
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · Others
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40 Chs

Encounter with ROB 2

As my husband was doing it, I decided to also share with you the reasons of this masquerade.


I don't really know when my first body formed but it should have been many cycles before I gained sentience. I gained sentience because of my husband. It was an accident really.

When he decided to slept on my body, he was releasing a large amount of energy. All this energy was propagating everywhere on me and around. I wasn't self-conscious so I wasn't using it at all (I didn't know I should nor if I could).

What pushed me to absorb this energy and gain sentience was a meteor shower. It was an especially heavy meteor shower. I was heavily injured. I was desperate (not that I knew). I don't know how but at this time I just lashed on the surrounding energy and absorbed it. After a certain amount of times (later I estimated it at around a thousandth of a cycle), I gained a sense of self. Only one thing, PAIN. I started to gather the energy quicker and quicker.

A ninth of a cycle later, I was bloated with energy. My body merged with some meteorites and I was healed. I then started to reflect on my future and concluded that I was still in danger. What to do?

Obviously if I'm tough enough no meteor could harm me. How to do that? I started compressing my body to make it harder but there was a problem. My core was too close to my skin. If a strong enough attack reach me, I could be grievously harmed. Solution: make my body bigger but preserving it density.

I was in a dilemma. I had to take matter from surrounding planet but I couldn't move as I wanted. I was only spinning on myself. What saved me was my sheer obstination. I spun, spun quicker and quicker. It caused a large field of gravity around me and started to attract the body around.

When the first reached me, I felt a new sensation in my core (I would later learn that it was elation created by my accomplishment). I absorbed it and continued my race. Sometimes later I fairly dense and large; and there were no body around to absorb anymore.

I was secured but I didn't have a goal anymore. I waited. Waited. Nothing to do.

I started inspecting my own body to find and repair any flaw. This was at this moment that I discovered hubby body. I didn't know what it was beside that it was releasing the energy I was absorbing and that I couldn't assimilate it even with my best efforts.

My life was then summarized at trying to affect this body or trying to find another things to do. Yeah, it was boring. I was so pure at this time. I didn't even know that I was bored.

Any way after an eternity (just half a cycle in fact but it felt like an eternity), the body moved. I hid myself and observed it. I was scared (but also happy as it was a new change). I then felt a sudden pull and then I was materialized in front of it. He then said that it was interesting how I gained sentience and started to ask me questions. I didn't even register as the time that I could understand him. I was just answering all his questions without hesitation.

He named me Atlatonin. According to him, it means the first companion in an ancient language.

[In fact it means Mother Goddess in Aztec].

He concluded that I was as bored as he was and decided to entertain me. He proceeded to separate me from my body and put me in a new one. I was disoriented and he was laughing all the times I tried to walk and failed. Finally (probably that he wasn't finding it hilarious anymore), he imparted me knowledge about my new body and how to use the powers it gave me.

We then started our trip and I was dumbfounded by all there was besides me. I always strived to discover more and more, learn new things. In hindsight, I shouldn't have been so eager at these times.

After a time there was no new things to learn or to do. He reassured me and said that al we have to do was sleeping and that there would be new things to do after. I complied and it marked the end of my first cycle.

Many cycles later, something changed. He didn't seems to be affected by the new things anymore and was staring at me all the times. Half a cycle later, he said to me that he loved. I said that I also loved him (I had 'loved' many people before. I even resurrected some a few times as they were good companies.) but he said that it was different. That if I was to disappear for good (and not our game to experiment mortal death) he would destroy everything and himself to hope reaching me. This is how he loved. This was different. I didn't understand what he was saying, how could I disappear as we were eternal. Many worlds died and we were still kicking. What was he saying?

He asked me if I loved him like that, also. Obviously, no. I didn't even understand what he was trying to convey. We continued this cycle, but it was annoying. At the end of the cycle, I decided to go my way and continue my existence as I find out that his state of mind was what made this cycle so annoying.

