

*Sexy crown Prince Alex has just returned from overseas. Being a lover of beautiful women, he flirted with nearly every lady he crossed paths with, including the palace maids depressingly* *His mother, the queen was getting fed up with his inconsiderate and unprincipled activities but that was the least of her son's concerns* *Find out what happens when dear Prince Alex gets to know a newly maid in the palace who is bossy and when he was forced to marry a princess who casted a spell on him so he could fall in love with her*

seunpeace17 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Alex POV.

I looked through the window of the plane as I stared at the beautiful clouds. I'm going back to my hometown, I just finished my master's degree program at the very young age of 24 in Italy.

I didn't feel like going home, I always felt like living my own life in my ways. Where I won't have to follow any fucking rules.

I had a luxurious life, I got the money and power too cause am a prince. I flirted with an almost damn sexy young lady I set my eyes on, well they couldn't resist me cause I'm charming and hot.

Every lady wished I could just spend at least 20 minutes with them without them being worried, all they wanted was to feel the glimpse of me.

Mother forced me to come back home once I was done with my studies.

I smirked as I stared at the latest iPhone I was using.

I was in the first-class section and was so comfortable. I winked at the air hostesses who looked hot in their uniforms and they wasted no time smiling back at me.

I was always classy, men always stare at me gazing at my outfit. Everything on me speaks money even my wristwatch is pure gold with diamonds on it.

My bodyguard sat at the other end monitoring almost every single soul.

We finally reached Canada. We spent fucking 9 hours on the air. I would have used that precious hour to hang out with my friends and be with any hot lady I wanted.

Anyway, I feel so good to be back home.

The airport was located at Moncton not far from my town.

My town is Memramcook a wealthy village, I will say.

I got down from the plane and the royal car was already waiting for me.

"Can't wait to get to my room." I chuckled.

The bodyguards packed my luggage into the car while the driver opened the door for me and bowed slightly at me.

I got in and settled on the seat.

I looked at my reflection through the mirror and smirked at myself. I was damn proud of myself. My eyes were pure ocean blue and my hair was blonde brown. I had a chiseled jaw which added to my charming and I was tall and built.

It was a one-hour 30 minutes drive. Immediately we got to the palace gate, the trumpets were blown which signified the arrival of a royal person.

I brushed my hair to the back and I could see lots of ladies giggling as they threw flowers in the air and people cheering at me. I waved at them and winked at the young ladies and their cheeks grew pink immediately.

The car stopped and the door was opened for me. I stepped out as a perfect gentleman would.

"Thank you all great people of Memramcook am so delighted to be welcomed by you all," I said at the very best I could, waving at them making them cheer loudly and the trumpets blowing melodiously.

I gaze at the atmosphere and felt happy.

I saw my mother approaching me and I went ahead to go meet her.

"Darling, I've missed you!" She said as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"I missed you to mum," I said back to her as I patted her back.

"You have grown so much bigger than when you left." She said amusingly breaking the hug touching my cheeks.

"And much more handsome." She added.

"Thanks, mum." I chuckled.

"And you added more beauty mother," I said complimenting her and she smiled back at me.

The maids had already helped packing my luggage to my room.

"Guess you are tired." My mum said holding my hands as we entered the palace.

I noticed some slight changes in the palace which added more beauty to the palace.

I walked hand in hand with my mother, she was a great queen.

She has been ruling ever since dad passed away.

"Oh my! See who's here?" Mateo said happily as he walked up to us, he has always been my mum's advisor and also acts like a father to me that's why I like him.

"Good to see you again Old man," I said with a smirk.

"You haven't stopped this attitude of yours." The Queen said rolling her eyes at him.

"Your majesty, I am no longer a younger man," Mateo said laughing.

"Mum I'm exhausted, I gotta rest," I said yawning.

"Okay darling, go to your room then and freshen up." She said.

"Yes mum, meet you at dinner," I said and walked away from them. I went to my chambers.

The maids were giggling and whispering among themselves.

"OMG, he looks more charming than ever," Ava said dreamily.

"Yes, he is, but stop daydreaming." Mila chirped in making the rest laugh.

I got into my room and removed my shirt and dropped it on the floor.

The maids were no longer in my room.

My room was just as big as always with the big king master bed. I found my way to my large bathroom and got in.

I had a warm bath in my big white Bathtub. Feeling fresh, I stepped out of the bathroom and wore my expensive casual clothes, and jumped on my bed.

"I've fucking missed you," I murmured into the bedsheets.

I was still inhaling the fresh smell of my pillows when I slept off.

An hour later.

I heard someone knocking on my door jolting me up from my sleep.

"Come in," I murmured.

Then the door opened and a maid walked in.

"Her highness said you should join her at the dining table." She said.

"I will be there in a minute," I said and she went out.

I stood up and checked my appearance in the big mirror that's almost as big as a wall, quite satisfied with my look, I brushed my hair to the back and went out of the room.

I jogged down the stairs and went into the dining hall where we eat and met my mum on the dining chair waiting for me.

I sat down opposite her and was waiting anxiously for my food cause I was quite starving and I don't joke with my food.

"Did you sleep, well son?" Mother asked.

"Yes, I did," I replied with a smile.

The maids started serving us and I was busy winking at them making them blush.

"You haven't stopped this behavior of yours towards women," Mateo said chuckling as he too sat beside the queen.

"You know me well for that," I said with a smirk.

"Son you know you're getting older and you haven't gotten yourself a wife." My mum cut in.

I almost choked on my food when she said that and I stared at her.

I wasn't ready for any commitment and am not pretty sure I could fall in love.

When I even think about I just laugh it off, people saying love changed their lives blah blah blah.

"I'm not ready mum," I said casually.

"What do you mean you are not ready? Soon you will become king of this kingdom and you will need a life partner beside you." She said glaring at me.

"Your mother is right," Mateo said gazing at me.

I ate my food silently and ignored them, I'm not in the mood for arguing.

I stood up and was about to leave the room when my mum said.

"If you don't get a wife soon, we will help you look for one." She said.

"Whatever," I muttered and went out.

Now that's one of the crazy reasons I don't want to come home, following stupid rules our ancient ones followed.

Who has time for all that nowadays?