
Seimeigakure: The Hidden Village of Life

With no other choice, I founded the Hidden Village of Life and became the first Seimeikage. The other Great Ninja Villages: Envy! Tsunade: I thought I was a pioneer in medicine, now I know I still have a lot to learn. Orochimaru: My experiments make me look like a novice playing with a vinegar volcano compared to him. Jiraya: Why didn't I know a place like this existed?! -------------------------------------------------- I do not own Naruto or any other universe that will appear except the MC. The cover has been generated by an AI after many attempts based on my drawing. If you like Naruto fanfics, check out my previous work: "A ninja who is always hungry".

Cadenadeaventuras · Anime & Comics
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132 Chs

Canceled Order

"First, you can't tell anyone that the forested area came from us or witness how it will come about. As far as everyone is concerned, it's the result of years of experiments by Sunagakure and something irreplicable in the short term," Anko pointed out.

This area was going to be born thanks to the powers of Tsunade's fruit, using specially cultivated seeds for desert conditions. It would accelerate their growth and control them to achieve the result of years of arduous cultivation in a single night.

"Do we need to prepare something?" Ebizo asked, concerned.

"A large amount of fertilizer and at least three water cisterns must be present in the area where you want the plants and trees to 'appear.' It will also be necessary to have at least eight to twelve barrels of the best alcohol you can get. The sum of this will determine how large the area can be at the end of the night," Anko said seriously.

In reality, fertilizer and water were the only requirements the seeds demanded, but the alcohol would serve as a motivator for Tsunade. The better her mood, the more effort she would put into it.

When Ebizo, Temari, and Chiyo heard that, they thought deeply.

Could the combination of fertilizer, water, and alcohol have such a miraculous effect?

"We can have everything ready in less than a week," Ebizo gritted his teeth and swore despite the cost. If it weren't for recovering economic support from the Wind Daimyo, he really wouldn't dare to take this step.

"Good," Anko nodded satisfactorily and turned to look at Temari. "As for increasing your strength, indeed, we can do it without any problem, but you have to be absolutely clear about something." A large amount of killing intent emanated from Anko and Pakura, focused on Temari like a cone. "If the strength we give you is used against our people, we will ensure that in the future, only four great villages are known."

"I- I understand," Temari was pale and sweating profusely. She didn't even doubt that the words were more of a promise than a threat.

"Good," the killing intent disappeared as if it had never been there, and Anko smiled happily to have reached a satisfactory agreement. "Shall we do it now?"

"Here?" Chiyo and Ebizo were left speechless.

What kind of strength could they obtain in just a moment?

"One minute," Pakura raised her finger and declared. "You just have to leave us alone with Temari for only a minute, and she will gain the strength she needs, but she must promise, by her mother, not to speak of how she got it."

This made the room fall silent for several minutes before the three seemed to come to an agreement.

"I swear by my mother that I will not reveal anything that happens in this minute to anyone in my life," Temari said solemnly, as her mother's memory was sacred to her.

The two elders left the room and closed the door, where they met Baki.

"What's going on?"

Ebizo waved his hand, indicating him to remain silent.


"I'm willing to bet, deep down, Pakura still loves this village," Chiyo said in a low voice. "But the village failed her, so I can only think that this is her way of making amends in a certain way."

The minute passed, and they entered the room anxiously, only to see Temari wearing the worst expression of her life as she held her mouth. If it weren't for Chiyo being an expert in poison and Temari gesturing that everything was fine, they might have suspected she was poisoned by her behavior.

"That's why I told you to eat some dangos," Anko reminded her with a shrug.

After all, another of the "flaws" of these fruits was that the unpleasant taste was not eliminated. So Temari was torn between wanting to vomit and having an existential crisis about how something so disgusting could exist in this world.

"You should bring her a glass of water or something; it will pass in a few minutes," Maki commented, mentally hugging Enel for not giving them defective versions of the fruits.

A few minutes later, in a hidden training ground.

Temari looked at her hands in astonishment, especially the new nails, before looking back at the deep grooves left in the solid rock wall.

And she got this just by eating an unpleasant fruit?

It felt so natural, had so many possibilities...

Meanwhile, Ebizo and Chiyo were dying of curiosity to know what the hell had happened in that minute of absence for Temari to gain these powers so in tune with her. But then they remembered the promise, and the desire passed as they wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads.

"With this, the position of Kazekage is a certainty that will end up in her hands," Chiyo declared. If with everything Seimeigakure has offered, they are unable to put Temari in that chair, she might as well drop dead right there.

And Temari didn't have a single word against it; after all...

She was going to become the first female Kage in history!

Her childish side was excited about being able to go down in history as a symbol, while her mature side had already started thinking about how she could improve the village with all the money the Wind Daimyo would send once she assumed office.

Without realizing it, her thought processes began to change to adapt to her future occupation, and she had already located and prioritized some things.

After all, she had been living in this place all her life, and she KNEW which places needed a cash flow urgently. Now she just needed to be trained by Chiyo to gain political skill, see things more broadly, think more flexibly, and meet the expectations that Pakura-sama had of her.

If Chiyo saw what was in Temari's head, she might have realized in time something she overlooked... too bad.

"Nevertheless, it will still take some time to make the whole procedure smooth," Ebizo told the three kunoichis after finishing the tests. "These are just internal matters; it won't pose any problem, but we have to go through them and do some publicity. At the end of the day, Temari is only sixteen years old, and we need to readjust people's perception of her a bit."

"We will return in about a month," Pakura said, looking at how happy Temari was, internally laughing at realizing that her hidden plan had successfully planted the seed.

"That should be enough time to start maneuvering; we will have everything ready for the forested area without fail," Ebizo nodded happily. "Besides, to demonstrate our sincerity, at the end of the day, Maki will no longer be labeled as a deserter ninja. I will take care of lifting the order myself."

Anko patted Maki on the shoulder to congratulate her; this was a small thorn in her pride, and now she could finally remove it.