For many cycles, I was alone. It was funny (at least funnier than our last cycle together) at the beginning but not having someone to reminisce past cycles with me was bothering me. So I made for myself a companion. It was exactly my double. It got better for a time but she was just mimicking me. It became quickly annoying.

I then started to change companion after companion. Someone at his image. One of my kids in previous cycle. On of my 'lovers' in previous cycle. Original companions… It was just boring without him. I started to understand what he was saying as I started contemplating suicide.

Some cycles later, I decided to go back to him and tell him that I also loved. He accepted me and we went back to passing cycles together. It was more entertaining than all I had done before. I was in the clouds.

Hundreds of cycles later, boredom came back. Doing things together wasn't appealing anymore. It's not that we didn't love each other anymore (we checked), it was just that staying together all the times was tiring. So we began alternating between cycles together, cycles alone and cycles with another companions.

Billions of cycles later, we didn't have anything new to do. Our existence became repetitive. Some cycles later, I proposed to my husband that instead of letting mortals create new entertainments without our input (as if we involved ourselves there was no surprise anymore), we would pick randomly some mortals and put them in new environments to see what change they'll do. They could even find new way to entertain us. Some refinements later and we got our reincarnation business.


We are in a fabulous garden, I recreated from planet Eden. There's life everywhere beside me. I was dressed in a roman toga and there was one of my lover behind me. This setting came from the mind of F57366T2523Ath candidate for reincarnation. I take the form that each candidate thinks perfect.

Me: "Hello, noble man. Welcome to the reincarnation door. Normally you would have your memories cleaned before reincarnating. But, the little boy you saved made many miracles in memory of the brave man that saved him. He single-handed stopped World War III. So you got enough karma points to be reincarnated."

Candidate: 'How can she be so beautiful. And her voice. Behind her is... Oh MY GOD' "...Is this Kratos in toga behind you?"

Me: "Ah yes, he is a valiant warrior that even managed to kill my husband (one of his avatar at least). This is why he is my lover now. But more importantly, about your reincarnation you get 3 wishes and you can select the world you'll be going to."

Candidate: "...Okay. Isekai, hein. I want to go to the world of Beelzebub. I want to be reincarnated as Oga Tatsumi when he's 3. I want The Gamer ability with a shop that would have all the items from all the existing worlds. I want unlimited currency for the system. I want to be able to travel within dimensions with anyone I want."

Me: "This is more than three wishes. Let's see. Reincarnating as a 3 years old Oga Tatsumi is a wish already. For The Gamer ability, it would be limited by the world you're residing. It come with a shop obviously but the shop would only contain items from the world you have already visited. The price of items is determined by the system -distance to nearest instance of this item+estimated price of the item at this place- and the system currency is the same as the world one (if there is many currencies in the world, the system would take the most used one). We also don't give unlimited something as it would destroy the balance of the multiverse. For traveling dimensions, the regulation would be fixated by the system. Now what are your three wishes."

Candidate: 'Damned fanfics where MC gets wishes in 1. Hmmm, no need to reincarnate as Oga. With The Gamer system, I could always get to Baby Bell and get Hilda and all the others girls.' "I would take The Gamer, dimension travel ability and as much as system currency I can get."

Me: "Great. You can get as much currency as your karma i.e one billion. Good travel and may fate be with you" I then send him on his way.


Hubby: "What were this bullsh*t rules you used?"

Me: "It's to make it more interesting. Can't make him overpowered since the beginning. This poor lamb that you put in the void, will you let him there for 1000 years? After all you were the one that killed him and let him make assumptions."

Hubby: "No just 1 year (if I don't forget him). He won't recall anything anyway. What's this matter of karma? Why would the karma of one person be passed to another?"

Me: "Yeah, it was just a nonsensical mean to explain to him why he got wishes. You knew it already anyway. You just wanted me to say it for the readers."

Hubby: "You know me the best. Goodbye, I have someone to kill in artistic way."

Me: "Sigh, I don't even know why you find rewriting the universe law to kill a mortal remotely interesting. Have a good day."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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