
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Others
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40 Chs

Heroic death

My name is or rather was Josef Salerno. I was born in a militaristic family. My father was Генера́л-майо́р (Major General) and my mother Генера́л-полко́вник (Colonel General). When I was 10, my big brother became a Мла́дший сержа́нт (Junior sergeant). Even my little sister eight years younger than me was predestined to the military life. With such a background, my destiny was all mapped out.

My school was an army made one. At 18, I graduated and became a Сержа́нт (Sergeant). At 21, I was recruited in the Russian Spetsnaz. My family was so proud of me. Seven years later, I was dispatched with my unit by the GRU to the Sri Lanka. We learned that some terrorist groups got an hydrogen bomb plan and the required materials. We had to eliminate them before the completion of their projects.

They were hiding far away in the wilderness. It took us two weeks to reach them without being detected. A bloody battle ensued. We managed to eliminate the target with acceptable losses. It was at that moment, we discovered that the bomb was finished and its destination fixed. After ten minutes of trying to stop of redirect the bomb we had to make a hard choice.

We reported the situation to the higher-ups and the logical order came soon after: Detonate the bomb immediately and sacrifice ourselves for our country, our world. We were all proud to give our life for our country. With a last salute, we detonated the bomb. There were not settlements in the proximity but I'm sure some unfortunate souls were taken in the explosion.

That was the story of my death. Now I'm floating in the darkness reminiscing my past to keep some sanity.

???: Good monologue, dude.

Surprised, I turned around and saw and gigantic western dragon. Each of its scales were made of galaxy cluster. Its fiery white eyes were indescribable. It was a majestic creature, apex of the food chain. I feel tiny in front of such a sight.

???: Yes, you should flatter me more. I almost came now. Anyway, you can call me God.

OK, this is just a scum. God? As in god who created the world.

God: Not god, God. And no I didn't create your world. This dude did.

An image of a old man in a white toga appeared for a moment.

God: I just stole your soul for my entertainment.

OK, I can accept this. Was my death useful? And what about my family?And my friends?

God: Yes, in a certain way. You and your team managed to prevent World War III. If the bomb reached its destination it would have launched a chain of reactions leading to a total war. But on another hand, it was all predestined and all illusions of choices you had is just a joke by overly free higher dimension beings. About your family, I don't really care. They are just ants for me. For your friend they have been judged according to your creator laws.

I see. What will happen to me?

God: You will be reincarnated in a world of my choice and try your best to survive and keep your ideals. The goal is simple: see how long before you broke. Now what world will be good to start in? Hmm... I know. It will be... Berserk. You will be reincarnated as a common girl sold by her parents and destined to become a vulgar whore to survive. A little before the Falcon of Light rebirth, you will be tortured by the inquisition until you either confess being a witch (and be burned on a stake) or die from excessive torture.

I was already white from this destiny. How can I escape from this?

God: I'm not a monster... or maybe I am. Anyway, I will give you a special Beherit. Green? Yes it's a nice color. You can use it infinitely. Each time you use it, what you will gain will proportional to your sacrifice. With that you will be able to change your destiny as long as you sacrifice others people. Now you can always lie to yourself and tell that you only condemn evil soul to damnation but the value of your sacrifice is the same as the value you give it. Good luck and struggle as long as you can.

A white light engulfed me and I started disappearing. At last, I heard the monster says something.

God: If you manage to pass this trial without yielding, I still have some 'good' things prepared for you. Maybe, Uzumaki of Junji IIto for a little vacation. Don't let this weight on your mind.

That was my last memory before my rebirth. I will show this monster that human will is better than it thinks.


???: Darling, are you torturing a poor soul once again?

ROB: You know me. Their struggles are one of the last things still entertaining me, nowadays. Come watch with me.

ROB 2: OK, I think this one will be great. If he kept his ideals through this world will you send him to another horror world like you promised. I caan recommend some good ones to you.

ROB: No, I don't have your patience. I will just send him back to his creator for his judgement. But if he yield and sacrifice his loved ones, I will let him do what he wants.

ROB 2: Spoilsport. Anyway, let's watch. (S)He is born.

I'm not Russian and all these informations came from Google. If something is wrong, well... I did my best.

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