
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Others
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40 Chs

Omnipotent in Dragon Ball

This is the story of how I became omnipotent in the world of Dragon Ball.

Eons ago, before the beginning, I was an average man without problem living my life as I could. I had a little passion for mangas, animes and the like. Maybe this is why I was somewhat sociopath. Anyway, this life ended somewhat abruptly by a truck squashing me in my room.

Yes it's illogical. In short, I was ROBbed. The only notice I get was a message saying: "ENTERTAIN ME IN THIS WORLD OF WISH-GRANTING DRAGONS". I was glad to have lived as I did as it became a boon for my new life.

I was born in a modest family, with violet haired sister and father and a black haired mother. I was named Meidai. How glad I was to be born on Earth!

Two years passed I could now talk fluently and I move as much as my body permitted. So I started doing the only thing anyone in Dragon Ball would do: training. It was more running everywhere until I'm tired and start again. It gave me great stamina and would hopefully shorten the gap between me and the really talented humans like Krillin, Yamcha and the like.

When I was five and my sister Papuru seven (she was so cute, she'll absolutely become a beauty), an old hag, the archetype of the old witch came to us and said that my sister was gifted in magic. She proposed to take her as her disciple. She looked like Fortune Teller Baba with her hovering on a crystal and the difference could be due to the world not being in 2D anymore. Only she never had an apprentice in canon so they probably refused.

With this deduction, I encouraged them to accept and asked to be also taught. Unfortunately, I was said as not having any talent and that I would never be able to thrive in the magical field. With my sister insistence, I was accepted nevertheless.

With my sister and our new master, we went to a castle and started our learning. My eagerness will diminish when I would see that when my sister could levitate a feather on her first try after skimming through the theory, it took me one week of work. I didn't give up anyway. It was magic after all.

I learned that this was not Fortune Teller Baba as she didn't have any family. Also this world didn't have any city. What's happening?

Ten years after the start of our apprenticeship, we learned that our parents gave us a little brother. We went to visit them. My sister was already a full-fledged witch master at fortune-telling and soul handling and I was barely able to detach myself of the astral plane thus hiding from divination and shield my mind. Life was hard and boring.

When we went home, we saw our newborn brother and he was full of energy. Maybe I could really get attached to them. Nan, not really. What surprised me the most and was like a revelation for me was the name of my brother. He was named Roshi.

With that I could finally connect the dot. I was born in the past but fortunately as Muten Roshi brother. I could work with that. We continued my apprenticeship as a sorcerer but our visit to our parents became more frequent due to my constant nagging. I would take any chance to spar with Roshi.

It was during one of those visits, that I get laid for the first time in this world. She was an average looking girl and we stayed together for three months.

Fifteen years later, I gave up on becoming a sorcerer and went to Mutaito dojo with Roshi. Once more the difference of talent between us was shown. I was average at best when he was a genius. Once again, I persisted. If I survive through this I would reach my goal.

Five years later, King Piccolo came down on Earth with his mutated demon children. The old guardian should be dead then. Weirdly, Paparu master also disappeared after making her her successor. She could be linked to the old guardian.

Many dojos went to defy him but they all lost. I went with Mutaito, Shen and Roshi to do the same. We lost also. Mutaito then said he will come back with a way to defeat the demon.

Shen went his way and I went to hide with Roshi in the mountains. Piccolo was a tyrant and killed whenever he wanted. This was the kind of power I wanted on a bigger scale.

Three years later, Mutaito found us and we went to fight King Piccolo once more. He taught us the Mafuba. It was my goal all along. It was a hard fight and the fact I was more concerned by my life than killing the demon didn't help. Mutaito finally used the Mafuba to seal the Great Demon King in an electric rice cooker. Roshi dropped it in the ocean as I didn't care.

One year later, we went our way. I went to my sister now named Uranai Baba and asked her to help me make a divination. She refused and tell me to do it myself. So unfortunately I couldn't get the Dragon Balls like that.

I then started to adventure in the world to try my luck. If a dog could be lucky enough to find them I would also be able to do it. I will once again be disappointed.

Legends of Roshi was coming to me. How he became known as the strongest martial arts practitioner. How he created his dojo. How he gained spiritual treasures like the nimbus, the flying carpet, the bansho fan,... in his adventure and many more.

I roamed the world for 50 years without success so I gave up. I started living like an hermit and would sometimes visit my siblings. I gained eternal life in one of these visit to Roshi.

I never neglected my training as there wasn't much to do beside flirting. Roshi taught me the Kamehameha and his Full Power technique but it took me 90 years to master.

When I compare myself to Roshi, the only advantage I have is that I'm not bald and that I'm liked by the girls.

Some years later I learned that Roshi took two disciples once again. Son Gohan and the future Gyumao. Soon I will reach my goal.

