
You Again?

Ugh it's too early to be getting up, but I know I have to for work. I got up and did my normal routine, I took a warm 5 minute shower, got out and dressed, got all my work stuff together and grab an apple for the road on my way to work, then I walked out the door. As I walked to work which was a 5 minute walk I wondered what stranage thing was gonna happen today. I was hopeful it was gonna be normal.

Once I got to work it was noon, I was just on time, which wasn't normal but I knew it was gonna be a good day. Until...

My back was turned against the register, and then I heard a man talking about what he wanted to order with a polite voice. "I would like to take a coffee to go and a muffin for the road."

As I turned around to place his order, I was more than surprised. "You." I didn't know what else to say, the man who was rude and then didn't even let me say thank you. But then again he did help me, so there was that.

"That will be $5.35. please." as I finished saying. For a man who has a pretty face, he sure can be moody at times, I mean he has a sweet side, but I bet people don't see it often. He needs a life honestly maybe he will get one soon and realize how to treat people.

"You.. umm.. here's a 10. That's all I have." He replied getting his wallet out to find change. He looked at me as he handed me the money. "I didn't know you worked here."

"$4.65 is your change, and yes I've been working here for a few years now. why do you seem so surprised." Sometimes I question his attitude, because it's like it changes every second. I think he's bipolar, one minute he will have this rude attitude and then the next he can be sweeter than candy. Wait that's not right.

"Anyway thank you for the coffee this is a great café you have running here. Keep up the good work. Mrs.Jones." As he started walking away, he turned to look at me

"Umm thank you?" How did he know my last name was Jones? That kind if concerns me knowing I haven't told him my full name. I guess I was overthinking things, maybe someone had told him, people like to talk.

Once I was almost off work, it was about 5. I cleaned up a bit, punched out and started to walk to the store across the street. As I started to leave the Café he was right there as if he was waiting for someone. Did he had a wife? or a girlfriend? With that attitude of his I doubt it.

"Hey, do you have a minute to talk." As he was saying trying to get a girl to stop running away from him.

I was curious about this man, I wasn't 100% sure who he could be, but I have heard rumors that he isn't the type of person to date or make something out of a relationship. Maybe he failed at love before? Did a girl break his heart? I had so many questions, but yet all I do is observe from behind. He was definitely something else, but I wasn't sure what it was, it was like I couldn't stay away from him.

"Daniel!" As I yelled to him with hope he would turn around. I started crossing the street, but as I started walking 2 cars were coming my way. My heart was beating fast, I didn't know what to do. I had closed my eyes "Ahh-"

Right when I opened my eyes, he was on top of me, his eyes staring into mine with concern. "Are you okay?" He finally said as he leaned a bit closer. I layed here wondering what it was I was feeling, I almost got hit and yet I'm on the ground with my face turning red with a man practically on top of me and yet the only words I could say was... "W-What are you doing? I-I'm fine, get off me."

As he slowly backed up not knowing what to do after I had yelled at him to get off me, he still seemed to want to help me. He looked at me with confidence, "Are you sure your okay, you almost got hit. You need to pay attention more. Your always spacing off concerned about others. What is wrong with you."

You have got to be kidding me, he was doing so good at having a good conversation and then he turns to say that rude nonsense? "I'm getting real tired of you talking to me like that, either make up your mind weather you want to be rude or kind. Why do you have to make it so confusing!" As I yelled starting to walk away from town and head home.

Maybe I overreacted a little, but when your talking to someone and helping them at the same time you don't just change your mood so quick. Who does he think he is?

As I got home I went to clean up a bit and then go lay down, my head still hurts from the accident. I don't know what it is, but even thinking about what happen makes me blush. Was it because he was on top of me, and I didn't know how to control it.

*Knock Knock*

Hmm? I wasn't expecting any visitors tonight, so I didnt know who it could have been. As I opened the door he was standing right there looking down at his feet. I had went outside and shut the door behind me. When I turned to look at him, he looked up and raised his hand to leaned it again the house as his face was so close to mine.

"W-W-What are you doing?!" I was so nervous, but I felt my cheeks getting so warm. He had leaned in a little closer and said, "Do you really feel that way about me? Do you really think I can't make up my mind or be nice?"

My heart raced a bit more, I didn't know what to do. He had me stick between him and the house, there was no where for me to move to. Why was my heart racing so fast? What could I possibly be so nervous about?.

"I t-think that you are a bit close, don't you think?" When he realized how close he was a moved his head back a bit, but didn't move any future than that.

"If that's how you really feel about me, then I think you should get to know me better, because who I am doesn't matter if your going to believe the rumors you hear about me. That was the old me, I want to be friends. I think you-" As he got quiet he looked at me and got close again, and finished to say, "I think you can be what changes me, but I don't know yet."

Like I knew what that meant. All that I cared about was him getting so close to me. Does he now know what personal space is, because I can teach him if I need to. "Listen Daniel, I don't know what your talking about. I know the rumors going around and I know that's why people don't like you, but is it true? Because I need to know if you want us to become friends."

"Yes some of it is true, I've lied, I've used girls, but that's not who I am anymore. And who told you I wanted to be friends? I don't need friends."

Huh? He used girls? Was that his secret from me? Was he afraid I was going to think that low of him because of things that are being said, it's not like I want to date him or anything. Don't get me wrong he is cute and all, but someone like him doesn't want a broken girl like me.

"Listen, who you were doesn't define who you are now. If you say that's not you anymore, you have to prove that to me first. and second of all you said you wanted to be friends. Idiot."

"Okay. and whatever Rose. You call me rude, but your the one calling me an idiot. I don't need you as a friend. I have to go, I don't have time for your unkindness!"

Unkindness? I didn't even say anything bad except call him an idiot which is true, I mean he can be one sometimes. What just happen? It's not like I need him anyway. He was the one who wanted to be friends.