
Sejin I love you

Bethi, lying on her deathbed, catches a glimpse of her childhood friend Sejin's life story. In that moment, a revelation strikes her with the force of thunder. She witnesses the depth of Sejin's unwavering love for her, a love she had never acknowledged beyond mere friendship. The realization hits her like a dagger to the heart—he sacrificed his life for her. Overwhelmed by an avalanche of regret and guilt, Bethi finds herself consumed by an ardent desire. If only she could be given another chance, another life, to bestow upon Sejin the love he truly deserves. And in a twist that defies all reason, her wish manifests before her eyes. She awakens, startled, finding herself transported back to her teenage years. Trembling with a mix of anticipation and nervousness, she summons the courage to utter the words that have long remained dormant within her soul: "Sejin, I love you." The stage is set, and the story takes an unforeseen turn. What destiny awaits Bethi and Sejin in this newfound chapter of their lives? Only time will reveal the secrets that lie ahead.

lemontree_som · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Bethi vividly recalls that fateful day, that grave moment etched in her memory. They were embarking on their high school journey together, but as Bethi entered the realm of puberty, she began to distance herself from Sejin. In turn, Sejin respected her decision and created a barrier between them. Yet, he couldn't resist the urge to shield her from the lurking shadows.

Bethi transformed into an attention seeker, her pocket money perpetually depleted by her relentless pursuit of makeup. While she distanced herself from Sejin, she only sought him out when she needed to borrow money.

"Why do you always give her your money, Sejin?" Momoka paused, her voice laden with reproach, as she confronted Sejin.

Momoka Yuki had befriended both Sejin and Bethi during their time in middle school. Sejin's kind-hearted nature had been a refuge for her on numerous occasions. Thus, when Sejin lavished all his attention and warmth on Bethi, Momoka couldn't help but feel envious. Witnessing how Bethi exploited Sejin only fueled her growing resentment towards her.

Bethi always looked up to individuals based on their outer beauty and wealth, longing to date a man with a handsome figure and substantial riches. Kota happened to be one of those types of guys she desired, and she never knew that he would be the person to turn her life upside down, making it a living hell.

Kota Yuchiri, the third son of Yadama Yuchiri, one of the top 10 businessmen in Hokkaido, possessed a deceptive personality. While he appeared good-natured on the surface, inside, he harbored an evil nature. He unscrupulously exploited others to fulfill his desires, using their fear or their greed for his wealth to manipulate them. Shockingly, Bethi chose him as her ideal partner.

Sejin, respectful of boundaries, never interfered in Bethi's dating choices, even though it pained him. However, when he discovered Kota's true self, he couldn't help but intervene to protect Bethi. Unfortunately, Bethi misinterpreted his intentions, mistaking his concern for love. She believed that Sejin spoke ill of Kota out of jealousy, thinking that he had romantic feelings for her.

"Beth, please believe me, Kota is not the right person for you," Sejin tried to convince her of Kota's true colors.

But Bethi misunderstood his words.

"Are you trying to smear my reputation so you can make a move on Bethi, Sejin?" Kota rudely retorted.

"You... Just you wait," Sejin stammered, attempting to explain once again.

"I know you like me, Sejin, but you've crossed the line. It's my life, my choice," Bethi shouted at Sejin.

Even after hearing those words, Sejin composed himself, took hold of Bethi's hand, and tried to lead her away.

"You bastard!" Kota shouted and punched Sejin in the face.

Sejin fell to the ground, not hurt by the physical blow, but deeply wounded by the fact that Bethi checked if Kota was hurt, never even noticing Sejin.

Seeing this, Momoka rushed to Sejin's side. "Are you okay?" she asked, filled with genuine concern.

"You already have one girl, and yet you still pursue another. Such a despicable person," Kota laughed, uttering those words.

Everyone watching, including Bethi, witnessed the same truth. In that very moment, Sejin experienced an outburst of anger, unlike anything he had felt before. He stood up, his fury boiling over, and grabbed a nearby cooler.

"You...," he started to say, but before he could finish, Bethi slapped him across the face. It was in that moment that even Bethi realized her mistake, but it was too late. Sejin looked into her eyes, filled with sorrow, pain, and a sense of betrayal. He wiped away a tear and ran away from the scene.

"Wait..." Bethi desperately wanted to stop him, but her guilt held her back.

"Well, you are just... I hope you find happiness," Momoka angrily and sarcastically said to Bethi before following Sejin.

Those were words that Bethi would never forget. From that day onward, her life began to change. Bethi watched her actions play out on the screen and burst into tears.

"Why? Why did I do this? I'm sorry, Sejin. I am sorry," Bethi cried and lamented.

"All the characters and places in this story are fictional. Bethi's character is built in a way that I never intended to portray general love betrayal effects. Thank you and happy reading!"

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