too well for a long time. I'm bored.

Looks like all my stories finish the same way lately: me getting too tired to write a good ending.

Evil_For_the_WINcreators' thoughts