
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Others
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40 Chs

Harem or no harem

I like harem but I prefer single pairing.


Fanfictions are by definition will fulfillment stories. It's normal to create harem, reverse harem or mix (I would talk about harem as I'm a straight man) in these types of stories for many reasons:

- The writer could appreciate many characters and want to pair them with his own character.

- The readers rarely (never) agree on a single pairing even when they don't want harem so why not give them all they want?

- Some worlds call for it: Some worlds accept or even encourage the idea of polygamy or polyandry and it could be a symbol of status. If the main character is reborn as a Chinese emperor or an imperial scion in feudal times for example, he is expected to have empress as well as concubines. It would be stupid to challenge the custom just for that.

- This is the popular choice.

- If you were to be in the main character place wouldn't you want to get all your favorites girls? (when male).

- Harem allows variety and continuous romance shenanigans.

- …



To begin what I mean by harem? We will talk about harem when someone is in a poly amorous relation with many partners- be they consenting or not. If they aren't consenting i.e they are forced, blackmailed… it's just a slave harem and what I'm saying doesn't concern this case.

Furthermore if the Main Character is a player or changes very often partner, it's NOT an harem setting. If someone beds his secretary while being married it's just cheating and not harem or polygamy.


******************Satisfy most readers: They would each find their desired pairings

******************Allow the writer to live his own fantasy through his character: If the writer is not having fun with his own story, it would absolutely be dropped.

******************Try many conquest setting: Conquer a yandere and make her accept a kuudere (good luck with that in real life)

******************It's more susceptible to create comical scenes: the interaction between harem members is interesting and most of the times hilarious.

******************Permit plenty of different scenarios for NSFW content and it doesn't get repetitive too fast: threesome, foursome, yuri (or god forbid ...yaoi),...

******************When well written, the changes in character which push the would be partners to accept a polyamorous relationship when they would be against it in normal times


Most of these concern big harem with over 20 members for example. In harem with 2 to 3 partners, it's easy (easier) to write the relationship correctly.

******************The main character is seeking with all his might to become the harem king. This leads to "gotta catch them all". If it's done by forcing the partners (like a godly system where you just have to raise their affections to a certain level to change them in loyal slave) I approve it totally. If it's not done like that, then it usually becomes a Gary Stu or Mary Sue story (and I hate those).

******************The main character is stupid, idiotic, dumb, worst of all dense as fuck: If the protagonist isn't proactive in the pursuit of the harem, it is forced on him with many love interest being mad in love for him/her. After many clashes, they finally decide to stay together with him/her instead of risking losing him/her. Conclusion: Either the protagonist is too weak willed to choose like an adult or too dense to remark what's going on.

******************Most of the times, the reason why the harem members accept the idea of harem (in a setting where they shouldn't) is just plot convenience. In other words, utter bullshit.


Single pairing

It doesn't mean that the main character will only be with one person all his life. Grow up a little. He/she could (should) have many partner before deciding on one. He/she could be cheated on or he/she could cheat on his his/her partner and ut would create interesting drama (if discovered but of it's not discovered why bother do it).


******************It's mature. In a fanfic, choosing a single partner isn't easy and even less if you choose to forget all canon and or popular character to pair your main character with an original one. (The readers would flame you)

******************No need to defy an established rule to make it happen.

******************You have space and time to develop the relationship of your couple. The partner character would also be developed in-depth and he/she/it would not just be an eye-candy.


******************Insatisfaction of many readers as they won't get their desired pairing.

******************Sex scenes quickly become monotonous and boring if not done well.

******************The romance would quickly become boring if not spiced up from time to time.


Now why I prefer a single pairing to harem. Most of the times, harem is the easy way out and is badly written. And like I said I find harem chilldishin most setting.