Son Gohan came to defy me and I lost. He was worthy of his title of strongest. I befriended him and I visited him sometimes.

I'm fairly rich now, I invested the money I saved during centuries in Capsule Corp at its debut. They didn't need it but they accepted and I now am a minor shareholder of the company with 5% of capital.

I even dated Panchy for a moment before she married Brief.

During one of my visits to Son Gohan, I met Son Goku or Kakarotto and he was a pure and cheerful kid. Only a few years to wait.

Gohan is dead. Canon began. I followed Goku and Bulma since Roshi gave them his Dragon Ball. When Pilaf and his two henchmen called Shenron, I knocked them out along Oolong and Puar.

I wished to swap body with Majin Buu but was refused. I then wished to gain all Majin Buu powers but was once again denied. I then wished the same for Zeno, the Great Priest, Whis, Beerus and Moro in that order but I was refused. I finally gave up and take a piece of paper and wished for all things written on it to be realized. It was finally accepted.

So on the paper I wrote to make me as talented as possible in all fields especially for martial arts, to make me masterise all languages which existed and exist as long as giving me all martial art, ki, magic techniques he could without frying my brain and to make me younger once more.

There wasn't much beside the techniques I already knew but I was satisfied. I then went to Roshi and squatted in his home.

Time flew past as I was learning and training with my new-found talent. I was as talented as Yamcha in martial art and I had more experiences. I learned to fly just by following Gohan instructions to Videl. I also learned genetics, robotics, programming and the like. It was easy to learn but I was far from geniuses like Bulma and Brief. I focused on magic as it will be the most useful later on.

With me becoming young once more, I was popular among the girls and my life was fine. I could be satisfied with that. Who am I kidding. I want much more.

King Piccolo came back. My brother died and Goku killed him. It's good like that. I hope I'm in the original timeline and not Trunks fucked up timeline or worse.

After King Piccolo event, I involved myself with the group. I learned many things from Bulma like how to construct a dragon radar. I also went to Korin to train. Without my new found talent, I would not be able to keep up with them. I learned Kienzan from Krillin, the multi-form and Kikoho from Tien and perfected my telekinesis with Chiaotzu.

The tournament came, I didn't participate. All went like in canon. This is good as it gave me more hope that I'm in the good timeline. Also, I perfected Counter Mafuba by seeing Piccolo doing it.

I went my way and continued my training. I started building a gravity machine but it's not easy. I could ask Brief or Bulma to help me but it's not necessary. For now weight are still useful.

Some years later the saiyans attacked. I went to Roshi to watch the fight. It was awesome only that they were too weak for the saiyans. Goku came and all goes as in canon.

I asked to be a part of the expedition to Namek. With my help, we avoided the false planet Namek and came early to planet Namek. I was voluntary to stay with Bulma and protect her. Some days later, Krillin tell us to go to Guru to unlock our potential. It was amazing. I became stronger than ever. My three hundred years of training wasn't for naught. My power level went to 6000.

I came back to Bulma and stayed with her until Goku came. When Ginyu was trapped inside the frog body I went to kill him. He was dangerous for my plans.

Afterwards, they summoned Porunga and wasted two wishes before Guru died. I went to where they were and hid waiting for Guru to be resurrected.

When Porunga came back, I quickly wished for him to grant the wishes on my paper. We were then teleported to Earth. I wished for the same wishes as for Shenron. He only enhanced Shenron gifts and couldn't do much more. I'm now as talented as Nail and knew the Gods language.

All went according to canon, they wished Goku back he said he would come back in one year. Frieza and Cold came in time.

And it's here I knew that God didn't like me, there was no Future Trunks. Goku managed to defeat the two tyrants but I knew that he was doomed to die and that I couldn't realize my dreams like that.

I focused on learning Instant Transmission as it could be another safe line for me. I then went to Namek to use their Dragon Balls to make me immortal. I could never become stronger anymore but it was a good fail safe. I still could better my techniques anyway.

So Goku died, the Dragon Balls couldn't save him. The androids came. The Z-fighters were killed one after another. In all this time, I only cared about keeping Bulma and the new-born Trunks alive.

Twenty years later, the Time machine and the Drugs for Goku was ready. I went with Trunks in the past. After he gets rid of the two Frost Demons I said to him that I would stay in this timeline for the three years to motivate our friends. He went his way and I was finally in the good timeline.

I learned that I didn't exist in this timeline and it was for the best as there could not be two of me. I went to Namek to wish back for my mortality and resumed my training alongside the Z-warriors. Quickly, I became the fourth strongest in the group.

Three years passed and the androids were coming. I went with them to spectate and was once more disappointed. It was C-17 and C-18 which means I was once again in the wrong timeline. I quickly went to Namek to wish my immortality back.

Soon after, the androids were defeated and Trunks and I returned in our original timeline with the remote device. Once more I stayed with Bulma and Trunks.

