
Sejin I love you

Bethi, lying on her deathbed, catches a glimpse of her childhood friend Sejin's life story. In that moment, a revelation strikes her with the force of thunder. She witnesses the depth of Sejin's unwavering love for her, a love she had never acknowledged beyond mere friendship. The realization hits her like a dagger to the heart—he sacrificed his life for her. Overwhelmed by an avalanche of regret and guilt, Bethi finds herself consumed by an ardent desire. If only she could be given another chance, another life, to bestow upon Sejin the love he truly deserves. And in a twist that defies all reason, her wish manifests before her eyes. She awakens, startled, finding herself transported back to her teenage years. Trembling with a mix of anticipation and nervousness, she summons the courage to utter the words that have long remained dormant within her soul: "Sejin, I love you." The stage is set, and the story takes an unforeseen turn. What destiny awaits Bethi and Sejin in this newfound chapter of their lives? Only time will reveal the secrets that lie ahead.

lemontree_som · Fantasy
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7 Chs

First Love!

Sejin and Bethi first crossed paths when they were just five and four years old. Sejin always seemed older than his age, perhaps due to facing hardships at a young age or losing his father. He possessed a maturity beyond that of any average middle schooler.

When Bethi initially encountered him, he appeared gloomy and isolated. He never initiated conversations, whether with her or anyone else. In contrast, Bethi exuded boundless energy, always coaxing him into playing with her. As time passed, Sejin gradually opened up, and with each passing day, their bond grew stronger.

One fateful day, a group of middle schoolers began to bully Bethi. Witnessing this, Sejin dashed forward, attempting to intervene. However, being small and powerless, he stood little chance against the bullies. Even after enduring blows, he bravely shielded Bethi, taking all the hits upon himself. Bethi, paralyzed with fear, could only watch in silence as Sejin bore the pain.

Thankfully, a group of adults arrived and put an end to the torment. Bethi, finally regaining her composure, burst into tears. Sejin approached her, gently patting her head, and whispered, "It's alright."

Later, as they calmed down and made their way home, Bethi exclaimed, "Wow! You were like a hero back there. When we grow up, let's get married, okay?"

To Bethi, those words were merely spoken in jest. However, for Sejin, who possessed a deeper level of maturity, those words ignited something within his heart—a warmth, a happiness, and a budding sense of love.

As time passed, Sejin's feelings for Bethi deepened, though she saw him only as a close friend—a loyal and dependable companion.

Deep down, Sejin was aware of this reality, which is why he chose to conceal his emotions. Gratitude welled up within him for Bethi's unwavering presence during his darkest times. He longed to repay her, believing his debt to her far outweighed his own feelings. Thus, he kept his emotions locked away, hidden from her and the world.

Yet, Bethi gradually began to sense the depth of Sejin's affection for her, and unknowingly, she started to exploit his feelings to fulfill her selfish desires.

"This is the first time I've shattered his heart. I don't deserve the kindness he has shown me," Bethi cried, her voice filled with remorse and regret.

Hello, readers! Thank you for taking the time to read this. The chapters in this story are short because, well, even I have ideas about how the story goes, but my English is very bad. So, I've made them short. Please forgive me for any mistakes in grammar, and please overlook them. Happy reading!

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