
The Man

The streets were dark and lonely, no one was around, not even a soul. The wind kept getting stronger as I went against it, I honestly felt like I was going to get blown away with how small I was. As I kept walking I felt the wind getting a little weaker as the leaves went from all over the place to easily blowing around me.

Before I knew it I saw a man walking down the street, he looked as if he didn't care about the world. His hair was messy as if it was a blonde silky mop, his hoodie covered most of it, but as he kept walking I couldn't help but watch him walk away. I stood there thinking to myself for a moment. "I guess you could say he was kinda cute to look at, but why walk in the middle of he night? No that I can say so for myself, but I have a reason to be walking out alone."

I know it was rude to stare, but something about him made me curious. As I stood there slowly walking away, he looked at me with his pretty blue eyes, and his serious face. I didn't know weather to look away or try to explain why a creep like me was just staring at him as if I was trying to mount him or something. I turned to look away for a moment to see how late it was, and when I looked back it was like he vanished.

"You know a girl like you shouldn't be wandering around the streets all alone." A man's voice said behind me. "Something could happen to you." As he finished what he was saying.

I didn't know what to say to that knowing I walk out here almost every night on my way home from work and nothing has happen to me. I turned to look at him. "Ahhh-"

He grabbed my face and he covered my mouth, "You now scream? I've been watching you stare at me for the past five minutes as you kept walking. Why scream now?" He said as he was slowly letting go of my mouth hoping I wouldn't scream again.

It was the blonde boy I saw walking down the street all alone. "I don't know what your problem it, but you don't just sneak up on someone and grab them like-" As I looked at him closer, I forgot what I was going to say. His blonde hair blowing in the wind let off a scent as it covered his pretty brown eyes. His hair wasn't that long it came down to his ears and down to his eyes. He was rather hot, I guess a girl would put it.

As I was thinking about what to say, I was still zoned put not knowing what to say. Before I was able to say something he started talking with a rude voice "I wouldn't have been over here if you just kept your eyes to yourself instead of watching me the whole time? That is rather rude you know that right?"

He left me speechless. I mean he was right, but he was also in the wrong, who just comes up to you without you knowing and grabs you? Does he not know that is also rude? As he stared at me, my face got red, I wasn't sure why but it had suddenly got really hot to me.

"Listen I'm sorry for this, but it is getting really late, I think it's best if we just go our separate ways and call it a night. Don't you think?" I froze for a minute thinking if what I said was even a sentence. I didn't know what I was talking about all I knew was I wanted to get home I was getting really tired.

He quickly turned to look around, then looked back at me, "Like I said before I don't think it is a good idea for you to be wandering off in the middle of the night by yourself." I looked at him as if he was stupid.

"Then what do you suggest I-" Before I could even finish what I was going to say he interrupted, "Let me walk you home." He replied as he cut me off.

I stood there frozen for a moment, he can actually be nice? Since he has been over here talking to me he has been one rude boy, blabbing about me being rude, and then all of a sudden he wants to walk me home? I don't know if it was gonna be a good or bad things, but I didn't think it was going to hurt. Maybe he was looking after me, someone he just met. Yeah okay.

"I guess so, my house is up the road a bit ways." I said as I looked into the distance of blackness. Maybe I was lucky I ran into him, because I really would not have known what was out there.

More than halfway was silent, I got tired of it being quiet. First he's got so much to say to me he can't seem to shut up, then all of a sudden he wants to be quiet as a mouse. Soemthing doesn't add up, but at least he was able to be a gentleman and walk me home, even though I didn't know his name.

"Since I don't know your name, do you mind telling me, so we aren't complete strangers. You know?"

Was he reading my mind? Because I swear I was just talking about how we didn't even know each others names. I started to talk, "Umm-" and then he rudely interrupted me again. "Well if you don't mind me asking that is."

I looked at him and then looked down. Well if you shut up for a moment and give me a minute to say my name you would know what it was, but you always interrupt me when I'm talking.... "Rose. My name is Rose." I finally was able to say without any interruptions. "And yours?" As I finished my sentence. As I looked up my house was right there.

"My name. is..-"

"Well this is me, Thank you for walking me home safe and sound. I appreciate it, umm?" As I said not meaning to talk over him.

"Daniel, and of course I didn't mind. But next time if you are going to walk home every night from work at least have the decency to have someone walk with you." He replied as he looked at me with a fierce look on his face.

It's not like I wanted to walk alone, but I don't really have a choice, I have no family, no friends, besides the people I work with, but it's not the same. Why do you think I was walking alone? But for some reason I couldn't come out and tell him that. Probably because he was a total stranger to me, and it's odd to talk to a stranger about your life.

"Goodni-" I started to say as he started to walk away. "I don't know what your problem is, but you could have walked away when I said thank you and goodnight, you rude a**." As I yelled at him not caring if anyone else heard me.

I was home from a long night and I was able to actually go to sleep and get some rest. Before I went upstairs, I checked the mail and got me something to eat, then it was lights out.

To everyone reading this. Thank you. This is my first time writing for public, so I'm kind of nervous, but please send feed back. XOXO?

Anastasia_Sweattcreators' thoughts