When Trunks wished to go back thanks the others I let him go alone as I knew he would get killed by Cell. One year later, as he wasn't coming back I proposed to Bulma to build a Time Machine that would track Trunks' and that I would go get him.

It took us 5 years to build it, the hardest part was to track something that didn't even exist in our timeline and could have been destroyed but Bulma was a genius. We even get together as time goes on.

Two years later, Bulma was once more pregnant and I was on my way to Trunks. All goes smoothly.

I was finally in the good timeline as I could see Cell egg not far away. I destroyed my time machine and knew that Bulma would not send her new child after me as she would be too worried to also lose him/her.

Age 763. The Namekians just used their Dragon Balls to get to their new home. I didn't wish my immortality off as it could also be a unknown timeline..

I checked that I didn't exist in this timeline and waited. Some months later Trunks came to give Goku the medicine. I went there myself and he didn't knew me which mean I didn't exist in his timeline. One person less to kill. Anyway, I didn't get my hope up.

Three years after, Android 19 and Android 20 came. Then Android 16, Android 17 and Android 18. At this moment I went to them. Since I would stay here for some years, better get some companies.

I stole Krillin role and get attached to C-18. Unfortunately, it wasn't as easy for me as she had a thing for bald dwarves. Then Cell came. I played the idiot and didn't destroy C-18 with the Remote (I took it from Bulma before she called Krillin).

The Cell's game came and all went like in canon. I wished for C-17 resurrection and for their bombs to be removed. Only then did I went to Namek to wish my immortality off.

I then courted 18 and married her in two years. We had a boy together and named him Azure. I created an entertainment company and started many games, movies and the likes. I soon became wealthy even though it was less than before.

I lived happily for 7 years before learning about Goku return. I decided to not participate in the tournament and went in holiday with my family through the galaxy. We were passing by Namek when we learned about Majin Buu rampage. What a coincidence, huh? We decided to stay on Namek until he was destroyed. I was even the one that wished for Goku to regain his energy.

Now my plans depended on the fact that it could go toward Dragon Ball GT directly which would make it uncertain for me or toward Dragon Ball Super. I was powerless there. It was unpleasant.

Fortunately, I was lucky for once. Beerus the destroyer and his angel Whis came to Bulma anniversary. Then canon occurred.

Golden Frieza came and went. I stayed with Whis and didn't die during Earth destruction. Afterwards came the tournament between Champa and Beerus and the start of my plans.

There was I watching Goku fight Botamo. I had a book with a list of wishes in it. I knew the God language. There's 6 Super Dragon Balls aroud us and I knew the seventh one was the planet upon which we were. I knew the formula to call him. But could I do it fast enough that I won't be destroyed by Beerus, Champa, Whis or Vados? No, I didn't think so. Moreover, I could be in the universe where Zamasu steals Goku's body. I could not travel through the universes to gather the Dragon Ball myself even though I had the Super Dragon Radar (Porunga could not send me to Universe 6). I could have waited, maybe in the future there would be a moment where I could get them without endangering myself.

That was the time to make a gamble with my life. When Zeno came and everyone was surprised, I said: "Come forth, Dragon of the Gods, and grant my wish pretty peas!" in the Divine Language. Super Shenron woke up from his slumber and broke through his barrier. After he broke through his barrier, he stretched throughout space and got bigger than multiple galaxies. After Super Shenron concluded his dynamic entrance, he sent me and me alone (he could feels I wanted to be alone even with my mind shielded) in his body to get to his core to be able to ask for a wish. I asked for the wishes in the book to be granted then I blacked out.

When I came back, to myself I was alone in the void. I didn't have a body but was just an amas of gas. I formed myself a perfect body. Yes I wished to become Buu when he was formed.

I also asked for: All worlds, timelines, I went to be erased. To learn all about the lore of Dragon Ball. To be made as powerful as he can. To get as much potential and talent he could give me. To get as much as powers he could give me. To be utterly invulnerable to erasure. To be immune to death. To be able to absorb anyone or anything and get their powers and how to use them but not be influenced by them. To make Zalama powerless in front of me even if he's also Super Shenron. To be able to suppress anyone power. To get omniscience but I could turn it off and so on. It was book of hundreds pages and this was just the first one.

So after my formation, I was already immensely powerful. I learned that Zeno and the Great Priest was created by Zalama (he wished for them) so I changed my plans. Originally I wanted to absorb Zalama, Super Shenron and the like but I didn't need anymore. I was already omnipotent. I flash forwarded to Zalama creating Super Shenron and make him slightly less powerful (he could not affect me or make someone reach me).

I lived eons and gathered myself enormous harems many times. I created and destroyed universe. I raised Zeno. I made all imaginable and unimaginable things. I'm even more powerful now than at my birth. Now I'm bored and this portal will lead me to a new world for more entertainment. My name is ZenBuu.