

*Sexy crown Prince Alex has just returned from overseas. Being a lover of beautiful women, he flirted with nearly every lady he crossed paths with, including the palace maids depressingly* *His mother, the queen was getting fed up with his inconsiderate and unprincipled activities but that was the least of her son's concerns* *Find out what happens when dear Prince Alex gets to know a newly maid in the palace who is bossy and when he was forced to marry a princess who casted a spell on him so he could fall in love with her*

seunpeace17 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


The Sunrays hit my eyes so badly as I jerked up from my sleep wondering who opened the curtains.

"What the hell!" I said angrily as I stood up from my bed to face who did that.

"I'm sorry your highness." A young timid maid gasped.

"Why did you disturb my sleep for Christ's sake?" I asked still feeling angry, I was just enjoying that precious sleep.

"Am sorry your highness." She said immediately going on her knees trembling.

I smirked at her and accessed her, well she wasn't my type but I can still do whatever I want.

Anyway, ladies can't resist me.

I unbuttoned my shirt and dropped it on the floor and she looked up at me and gasped.

"You like what you see," I said with a smirk.

Her face became red all of a sudden and I chuckled.

I got into the bathroom and had a cool bath while she carried on with her duties.

I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my waist.

She was still cleaning the corner of my closest but something drew me to her, her butt.

Unaware I was behind her, I stared deeply at her butt while licking my lips vigorously.

She stood up and almost tripped while I caught her immediately by her waist.

"Careful," I whispered into her ears and I could feel she was swallowing hard.

"My Prince, I should get going." She said.

I chuckled and left her immediately taking one of my expensive shirts in my closet and wore it.

She left immediately and I wondered how these maids of this palace act innocently meanwhile they are not.

I added my hair gel to my hair and brushed it smoothly.

Wearing my trouser and my leather shoes, I took a look at myself in the mirror and smirked.

I didn't dress for any damn person, I always dressed so I could be noticed.

I took my eyeglasses along with me and went out of my room.

I always love partying and was sure ready for one as I got into my latest model sports car and drove out of the compound.

Well, a responsible Prince wasn't supposed to go partying or mingling with indecent kind of people but I don't give a damn.

I don't care about any fucking things people say and I don't want to know about it.

I drove at a very high speed on the highway as I smirked.


"Where's the Prince?" Queen Charlotte asked her advisor as they entered into the royal chamber for a very important meeting.

"I saw him going out but I don't know exactly where," Mateo answered.

"That boy doesn't want to grow, always going to irrelevant places instead of knowing and seeking knowledge on how to rule his kingdom." The Queen said bitterly.

"He will change with time," Mateo said trying to comfort the Queen.

"But when?" The Queen asked frustratedly as she sat on the throne.

"With time," Mateo assured her.


"Dude, what's up? It's been a long time" Raymond's best friend Alex said welcoming him as he parked his car in front of his house.

"Yeah, a very long time." Alex chuckled embracing his friend in a tight hug.

They both chatted and laughed at some silly things they do as they got into the house.

"Mehn have missed you!" Raymond said as he went to bring champagne.

"Me too bro," Alex said with a smirk.

"So guess you are ready for the party at Charles's place," Raymond said giving him a glass of champagne.

"Very ready can't wait to get through those ladies," I said with a smirk.

"You never stopped your ways without women," Raymond said laughing and stood up.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, let's get going and hook up with hot sexy girls." Raymond winked at Alex as they both got out of his house.

They got into the sports car and zoomed off.

45 minutes later.

Writer's POV.

They got to Charles beach house and they could start hearing the erotic sounds of music as they got into the compound.

Sexy girls going up and down while Alex and Raymond winked at them.

They saw Charles from afar and he waved happily at them telling them to come over.

"So nice to see you again Alex," Charles said hugging him.

"Yeah me too," Alex replied and scattered his hair making both of them laugh.

"Woah Woah!! Alex the hot guy is back." Julius said loudly from behind and both of them laughed and hugged each other.

"Come on guys let's go to the VIP section, there are hot girls there," Charles said loudly.

" What have been waiting for," Alex said and all of them laughed.

They got to the VIP section and were welcomed by a lot of sexy girls who danced and swayed their hips in front of them.

The boys drank wine merrily and laughed happily.

"Do you care for a dance?" A sexy young blonde walked up to them and asked Alex winking at him and swayed her hips in front of him.

"Dude she's hot," Charles said loudly tapping Alex.

" Sure," Alex said with a smirk and held her hands.

They both went to the dance floor and dance to the music as their body collided and kept hitting each other.

Alex took her to a private place and made out with her.

It was already getting late and Alex had to struggle to get himself home.

Two hours later.

Alex raced into the palace with his sports car, he was lucky to drive in the state he was in, cause he was already drunk.

He tried walking normally but his drunken state betrayed him.

He kept on walking as he collided with a servant boy who was carrying a bowl of water which mistakenly poured on Alex.

His shirt was soaked and the servant boy trembled in fear.

"Are you fucking blind?" Alex glared at him.

"How dare you, these are expensive shirts and you got them soaked," Alex said angrily.

"Am sorry your highness." The servant boy said trembling begging for mercy.

"Not even your earnings could buy this shirt." Alex blurted out as he clenched his jaw.

" That's enough!!!" Someone said from behind him.

Still shocked Alex turned slowly and met his mother glaring angry looks at him which can kill a soul.

"You can go." The Queen said to the servant boy.

" Yes, your highness." The servant boy said and walked out with high speed.

"Mother don't you see what he did to me," Alex said trying to make a sense out of everything.

"Where have you been Alex?" The Queen asked angrily.

" You don't have to know." Alex blurted out as he tried maintaining his balance.

The Queen looked at him pitifully and noticed he was drunk.

"Where were you and you are drunk again." The Queen said with a firm voice.

" Where have been is none of your business mother, and you don't care if am drunk or not." Alex fired back.

" How dare you talk that way to me?" The Queen shot back.

Alex kept looking at his mother and rested a bit on the wall with his arms crossed.

"I always wanted you to be a responsible young man that will be the future king of this kingdom but here you are just the opposite." The Queen said angrily with tears forming in her eyes.

" You have to listen to your mother, your highness," Mateo said from behind facing Alex.

" Mateo this is none of your business and stay out of this." Alex glared at him and walked past them.

" I don't care about the fucking rules anyway." He said loudly leaving the Queen and her advisor on a spot.

" This boy is getting on my nerves." The Queen said bitterly and left while her advisor followed behind her.

Alex got into his room.

"That bastard!" Alex muttered as he dropped his shirt on the floor.

His head was hurting badly and he walked weakly to his bed and slumped on it as sleep engulfed him.